Morhic Fields and Psychon Theory


I feel that the theory of Morphic Fields should be investigated with more depth. Psychon
Theory suggests that matter arranges itself so that they can cohere to make a single living entity.
The idea is that there is a field responsible for telling particles to come together in a particular arrangement. It seems strange to think of consciousness as a particle, but psychons are thought to mediate consciousness.
DNA shows increadible arrangement. They build the genetic code for every living organism, and we think it is of a particular arrangement. It gives back importance as everything is then somehow predetermined.

The best quantum interpretation for this particle is the De-Broglie Bohm Interpretation which states there is a quantum potential telling particles how to move and behave. This is suggests that a collapse in the wave function has been designated since big bang.

Information quite literally determined existed well before it.
But it also means we have soals. In essense, the theory says that there is a finite amount of consciousness. It doesn't end there. Consciousness is recylced. We might see this in light of consciousness being reborn...

Furthermore, there is the problem how we define the distinction between life and dead matter based on? This distinction also entails a mysterious appearance of consciousness billions of years after 'big bang...'

I decided to develop a theory for this to explain how we became conscious, and what will happen upon death. I also wanted to discribe this as a type of Morphic Field, but instead calling it the biofield of consciousness.
It is best to always start with the simple stuff, then work your way into it.

First, there will be many biofields, according to how many types of liforms there are, how many inhabit the universe, and all life forms that will potentially be coming into reality.

I cannot see there being only one single force for all life. These fields must have a character with memory of space and time capable of creating a single type of life form. Thus i see it more probable that there is one biofield per life form race. One for the dog, one for the human and one for the little green men.

It is a potential field... consisting of virtual particles, like a type of sea. This will be seen in strong light from Dr. Ludvik Bass' idea of one single mind. Before nature has arranged the particles for the correct conditions for life or a particular race of life, the field can permeate all spacetime until it can activate the correct matter, because it would act analogous to the Dirac Sea, which is really the same as the Zero-Point Energy Field.

I believe that this sea of virtual particles transport consciousness through angular momentum... Just like two particles sharing energy through angular momentum. It will use seemingly dead matter to arrange living matter. Consciousness could not be fully defined before it became self-aware.

I believe that we become self-aware through the simple law of self-reflection. For a thing to self-reflect, it must be able to reflect on its own existence somehow. The ability to self-reflect on ones own existence causes us to be physically aware. But in the virtual state, we were not conscious. We were potential energy. This way there is a special correlation between the virtuals particles and the real particles that make us up.

Real matter seems to be a conduit in this theory. Arranged correctly and they would yeild the perfect vessels for life and consciousness. In fact, the field of consciousness may very well be electromagnetic in character. We can imagine this field to have a memory, and it would be seen as effecting matter. I find it interesting that the Zero-Point Energy Field is seen as causing the inertial effect on matter. The field would be seen acting like this, having an effect on matter as it moved through spacetime.

The energy (biofields) would have streamed in from big bang on a set pre-planned course throughout spacetime. The fields would have arose from the vacuum, out of the zero-point energy just as matter did, and flooded spacetime with information.

This is where my theory gets really strange. There are an infinite amount of potantial conscious energy, as opposed to the classical idea that there are a finite number of souls.

I don't beleive there necesserally needs to be a finite amount of souls which quantum leap into new bodies upon death. They could just simply merge back into the potential ether of the biofield for the rest of the universes history, which could be forever. This would mean that each individual truely are unique and individual. I considered that this might violate the principle of least action, but the need of it was more important. Without it, sould are recylced, and i am not so sure of that idea, despite of the claims of people who say they have lived previous lives, but i wouldn't be ready to simply jump into that theory without great cause. I would like to think though that the universe abides by the principle of least action in the case of creating single unique and individual souls than to simple recyling the energy, because then how does one measure how many sould there are and why is there a quota?

We can't even say, ''Well, estimating the time of the universe until we die and measure this time against the rate of human production, because we could potentially use souls for an eternity (if we get smart enough to avoid black holes), and learn how to live in an empty universe. If we have an infinite amount of souls, we might even say that the concept of determinism evaporates. In a finite field, there is an accountable amount of consciousness, making a measurable collective pool.

We can also see thoughts, feelings, emotions and dreams as all being product of some design made for it during big bang. Now, what caused big bang really isn't up for discussion here.

It seem irrelevent. Whilst it may have been caused by a passing brane, or that it simply came from nowhere, it is irrelevent. But it turns out that thoughts are in fact apart of the information contained within the biofield. We are already taught that spacetime has a memory, so this might be how spacetime acts as a mediator for this field. Again, it might be oscillating through the hidden dimensions of space. If it is a baby universe curled up into the 6th dimension of spacetime, we must assume that if it is coming from this universe, the information contained within the field cannot have a special configuration, but instead moving into this universe totally mangled of order.

Thus i tend not to think anything of order can mediate between this universe and Hawking's

Baby Universe Theory. And if Hawking is correct about black hole transportation, then stuff cannot even move between universes anymore. Funny enough though, this also has potential for dismissing the existence of the white hole, as it is supposed to spew out matter that a black holes sucks in.

Dreams, though they have no intuitive order, they have a cosmic order. This will also mean that this information is all contained within the being of a particular creature, in this case, humans. The contending idea is that quantum information moves into the self upon observation. For some reason, i never liked this interpretation. It was vague at best. It would have been so much better to say that information exists within the potential of the soul, or collection of psychons, or even the statistics of biowaves. They could contain a whopping amount of information. They would need to if they had been on a preplanned course throughout history. More interesting is that there needed to be a field for it to have this information. If we collect information from anywhere, it is from this field. And since we are a product of the same field, we must assume it is dormant within the soul, and becomes real upon measurement.

If consciousness has an energy, this energy will be in a ground state; the increase of knowledge is an increase of entropy, and this is show we either (come to remember an outcome), or if you like, (the gaining of knowledge from the outside* - my theory is only a theory after all) - and this all requires the presence of an energy, since energy and time are closely related... In fact, without either, the other would cease to exist, and they work together to arrange a particular formation in life. Since consciousness requires a physical coil to become independent in thought, and since matter is somehow the same thing as its diffused cousin (energy), it's not so difficult to understand that consciousness too requires energy.

An atom will radiate, dissipate or transfer energy - but energy cannot at any time disappear: This is because of the conservation law of matter-energy - the first law of thermodynamics. The energy of consciousness shouldn't be any different to the energy of an atom; its electronic inhabitant, unless of course it defy's logic and quantum reasoning.

The electromagnetic field may well intimately interact with the field of consciousness, as electromagnetic forces carry information and self around the body. Tracking the field of consciousness might be difficult however, because we are not sure what it consists of. It might be however, made up of electromagnetic waves, as found in Biofields within matter.

If 'life' creates this field of consciousness, then we should expect a change in death: The energy of consciousness must 'move out' of the physical coil it once inhabited, and it can only do this by either radiating, dissipating or by transferal. The energy source, or soul of a human being at death, cannot spontaneously flow into the body of another. This has simularistic overtones to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that heat cannot spontaneously flow from one body into a warmer body.

Even though this might be just another fancy way of describing consciousness, we cannot fail to see that if it has an energy, it must follow similar rules to thermodynamics, if it is a physical energy. For a while, i was could not make up my mind whether the energy of consciousness was a factor of a physical field, or a by-product of a virtual field. In any case, i now believe it is both, due to the connections between matter-energy and time-awareness. I am simply applying quantum rules in places not normally considered it can be applied. Also, the second law of thermodynamics would be violated if souls spontaneously moved from one body to another. Another reason why i beleive there is an infinite amount of souls, or potenatial souls.

If conscious energy radiates from the body at the point of death, we might be able to measure this energy, using resonance scanners. If it dissipates, we might be able to measure a weight of difference within the dead corpse - (in fact, this idea has already been used extensively by a Dr. David Jones concerning the physical soul) - and if the energy transfer’s, we would need to ask exactly where it is being emitted from. Some might opt. for the spiritual answer, by involving a process of rebirth - (the co-called afterlife existence).

If the energy of consciousness is not a physical force, it would be very difficult, if not, impossible to suggest thoughts on its nature after death. There would be absolutely no way to tell whether it would abide to the conventional laws of thermodynamics; though, the idea would in itself be consistent with quantum mechanical interpretations, since everything must follow quantum rules. However, as we have seen is that not every cornerstone principle is necessarily ''kept'' by the presence of consciousness, such as David Z. Albert's discovery of 'secret knowledge', which states we can be aware of our own positions and paths simultaneously, defying the classical boundaries of the uncertainty principle - or also known as 'the principle of indeterminism.'

Perhaps one day we might be able to detect the presence of a physical force leaving the body at death > otherwise, then consciousness exist soley a non-physical force, and is bound by the matter in inhabits. Something quite sad and depressing arises from this chain of thought; after all, the idea we continue after death is comforting and reassuring... This is the also described as being a pseudoscienfic theory.

Reiku :m:

such as David Z. Albert's discovery of 'secret knowledge', which states we can be aware of our own positions and paths simultaneously, defying the classical boundaries of the uncertainty principle - or also known as 'the principle of indeterminism.'
WTF :confused:
Indeterminacy does not operate on a human scale.
What... Don't you like the idea of continuing on as something else?
The idea even has me asking what is this unified source?
Is it God?

We will formulate a collective conscious pool of primordial thought and energy. We might not just be simple coincidences of a Darwinian evolution originally formed in the sloop of carbon-based eukaryotes.
I would like to think that everything is predetermined. Everything has meaning and providence. Nothing left for coincidence or accident, choice or free-will.

It would give everything a much better meaning. We wouldn't need to ask anymore whether we are important or whether we where just some accidental cause 15 billion years later after a tremendous burst of energy and gas.

We might even find that Psychon Theory can answer for big bang itself! This is of course intimately related to Anthropic Variations, and that big bang errupted with the intention to create life. If this is true, then we haven't only identified that reality is useless to presume about, but we have also discovered that existence's meaning is to have life and preserve it over cosmic distances.

It also sheds light on how God runs his/her reality. He/she likes to make sure it has a definate goal to reach. Whatever falls inbewteen that, exists only as superfluous variables. But its ultimate goal was to create [intelligent] life forms capable of collapsing the wave function. To do this, the universe would become more real than it ever had been. A collapse defines reality, and this would suggest that the universe is observer-dependant.

Oli said - ''WTF
Indeterminacy does not operate on a human scale.''

He wasn't meaning it like this. Not directly anyway.
What Albert was indicating, that the uncertainty principle is built upon all of the physical systems out there. If anyone understands the uncertainty principle, they will know it means that not everything is determined purely by cause and effect. This means that all of those particles inside my head all obey the uncertainty principle, but they still somehow acheive to create entire biological systems, and they have a consciousness that is built up on all of these statistical averages (particles abiding by the uncertainty principle).
But how come there are over a billion billion statistical averages, and only one self can arise as a single product, or collapse in the wave function? How does it so easily create this self-reflective field of consciousness? He was highlighting that even consciousness escapes the effects of uncertainty. It defies the lack of knowledge and produces a single answer.

Our energy won't disappear, but it's nothing special, not much more than a standard light bulb.
If anyone understands the uncertainty principle, they will know it means that not everything is determined purely by cause and effect.
Er, no it doesn't, it means that some things (e,g position and velocity) cannot be determined at the same time for the same particle.

This means that all of those particles inside my head all obey the uncertainty principle, but they still somehow acheive to create entire biological systems, and they have a consciousness that is built up on all of these statistical averages (particles abiding by the uncertainty principle).
Possibly because the system as a whole no longer operates in the quantum realm, (that being where the indeterminacy principle works)?
I don't know if you can say scientifically that the self as a whole does not operate on the quantum level... This is what you meant wasn't it?
I don't think you can say that because everything follows quantum rules. Nothing really can said about how billions upon billions of particles cohere to a single goal. The idea is ridicluos without the proposition that everything has been set before it.

And i know what the uncertainty principle is. Certain knowledge is at the dispense of one another. In principle it states that its location or path cannot be known simultaneously because that would defy uncertainty, thus they are pair-observables. The fact we might be attempting to figure out either one of the observables, the knowledge of the entire system reacts against this, and it cannot be summed up as any cause of effect. One cannot answer why matter might react this way. We even have examples such as the zeno-effect and the anti-zeno effect on quantum matter. According to theory, there might even be a potantial field responsible for how matter behaves when a particular recording intrument like humans is observing their properties.

Just to say that ''particles simply make up whole results,'' is closely related to the Copenhagen Interpretation. It also states that objects are ''too big'' in the words of Bohr concerning his Interpretation.
But it has been critically scrutanized by scientists saying that it was ''vague.'' It didn't explain why the objects where too big.

It might be that a fractal existence is an oxmoron because it doesn't mean a fractal consciousness. Instead, consciousness arises smooth and continuous. The binding problem of physics shows how this is a problem when modeling consciousness. How do we bind reality together in smooth continuous frames of existence, instead of rough discontinuous momentary flashes of perception? And how does the retina take in a two-dimensional image and have it cast into the three-dimensional phenomena of the humans neural networks?

If realty is predetermined, these questions are answered.

The self is just an idea. It's not continuous at all. Like the frames in a movie, our brains just meld it all together.
I don't know if you can say scientifically that the self as a whole does not operate on the quantum level... This is what you meant wasn't it?
When things reach a certain size or complexity they no longer conform to quantum rules and become classical systems: a molecule is classical, a car is classical... a cat is classical.

I don't think you can say that because everything follows quantum rules.
They don't.

Nothing really can said about how billions upon billions of particles cohere to a single goal.
Single goal?

And i know what the uncertainty principle is. Certain knowledge is at the dispense of one another.
At the quantum level. Nothing to do with cause and effect.

If realty is predetermined, these questions are answered.
You keep predicating your arguments on the word IF and taking that IF as fact.
Of course everything follows quantum rules. Quantum rules ARE the laws of particles and their origins, and the whole of matter. Nothing can escape quantum rules. It is like saying the everything must follow a logical course through science. But to say that they don't, would also be saying it was not a science. But that is wrong. If quantum physics can describe the system and make predictions about it, then it must be operating in an arena that is quantum law-based...

You said > ''At the quantum level. Nothing to do with cause and effect.''
Well, we are just going to have to agree to disagree here. Nothing will change my notion of this.

''You keep predicating your arguments on the word IF and taking that IF as fact.''

Well, yeh. Get used to it. All of physics is built up on ''ifs''.
1. If the big bang happened...
2. If the universe has a beginning...
3. If quantum theory is describing a true reality...
4. If relativity is correct...
5. If God exists...
6. If reality is predetermined...
7. If reality is made up of strings...
8. If the Cosmological Constant is false...
9. If the universe is observer-dependant...
10. If a unified theory is possible...
11. If Tachyons are real...
12. If the universe has an end...
13. If time travel is possible...
ect ect ect...
I need not go on. Physics is built of ''ifs'' and ''buts'' - more so when consciousness is involved, because it is an incomplete theory. It is not well-defined, and it is very hard to find any mathematical work soley on consciousness.
When i speak about a single goal, i am obviously talking about the goal of a single particle in a field that gave it properties to know what to do. If consciousness is not a product of any field, then we can say that consciousness may not be unique. It might arise from mechanical contructs, such as a high-powered computer... why not? Consciousness turns out to be a common local occurance of matter. Boring. The word computer is what comes to mind.

I wonder what type of particle would make up the Biofield. It could be anything like a Bradyon, Luxen or Tachyon... A lot of interest would naturally fall upon the most obvious answer here. A Luxen.
We already know many Luxen fields of speed. The Photon, Majoran, Gluon and gravitation waves... just to mention a few... I would doubt it would be a Bradyon. It would be too slow for contact among long distences. It would require to oscilate like any force of the vaccum.
If it is a tachyon, it would answer for any instantaneous results which seem to embarrasingly spring out of reality quite frequently. String Theory holds the mathematical keys of extra bizarre dimensions. In one branch we have a large collection of 26 dimensions and in the other a collection of 11 dimensions +M-Theory. They consist of having 10^500 universes/branes in both theories, to account for the world landscape. These theories also allow tachyonic behaviour.
Also, with the discovery of quantum entanglement, we have been able to observe information travel-faster-than light. We know this because it would have to travel at superluminal speeds toa ccount for instantaneous action at great distances. It is thought to be pivotal inside of stars during nuclear fusion, and even may hold importance for the phenomena of consciousness.
There was a time we would postulate travel between universes, for the possibility of quantum information tunelling - but now we know that it would be useless because order would be mangled as it passed through. The only thing that seems to be unaffected by this in any consistant theory is that the graviton loop can move into other universes, ''coupling'' to matter in a foreign universe. The theory is pretty grand, describing the multiverse as a single megastring!
But string theory can predict some strange realities.
Plato, the Greek philosopher (427bc - 347bc), wrote a series of dialogues which summarized many things he had learned from his great teacher Socrates, who was executed in the year 399bc. One famous dialogue was called the 'Allegory of the Cave.' It describes a disturbing picture where people are chained to the ground inside of a cave, circling a fire, which cast their shadows on the walls of the cave. However, one escapes the prison, and went out into the light of the day and see's his true reality. When he returns to the captives inside of the cave, he tells them about the deception, but they all mock him for talking absurdities.
In 1993, a Dutch theorist and physicist G. t' Hooft put forward a rather bold proposal, using Plato's Allegory of the Cave. The theory became to be called the Holographic Principle. The idea arose based on two assumptions;
The first says that all the information contained in some region of space can be represented as a Hologram - it is ultimately a theory that exists on the boundary of that region of space. The second assertion is that the theory on the boundary be allowed at least one degree of 'Planck area.'
The Planck area is a very small 'square' measurement which has a side length equal to that of the Planck length, which is 1.6 x 10^-33 centimeters. Moving on, the principle suggests a strange reality, where everything physical in our universe is nothing more than shadows on a wall! M-Theory predicts that our 4-dimensional continuum is just the boundary of a larger space. If we could move away from this wall, this apparent restriction of reality, we would be moving into the 5th-dimension which is curled up into a space smaller than a infinitesimal size of a superstring. Move around in the dimension and you would start to shrink to the size of superstring and then back to normal size! Even if one moved into the fifth dimension, you would end up where you had started. The theory of the fifth dimension was named after its inventor Oskar Klein, 'Kaluza-Klein Theory'. The Allegory of the Cave, one might say, was the first hypothetical assumption that reality as we know it was built up of much more unseen phenomenon, such as dimensions.
String theory has come under considerable attack by many physicists, especially within the last twenty years; prominent critics involve Philip Anderson, Sheldon Glashow, Lawrance Krauss and Peter Woit. The main problem, is that string theory is not testable, and is thus not falsifiable. It is in essence, a very safe theory: Though, if nothing experimental can arise from it within the next couple of decades, it will most probably fade into the past.
I don't know enough to talk about any mathematical details, but i would like to see string theory get something out of its work. It is counterintuive, but i like that for some reason.
Ekpyrotic Cosmological Theory is also a strange theory that arises from String Theory. It states that our universe is a 5-dimensional brane, and it was totally frozen for eons... possible a trillion trillion years. Nothing was moving, but there was everything potential to create matter. Then one day, another universe, totally identical to our own collided with our universe. This started up the energy in the vacuum, and caused big bang. But this might have happened many many times.
If it did, then our universe was colliding with this universe every trillion trillion-odd years a time, found as an attraction between an upper force and gravitation. According to its creators, the collisons could answer why the Cosmological Constant is so low, because each time this universe collides, it goes down a little bit each time.
