Well, the question should not be "Godless" or not. I know it is a cliché to say that "all religions are basically the same", but they are not. Doctrine does matter.
First we need to make the important disctintion of whether or not a Religion is Antichristical. yes, their are Morally Good Religions, and Morally Evil Religions. The Morally Evil Religions should not count.
If people are actually Satanic but claim to be following God, then simply looking to see if they have Churches misses the real point altogether, doesn't it.
Now, the People of Scottland have PLENTY of Churches... that's not the problem. The Problem is that the Churches are nearly all Calvinist Presbyterian... perhaps the most Anti-Christical Theology on Earth. They believe the People are saved merely because God had 'elected' them for savation, that there is no Moral Connection to this 'Election', that we can see whom God has elected by seeing how much Money people have, that God rewards the Elect by making them rich, and God shows who the Damned Reprobates are by making them Poor. Presbyterianism therefore flips the Teaching of Jesus on their end, reversing the Beatitudes (Blessed are the Poor, blah blah blah). Honestly, the World should be glad that the Scottish People had not taken it all more to heart -- Religion from the Very Devil Himself, and so few Scottish People cutting our throats in our sleep to prove their Election.
Oh, need I add that John Calvin sited Paul for all of his damnable doctrines... most of Presbyterrianism comes right out of the Epistle to the Romans, with a smattering of Coritheans.
Anyway, that's my point. The Big Question isn't about whether or not people do Lip Service to God while advancing every cause of the Devil.
The real measure would be to evaluate the relative strength of each Society in terms of their Civilization. Practically speaking we can see God as Social Cohesion. How much is each Society like Heaven. Is everyone out to stab each other in the back, like in America and Scotland, or is everyone out to lift up their entire Community as a whole -- the Golden Rule and Love Thy Neighbor... all that stuff that The Forgiveness of Sins and Predestined Election toss aside as quaint preliminaries that were invalidated the moment Jesus was murdered for our Salvation.