Mothman---what is it with this guy?


Registered Senior Member
If anyone has read "The Mothman Prophecies" then you know what I'm talking about. This strange "monster" puzzled peopled in Point Pleasant, West Virginia, from 1967-68, i beleive. He was seven to eight feet tall, had large "wings" on his back, apparntly little or no neck, and large, red glowing eyes, which usually was the only thing people saw. He was seen flying over a hundred mph. without even flapping the wings. At one point he stared a young woman in the face at point blank range. She contracted a kind of conjunctivitus caused by radioactivity.
I think that this case isn't the only time Mothman, or Mothmen, have been around. Easter Island's original religion was that a huge bird creature with glowing eyes came and told them to build the faces. Egypts Sun God- Ra, has the head of a bird and the body of a man. I don't know if that one is as important, but interesting to think about. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, a "sun god" seized him with mighty wings. When he returned he died of a mysterious disease, which Gilgamesh thought was the "poisonous breath of the gods." I think that could be radiation. Ditto for the sayings in both Exodous and the Epic of Gilgamesh-He who looks the gods in the face must die, and Thou canst not see my face, for no man may see my face and live. Questions? Comments? Concerns?
I've said this before and i'll say it again....My theory about cryptozoology is some are tied in with the allien connection. ie. chupacabra,mothman,bigfoot all have popped up in the last 20-30 or so years since the aliens have really become known. Abductions became more known in the 60's with the Hill case, chupacabras started i believe in the 80's and mothman around the same time frame. Bigfoot was around since before then. I've read abductee reports and sighting reports where Bigfoot was either sighted on a landed craft or around a landed craft collecting specimens of plants,water,and soil. Why hasn't a body been found? People have barely been able to take pictures let alone find a cave with one. Just something to think about. I've been having puter problems already but can still watch the board. Have a great day.
Love and Light,

Eric Cooper
ya, i've heard a lot about the goatsucker, i guess maybe he was some kind of genetic abberation which escaped, and started to multiply. Do you know if any of those might still be around?
Waaaaaayyy back when I first became aware of such a thing as cryptozoology (kindergarten) I read that the Mothman and the Jersey Devil were one and the same, and it was just that we had clearer descriptions in contemporary times that account for the differences in the descriptions.
That may be, but i dont know all that much about the jersey devil. Could you tell me a bit more about him? thanks
oh, and what did you think about the ancient city in that previous post? Just asking.

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Ancient city? I must have missed part of a post, unless you're referring to Easter Island, in which case I believe that the heads are more likely a way the civilization that lived there commemorated their chiefs or kings.

The Jersey Devil was described as standing on two legs, having red glowing eyes, and large wings. Arms or forelegs are never mentioned, but the wings are depicted (though not described in the text) as being bat-like. It is sometimes attributed with horns like a stag's. Some witneses described a horse-like face, others swore they couldn't describe the face from memory because the creature had the ability to "mesmerize".

At first the creature was sighted only by travelers on empty roads late at night, but it gradually became bolder and made a few daylight appearances. Then, as now, many people scoffed a the creature as being the fabrication of uneducated country bumpkins. Mark Twain's claim to have seen one didn't lend much more credibility to the stories, but one man shot at it. He nailed it in the wing and it hit the ground, but it was "as fleet on foot as on the wing" and he was unable to finish the job. There were no sightings for awhile after that except for sporadic, unreliable accounts by boys and their moonshine. There was no further activity that could be linked until the Mothman sightings began.

(Actually, in the 1920s, a couple had their car buzzed by the Mothman. It clipped the hood of the car and left a patch of wing-material behind. They turned the substance over to university for analysis and it was never seen again, having been labeled "deer hide". They said the man had been drinking and hit a deer. Since alcohol was illegal, the couple were afraid to press the issue. Although neither one drank, citizens didn't have as many legal recourses as we do now. They knew they'd get railroaded.)
Interesting, you got to wonder about the similarities between the two, examples such as the glowing eyes and wings. I don't know where the "antlers" come into play, that seems to be the only difference between the two. Think it might have something to do with genetic manipulation? ;) And the ancient city has my other post about my own theory. Interesting thing though.
Most sightings were in less that perfect lighting conditions. There must have been some confusion in the descriptions. Yellow journalism being what it was (and what it is becoming again), you can bet some of the stories were creatively editted, with the horns possibly being added to complete the image of a devil.