Muhammed - was he an epileptic?

Scooby Doo

Registered Member
The Prophet Muhammed was most likely an epileptic who experienced seizures, and called them "revelations".

Unfortunately, some of these so called revelations were simply to benefit himself.
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Actually, it's possible

"God - just a neuro-physiological ailment?"

A recent Sciforums topic, courtesy of our own Cris. It concerns a recent article describing temporal lobe epilepsy and its possible connection to religious visions. The late prophet Ellen White of Seventh-Day Adventist fame is the focus of some of the present research.

It also occurs to me that Aleister Crowley, who received several volumes by dictation from an angelic association named Aiwaz, had a fondness during youth at least for hallucinogenic fungi. Let me say for those who don't trip, I am a prophet when under the influence of hallucinogenics. It's really easy. But more to the point, I have encountered a couple of episodes where I was seeing divinity. I'm curious about whether or not the drugs can create a similar effect to a seizure. I mean, sometimes lying on the floor and twitching while colors flash in front of your eyes, bells clang and drills buzz in your ears, and you drool a lot can be fun. A drug-induced temporal-lobe seizure is not an unreasonable speculation.

Muhammed? Perhaps. We'll see what future research tells us. If Jesus was actually a single person I think the same thing would apply. President Mbasogo of Equatorial Guinea? It's very possible. (Mbasogo was recently declared God by state radio, and has said recently that he has a permanent open channel to God.) Prophet Gibran? Perhaps. But I would tend toward other research that escapes me at present concerning brain activity during religious experience; something does happen in the brain when believers worship. Gibran may have simply been hypersensitive to this pseudo-cathartic emotion. Muhammed? Jesus? Heck, they were bright enough, in that case, to pull it off. Gibran overflows with compassionate wisdom. Mbasogo? Well, he is president of Equatorial Guinea, for whatever the hell that is worth.

I actually intend to study temporal lobe seizures at some point in the near future because I think I know them. In addition to waking-sleep and lucid-dreaming irregularities, I can recall one episode which seriously sounds like a minor seizure when I was 11 or 12.

Tiassa :cool:
...temporal lobe epilepsy and its possible connection to religious visions
You obviously have no understanding whatsoever Tiassa, and if you don't understand, then I'm not gonig to explain it for you. It is ignorant people like you, who even if they had the truth spelled out to them, would then go on to do more harm than good!!! You are fucking evil, and I mean it!!!

...and if you tell me I'm delusional again I will knock you the fuck out!
Originally posted by Mucker
Crap! You obviously have no understanding whatsoever Tiassa, and if you don't understand, then I'm not gonig to explain it for you. It is ignorant people like you, who even if they had the truth spelled out to them, would then go on to do more harm than good!!! You are fucking evil, and I mean it!!!

...and if you tell me I'm delusional again I will knock you the fuck out!

Woah. What did you do Tiassa??:p :D

Mucker's intentions do not look very friendly..:D

On Edit: You know what?

I'm going to withdraw this vile reply. And I'll even go so far as to apologize.

Sorry, Mucker. I wasn't high enough to appreciate the irony at the time.

Tiassa :cool:
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If epilepsy is going to enspire me to write a perfect book and code of conduct and give me billions of followers and the status of being a prophet of god, then this epilipsy must be a good thing...Not at all, Seizures are a horrible diseace that people that suffer from it are truly unfortunate and in constant terrible pain and fear.

Seizures have many symptoms that can not go unchecked. A person with a seizure usually needs plenty of help and runs the risk of being paralyzed anytime, while behind the wheel, swimming, ect....., These people must be followed closely and wear a bracelet incase they black out in public, because they pose a huge risk of hurting themselves. Prophet Muhammed never reported classic epilepsy symptoms as Julius Ceaser did and other known characters of history, and even if he did, don't you think an encounter with god would render anyone shaken and speechless and could be confused with a diseace....For god sake, Moses hair turned white upon stepping on the holly mountain and we didn't attribute alzeimers to him...Jesus cured the blind and many called him a majician.

PS. Do you have any study on other epileptics who claim they are prophets and were believed and moved masses? I suffer from seizures myself too and I don't think I have any convincing capability over anyone....I could get an episode while I'm tying now, but thanks to anti seizure medication now a days, my episodes are much less and controlled. Actually, although my seizure are medicated and controlled, the fact that I suffer from them have labeled me and took away from my credibility and my close relatives and family pity me for my diseace not look at me like a god send hero with visions. Seizures are an old diseace that have been known from the beginning of time, so no one would have missed it back then.
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