
killer of terrorists
Registered Senior Member
Morning everyone,
for all who dont know me, my interest has been sparked once again. I was on this board before this new format kicked in. Flash knows me best in here lol, I had a conversation with a new species i have yet to figure this one out. It drew me a diagram of its genetic make-up and it turned out to be nuclear atoms. I realize im ranting at this time. Im just thoroughly confused about now and must go into thinking lol. For general info: my wife has been abducted too many times to count,we are visited on a continuous basis,I have conversed with the subterranean species through my wife , and now this new species Friday night, many other strange occurrences too numerous to mention. Yall take care, i'll be reading postings here and catch up, sounds like many ignorant ones have come on here. Dave sounds intelligent as well as Oxygen, of course Flash and a couple others. Alien Princess--they are here dont let anyone tell you otherwise. Take Care all i'll be in touch

Eric Cooper
How the heck are you, man??? LONGGGG time
no hear *S* Glad to see you back!!!
You'll have to e-mail me with all this new
info you received...would love to read it.
take care!!
Yup i finally registered for the board here lol i know so long.......had to go to school for a month and am now a Sergeant.yes had another drew me a picture of its genetic make-up (atoms) but know nothing of atoms or dna will take it to my uncle when we go home for thanksgiving as he is a genetic physicist and wrote his own book on dna as well as a professor lol very heady man. i know it told me there will be a very nasty alien war here on earth July 26 2000 hate to sound like a damn doomsdayer and i hope to hell its wrong but thats what it said. well take care and expect to see me on the board continuously now.

Eric Cooper
HEY!!!!!! Man, I have to e-mail you soon..
you will not believe the feelings and..well..
I'll just e-mail you...
Later *S*
Ya you need to fill me in lol your roommate still in the dark? we need to go on voice chat soon,better that way to share stories. Take care and write soon.

Eric Cooper
Curious. What's a genetic "phyicist"? Do you mean a genetic scientist, or does he deal with DNA and RNA on the atomic level? I would love to see that diagram if you can scan it in and send it to me. Feel free to send me e-mail. You have my interest. I am also interested in some of those abduction reports. I have found so few that could not be explained through a medical or psychiatric condition that I am hungry for something fresh. Of course, if it's too traumatic to recount, I understand. I sincerely hope to hear from you soon.
Well,not really sure exactly my uncles status lol just know hes a dna researcher and used to teach genetics at the U of Alabama,will try and get it scanned in the next couple of days, the abductions: symptoms included a missing pregnancy,3 puncture marks which appeared overnight in a triangular pattern on lower abdomen,constatnt nightly nosebleeds during that same period of time,recurring dreams of being on a craft, in an alien nursery holding a strange baby,another time there was a period of amnesia for 3 days in which she pointed at a planet and explained how 'they came and took her there and then drew me a child-like map of our building as seen from above as well as an alien. I'll post more as i remember it. Oh ya and she has a filling yet has not been to a dentist which our army dentist was extremely puzzled over, and an unexplained hole in her nasal passage.

Eric Cooper
Yeah, tell me about it..voice chat would
be cool to do. Tell ya what...some time
in the near future when I have more time
I'll do that. I have bad work hours for
awhile :-(
Chat with ya soon *S*
Faerieshaman - I hope you can share with us more of the doomsday predidiction if you were told more than when it is going to happen.

I am certainly all ears!

Take care

PS: read my posts? am I a loonie? LOL :D

I believe.
Sorry currently no new doomsday info,lol,im not a doomsdayer really--was just passing on info from an alien as weird as it may sound lol. Anyway will share more as it is told of me,if anyone goes into yahoo chat at all iam faerieshaman in those rooms and mysticcoug in aol instant messenger. Lately have been in go there and download the all voice chat program,,,its great. have a great day.

Eric Cooper
i was wondering........ cause like my little bro is haveing like nose bleeds like every night for months. and there all over too. i was wondering... u think he got abducted?

Dexter-I'd try conventional diagnoses first. I think the place is called Although it's no substitute for a trained physician, it'll give you an idea of what may be causing the nosebleeds.