

Dont know how many of you get national geographic channel but they are having a special called Morphed. I was viewing a short preview and they are presenting some dramatic changes which . The changes appear to be due to necessity and i cannot see why these changes would occur if there was not a need.

Seems as though that without a need there would need to be purpose. If an organism does not need to change to survive then can we assume some sort of planning? Some foresight?

Some question's i have is why do these events always seem to be from millions of years ago and what would it take for Polar Bears to morph?

This link below is pretty interesting because without catastrophic\rapid change then...well it is easy to see where this is going so i will leave it at that-

Now it seems to me that polar bears would be a prime candidate for an evolutionary change to occur but what will it be?
thank you thank you!
I have been looking for that. I caught a glimpse of it on TV and then I couldn't remember what channel.
<hug hug hug>

There is no planning in evolution, except the evolution of the ability to plan. To say there was a need is somewhat misleading. What exists are opportunities, or niches in the environment that something with a particular skill or structure could potentially take advantage of. What happened was that within a population, there are variations. Some variations led to an increased survival rate in a given environment, so as a whole, the entire gene pool creates a living thing that, over time, changes. If those changes enabled something to take advantage of a niche, then the dramatic increased survival rate meant that that variation disproportionally spawned variations on that theme.
so did anyone else watch it last night? I saw the whale one (or at least til they got to be whales, then it got creepy) The bear one was on after that, but I couldn't stay up that late.

Did anyone see the bear one?