Mormons are "Losing a Lost Tribe"



Just found an interesting book, another study knocking the 'Book of Mormon' on DNA grounds.


"Losing a Lost Tribe
Native Americans, DNA, and the Mormon Church

Paperback. 216 Pages. / 1-56085-181-3/ $24.95

The Book of Mormon narrates voyages to the Americas by ancient Israelites. The descendants of these ancient seafarers are said to be the tribes of Native Americans who were on hand to greet Columbus, the Spanish Conquistadors, and the Pilgrims. “

A little about the author:
DNA genealogies of American Indians and the Book of Mormon
March 17, 2000
I approach this letter with a degree of resignation. It doesn’t matter that I have given my heart to Mormonism for three decades. This will count for naught to Mormons intent on uncovering the "real" reason I left the Church. Mormonism equips its adherents with a keen sense of judgment particularly when it is directed towards people who can so easily be branded apostates. With that label securely attached, Mormons seem to comfortably know how to think about a person who no longer believes.
How is the Book of Mormon any more absurd than blaming all of man's suffering on a talking snake?
StarOfEight said:
How is the Book of Mormon any more absurd than blaming all of man's suffering on a talking snake?
about as absurd as believing that Mohammad got it right & all others got it wrong
In this connection we introduced three “prophecies” from the Mormon “seer” for testing.

1. Smith prophesied that the civil war conflict between the northern and southern states would become so intense that “war shall be poured out upon all nations” (Doctrine & Covenants 87:1-3). It wasn’t!

2. On February 14, 1835, Smith “prophesied” concerning “the coming of the Lord” - that “fifty-six years should wind up the scene” (B.H. Roberts, History of the Church, II, p. 182). It didn't!

3. Smith gave a “revelation” that the Mormon temple would be erected in Independence, Missouri (Doctrine & Covenants 57:1-3). That “prophecy” failed also.

By the standard set forth in Deuteronomy 18:21-22, Joseph Smith, Jr. was a false prophet. Moses declared:

“And if you say in your heart, How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah, if the thing follows not, nor comes to pass, that is the thing which Jehovah has not spoken: the prophet has spoken it presumptuously, you should not be afraid of him.”

Too, while The Book of Mormon affirms that God approves of only “one wife,” and polygamy is characterized as whoredom, sin, etc. (Jacob 2:27; 3:5; 1:15; 2:23-24; Mosiah 11:2), Joseph Smith received the “revelation” of plural marriage as “a new and everlasting covenant” which could not be rejected without the penalty of damnation (Doctrine & Covenants 132:3-4).

These are but a sampling of the degenerate teachings of Mormonism’s “prophet.”

I also encourage reading this article: