Most Americans will be non-Christians by the year 2035 CE


In search of Immortality
Valued Senior Member
Some interesting recent statistics on trends within Christianity, and others.

Full article -

Extracts -

The percentage of American adults who identify themselves as Christians dropped from 86% in 1990 to 77% in 2001. This is an unprecedented drop.

Confidence in religious institutions has hit an all-time low.

At the present rates of change, Islam will become the dominant religion in the world before 2050 CE.

At the present rate of change, most Americans will be non-Christians by the year 2035 CE.

Agnosticism, Atheism, secularism are growing rapidly.

Interest in new religious movements (e.g. New Age, Neopaganism) is growing rapidly. In particular, Wiccans are doubling in numbers about every 30 months.

......and many more.

Indicators show a general decline in Christianity in the USA.

Other Stats - top 50 countries ranked on atheism.

Quote -

High levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality. Most nations characterized by high degrees of individual and societal security have the highest rates of organic atheism, and conversely, nations characterized by low degrees of individual and societal security have the lowest rates of organic atheism.

Organic atheism is that which is voluntary and not forced by government.

Note that the USA is one of the most religious countries in the world and most of Europe the least religious.


1. Christianity in the USA is gradually declining.
2. Islam is going through a massive increase through high birth rates.
3. The healthiest and best educated places to live are those with the highest levels of atheism.
Cris, this is very interesting. Especially the part that says the higher the organic atheism, the more healthy the society. Thanks for posting this.
Not a problem. I noticed another thread you created where you are looking for a church in the SF area. Why are you looking, if you don't mind me asking? You're not thinking of converting are you? Not you, surely? If you are just looking for a good discussion, try a baptist church. Don't overlook the fact, though, that once you let them know you are an atheist, their smile will most likely be a smile of incredulity and disbelief.
Good news. This means there's hope for America.
However, I fear their new idol is the almighty dollar.

Ah well..
My mission is to convert them of course. A noble cause against massively overwhelming odds. :D

Baptists - had them when I was 17 - they've since become far more fundamentalist and dangerous. An idea though.
I think the stats indicate that the world population is growing steadily and that Christains, Mulsims and the non-religious are also all increasing in absolute numbers. However, the percentage share of the pie is changing. The Christian share is decreasing, the Islamic share is increasing as is the non-religious, but becuase the non-religious share was small at the outset its percentage rate of increase is far higher than the others. As trends these are key directions.
High levels of organic atheism are strongly correlated with high levels of societal health, such as low homicide rates, low poverty rates, low infant mortality rates, and low illiteracy rates, as well as high levels of educational attainment, per capita income, and gender equality. Most nations characterized by high degrees of individual and societal security have the highest rates of organic atheism, and conversely, nations characterized by low degrees of individual and societal security have the lowest rates of organic atheism.

Organic atheism is that which is voluntary and not forced by government.

I think this is the key point here. I have been trying to say the same thing on these forums, but not as well worded as that.

Organic atheism... good phrase. It just means atheism that is not forced on civilians by their government.

It seems there really is hope afterall that religion will in the future be a minority thing. I mean, if it can decline in America, it can do so anywhere. Perhaps it doesn't feel that way because the religious right are on the defensive and trying to put up a fight, which does make America seem religiously more extreme than it is. Secularism appears to be an innevitable step for any country at some point in time, it's just a matter of when...
Cris, threre is one part of the chapter from your second reference that I think is important to note.


"Again, to suggest that widespread belief or non-belief in God is the cause of societal health or societal pathology is not my intention. Rather, I am simply seeking to clearly establish that high degrees of non-belief in God in a given society clearly do not result in societal ruin, and high levels of belief in God do not ensure societal well-being."

To me, this is the crux of the matter. Next line:

"This is an important fact to stress because politically-active theists often equate atheism with crime, immorality, and societal disintegration. From Muslim fundamentalists in Iran to Christian fundamentalists in Indiana, the argument is loudly trumpeted that belief in God is “good for society” – an ultimate panacea -- while rejection of the belief in God is bad for society. The above discussion reveals that this thesis is baldly incorrect."

If I had a dime for every time I've heard that "belief in God is 'good for society,'" I'd be a very rich man. The stats in your second reference clearly indicate otherwise, and support my 4-5 year suspicion that "God" may not necessarily be good for our health.
Cotton - yes a very good point there - I hadn't picked up on that. Nice.
You are totally wrong.
the Date is June 5th at 3:43 am 2024 CE, and not 2035 CE
-- your welcome
Good to hear of atheists slowly increasing the percentage of the populace. Do you think the world whether 'tis muslim, Christian or otherwise is willing to share common ground with a large non religious population. I guess then we'll see which group, atheist or theist, is the most violent because I can't see co-existence when numbers show parody.
Welcome back, cotton, eh.
Good news, good news. Finally, people are falling away from thier superstitious crap and heading back to the more logical ways: athiesm and polythiesm.
Yep Chris - it is the same here in Europe !!
USA might one day have to change name into The Islamic Republic of America !!