Mormonism and the seer stones.


Before commenting on a particular faith you should first actually learn what the church teaches instead of listening to the propaganda of its detractors. However, when I have time I will go over your comments. It is like going to Nazis to learn about judaism, or the Ku Klux Klan to learn about racial issues. the Tanners and people like them are cut from the same cloth. They are all motivated by hate.

Also Itopal, Why don't you tell us what your religion is. I am sure there are athiests who could pick apart your beliefs using science. I will not attack your beliefs though because I will not stoop to the same level.
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It doesn't matter how a religion gets started, once it gets going it develops a momentum and evolution of it's own, like a virus.

I once went to one of their indoctrination centers, where they showed me some unbelievable movies about the South American Indians. I told the missionary they assigned to me how people actually come over tens of thousands of years ago on land bridges, but was greeted with blank stares, and offers to show me more movies. They are retarted.

I am only going to provide the link because this article is quite long. The article goes over almost every point you brought up at the beginning of this thread. It also debunks the Tanners and points out the fallacies of their arguments. If you are interested in a counterpoint to yours and the Tanners assertions then please read the information on the website that I am giving you. The source is the Foundation for Ancient Research and Mormons Studies (FARMS) at Brigham Young University.

A Look at Jerald and Sandra Tanner's Covering Up the Black Hole in the Book of Mormon
spidergoat said:
It doesn't matter how a religion gets started, once it gets going it develops a momentum and evolution of it's own, like a virus.

I once went to one of their indoctrination centers, where they showed me some unbelievable movies about the South American Indians. I told the missionary they assigned to me how people actually come over tens of thousands of years ago on land bridges, but was greeted with blank stares, and offers to show me more movies. They are retarted.


I had written this in another thread but it is pertinent to your question.

The Book of Mormon says nothing about Indians. It is about a family of Jews from Jerusalem who migrated by the direction of God to the American Continent. This happened about 600 years before Christ just before Jerusalem was destroyed and the Jews taken captive to Babylon. The Book of Mormon is about their journey and beliefs. They became a mighty nation on the American continent and split into two groups. One that believed in God and one that did not. According to the Book of Mormon this nation was later destroyed and their remnants scattered. They possibly could have been the forbears of the American Indians. That is the widely held belief of many Mormons, but the truth is we do not really know what came of the people mentioned in the Book of Mormon. It is a matter of much speculation, but no one knows for sure.

Lamanite is a generic term for all the indigenous people of the American continent. This includes Indians, as well as those that occupied central and South America. It also includes Polynesians as well. Now there are thousands of tribes and different sorts of peoples that populated this continent over the last couple of millennia. They all have different genetic markings. Not all of them came from the Book of Mormon people. In the Book of Mormon, when the Lamanites destroyed the Nephites they were scattered and of course mixed with all the other indigenous people. They assimilated into the various cultures depending where they were scattered. Now in the Book of Mormon it talks about the Niphites being of lighter skin and the Laminates being of darker skin. The Nephites were lighter because they did not mix into the various tribes that existed on this continent. They kept to themselves and were somewhat isolated. The Lamanites however mixed heavily with the darker skinned natives. They began to take on the beliefs and customs of the other native people and turned away from God. The curse was not that they had darker skin. It was because they were separated and set apart from God's people. Towards the end of the Book of Mormon it is the Lamanites that turned back to God and the remnants of the Nephites turned against God. That is the reason the Nephites were ultimately destroyed. The genetic markings of the original family that migrated from Jerusalem were destroyed along with them. Eventually even the few Lamanites that had turned to God died out and were not able to continue their traditions and beliefs and pass them onto the next generations. The final prophet Mormon compiled the history and beliefs of his people and wrote them upon gold plates. His son Moroni traveled all the way to what is now upstate New York and buried the plates. In 1820 the resurrected Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and showed him were to find the plates and translate them to English by the power of God so we would have The Book Of Mormon Today.

This is why they cannot find genetic markings among American Indians today. Anti-Mormons have tried to use that fact to try and disprove The Book of Mormon. The thing is, we do not know exactly were the Nephites lived, And we do not know absolutely for sure which Native American's today are descendants of the original lamanites. Any possible trace of a genetic marking would be stretched extremely thin after two thousand years.
it may be a generic term, however audible showed you this.

what are the Lamanites:

Definition: An ancient civilization that lived on the American continents. Their history is recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Pronunciation: [Lay-mun-i-ts] • (noun)

Also Known As: Ancient Americans

Examples: The Lamanites destroyed the Nephites around 400 A.D.

you can get this info from any encyclopedia or dictionary.

the nephites were the ones with white skins.

also Joseph Smith commonly referred to the Indians as Lamanites. When Joseph Smith sent Oliver Cowdery on a mission to the Indians, he said (speaking as god): "And now, behold, I say unto you that you shall go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospel unto them..." (D&C 28:8)
so please dont try cover the facts your book is racist and intolerent, and is found wanting for many other reasons.
mustafhakofi said:
it may be a generic term, however audible showed you this.

what are the Lamanites:

Definition: An ancient civilization that lived on the American continents. Their history is recorded in the Book of Mormon.

Pronunciation: [Lay-mun-i-ts] • (noun)

Also Known As: Ancient Americans

Examples: The Lamanites destroyed the Nephites around 400 A.D.

you can get this info from any encyclopedia or dictionary.

the nephites were the ones with white skins.

also Joseph Smith commonly referred to the Indians as Lamanites. When Joseph Smith sent Oliver Cowdery on a mission to the Indians, he said (speaking as god): "And now, behold, I say unto you that you shall go unto the Lamanites and preach my gospel unto them..." (D&C 28:8)
so please dont try cover the facts your book is racist and intolerent, and is found wanting for many other reasons.

Why do we even call them "Indians" when they are not from India? The remnants of the Lamanites assimilated into the greater population of indigenous people of the American continent. Lamanite was the name that was used in the Book of Mormon so that name was continued on in our day. We are arguing semantics here is all.
Brutus1964: Why do we even call them "Indians" when they are not from India?
M*W: Columbus set out for India, but when they reached North America and saw the natives for the first time, they said these people were "in dios," (godly people) and did not call them "Indians." That was an error in recording history.
This is why they cannot find genetic markings among American Indians today. Anti-Mormons have tried to use that fact to try and disprove The Book of Mormon. The thing is, we do not know exactly were the Nephites lived, And we do not know absolutely for sure which Native American's today are descendants of the original lamanites. Any possible trace of a genetic marking would be stretched extremely thin after two thousand years.
If there was any truth to this story, then there would indeed be genetic markers present in the South American population. Such markers do not get "thinned out". It is impossible to isolate one's self completely from the indigenous population, there were always raids and slaves taken and interbreeding. There would also be some archeological evidence for the existence of ancient South American Jews, at least one star of david somewhere on a rock, especially if they became a "mighty nation". This is fake anthropology, but then again, they don't believe in science, so it's like talking to a wall.