Mosques are a breach of the koran


Slightly extreme
Registered Senior Member
If i am not mistaken the koran tells muslims to provide money for the sick and the less fortumate.

To spend money building a mosque contradicts this and so goes against Islam.

i suppose this is true of most religions
Pi-Sudoku said:
If i am not mistaken the koran tells muslims to provide money for the sick and the less fortumate.

To spend money building a mosque contradicts this and so goes against Islam.

i suppose this is true of most religions

If you follow this through to its conclusion, you will get to -

Anyone who spends money on anything other than the poor goes against their religion.
Anyone who has more money than the poorest of the poor goes against their religion.
Any charity worker who spends money on anything other than the poor goes against their principles.
Any socialist politition must be poor.

But of course if every one was perfect we would never of had need for religions, charities or socialism.

And if you continue to follow your own argument, then you or I wouldn't have the right to criticise unless we were giving more to the poor than those we seek to condemn.

Hypocrisy is a dangerous stick to start waiving about because to some degree or other we all suffer from it a little. (unless of course one has no moral values or conscience at all - yuk)........... He who throws the first stone etc.
Yes, and so are Christian churches....

And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6: 5-6
Pi-Sudoku said:
If i am not mistaken the koran tells muslims to provide money for the sick and the less fortumate.

To spend money building a mosque contradicts this and so goes against Islam.

i suppose this is true of most religions

I believe that you don't understand the concept of "Zakat" or Charity in Islam. Yes Islam does teach to give to the poor, and the less fortunate, but in no terms does it say not to spend money on your needs such as food, shelter, or other legitimate worldly things.

I don't know if I am right but the Shariah, the Islamic Law, has ascribed a value of 2.5% of your total income or something like that for Charity. So basically you are only obligated to that 2.5%, unless there is some situation which makes you liable to pay. But otherwise it is only the 2.5%. All the other money which you give in charity is basically topping on the cake, putting more good deeds into your account with God. So to spend money building a mosque is not going against the religion of Islam, infact spending towards such things is encouraged in the Quran, the Muslim Holy Scripture.

"It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards east or west. But it is righteousness to believe in God and the Last Day, and the Angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your substances, out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practise regularly charity; to fulfill the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and patient, in pain (or sufferings) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the people of truth the God-fearing".

So you see that "to spend of your substances, out of love for Him" is encouraged in Islam, and building a mosque would fall in this category.

I hope this clears up the misunderstanding, and answers your question.

Peace be unto you :)
Light Travelling said:
If you follow this through to its conclusion, you will get to -

Anyone who spends money on anything other than the poor goes against their religion.
Anyone who has more money than the poorest of the poor goes against their religion.
Any charity worker who spends money on anything other than the poor goes against their principles.
Any socialist politition must be poor.

But of course if every one was perfect we would never of had need for religions, charities or socialism.

And if you continue to follow your own argument, then you or I wouldn't have the right to criticise unless we were giving more to the poor than those we seek to condemn.

Hypocrisy is a dangerous stick to start waiving about because to some degree or other we all suffer from it a little. (unless of course one has no moral values or conscience at all - yuk)........... He who throws the first stone etc.

Do you know anything about this? :confused: I recommend you read my previous post. And oh yeah 1 more thing, being rich is not against Islam. Where do you get this all from? :confused:

Peace be unto you :)
786 said:
Do you know anything about this? :confused: I recommend you read my previous post. And oh yeah 1 more thing, being rich is not against Islam. Where do you get this all from?

Peace be unto you :)

I'm sorry but I recommend that you read my post again. :confused:

I am arguing against Pi sudokos opening post and for charity , religions and yes Islam.

I am saying that we should not accuse others of being hypocrites unless we are perfect in that respect ourselves.

and PS - yes I do know a reasonable amount about this.