Do you look at the stars at night sometimes and ponder the deep questions of life ?
Do you have any alternative inspirations like that ?
Mrow, if you were not taken, and I offered to invite you to a barbecue, and you came and had a lot of fun and ate some delicious mystery meat and then I offered you a night of passion, what then would your response be?
Mrow, if you ate the meat and I told you it was indeed draqon, would you still eat it or would you get sick?
I do. Sometimes I think about how we're all under the same sky no matter who it is or where they are and wonder who else is looking up and thinking that while I am.
Would you rather eat fried maggots than barbecued Draqon meat ?
What do you mean?
Something different than the stars but with the same effect.
If you had to pick a body part of Draqon to eat which would it be ?
If you had to pick a body part of Draqon to eat which would it be ?
Yeah sometimes when I look in animals eyes I think of what things are really like for them and what their consciousness is like. And if I have a song stuck in my head I wonder how many people in the world have that same song in their head right at that same moment, maybe even across the world.
Sometimes when I drive home at night I roll down both my car windows and just listen to the crickets.. while driving by. It's really quite beautiful.
Was penis the answer you guys were looking for?