Mr Answers I have a question

i'll bet he can....he probably doesn't have the time to spare in doing so, however. he won't copy and paste answers like you copied and pasted questions..:bugeye:
Originally posted by Firefly
Why not just pm him, instead of wasting space?

Because i want his response public. And I don't like p.m.


Judging by his posting patern he has al the time in the world. Look at his last threads, and tell me more about copy pasting.

1.If Jesus's mission was to the lost sheep of
Israel,why was it confined to Palestine where only
two of the original tribes had settled? Did that
mean that Jesus had failed in his mission?

You have either never read the bible, or have read it in such a daze that you missed one of the major parts in it to not understand this.


Did Jesus's mission end when he left us and went to heaven, or did it survive? Hmmm...He told the deciples to continue His mission, to MAKE DECIPLES OR ALL PEOPLE. And they did continue it, and now look how many deciples there are in the world.

Anyway, where does it say that Jesus's mission was only to the lost sheep of Israel? His mission was to the lost sheep everywhere. Everyone is able to be in the body of Christ. Jesus' mission was for the lost sheep of Israel, but it was also for the lost sheep everywhere else. You could say, but Jesus means this literally, as in his mission was only for those in Israel. But look at what He says, the lost SHEEP. Does He literally mean, that only the SHEEP that are lost in Israel will be made deciples? No Jesus means that all can be made deciples. If Israel was His mission, then Israel is everywhere. Just like how Paul said, you are not only a Jew if you are born a Jew, if you are a Gentile, you can become a Jew by your belief in Christ. IN YOUR BELIEF IN CHRIST, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.

I could be wrong in my interpretation, but at least I've tried. I have learnt that although I don't have all the answers, that doesn't mean that they don't exist. "Seek and you shall find" Don't just rely on the answers of a 16 year old, go out and seek the answers for yourself. The best things in life don't come easily. Thats nearly a law. Do you expect 2 minutes of effort to cut and paste some questions will give you answers. No! If you want indepth answers, you have to seek them, and seek them with a lot of effort. Just like the former atheist Josh Macdowell did. Or C. S. Lewis did. Or the many other atheist converts.

Don't just say, "I've posted some questions to a Christian, and I didn't like the answers he gave me, therefore Christianity has no basis, it's a lie, and I'm not going to believe in it.

Nothing that is good comes easy. And understanding Christ is good, and for a sinner, it doesn't come easy. But if you seek understanding, and if you seek it with more then 2 minutes of effort, then you shall find it.
Question 49

49.If Jesus was the risen Christ, why did he meet his
disciples behind closed doors and not in the open as
he used to? (John 20:19)

I'm just answering the first and last questions because it takes too much time, and it's unthoughtful of you to put the wieght of all of these questions on me, while most of you don't even bother to go to the Christian sites that have the answers to most of these questions. You'd rather just ask one Christian for answers, and if you don't get them, you feel justified for believing that there is no God. If you don't believe this is true, then just look at your motivation for asking these questions. You are asking them to prove Christianity wrong, and therefore justify your beliefs. It makes sense that you only look for answers in places where you know you won't get them. Your on a science site, asking about religion. I always thought you people were logical, but I guess I was wrong.

Anyway, to the question:

This ones easy, Jesus showed himself to hundreds, especially when He rose into the clouds, or do you think no one noticed the flying bright guy in the sky all those years ago?

It's your decision whether or not you will look for answers. I can promise you that the ones that matter are out there. So seek and you shall find.