Most intelligent member

I would like to nominate everyone.

The talent round here is evident.

From those who can talk about politics intelligently, to those who can recite chemistry and to those who know the difference between a wormhole and a black hole...

Take Superluminal. Whilst he/she might not have a particular subject, he/she is ready to talk about these subjects. Draqon, known for poetry and aerodynamics, inzomnia for her chemistry, and even deathfromabove, with her witty words in the finish my word thread.

Its like a little community, which we all have to tolerate each others idea's. Refreshing to this point is that you want to.

instead of cursing

you could say it in a more civilized manner:

all the statements in the thread of who is the most intelligent member, are individual assessments and have little to do with reality.
Saying "what a bunch of utter cock" is much quicker.