more ufo pics

Not trying to sell some CDs again are you? :cool:

I don't see anything different on that page than the last time you were here.. except for the contrails. I liked the one with the sunset/sunrise... very colorful and would make a nice Desktop. Good shot, Man!

Isn't this called spamming? Opening a thread to advertize a CD of yours for sale?

Only fuel-powered craft produce persistent contrails. Are you claiming that UFO's are fuel powered?

Who says? You?

Says Dr. Steve Ackerman at the Space Science and Engineering Center of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

And so does the Environmental Protection Agency. And probably Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Pratt & Whitney, and a host of other jet engine manufacturers do as well.

So what other evidence have you that the contrails were created by something else? Not to say they cannot, apparently the Space Shuttle does it in re-entry. But It's accepted fact that jet engines create contrails, so your pictures represent spurious evidence at best.

I still like the one with the sunset, though. Very pretty.
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Originally posted by chris beacham
"Isn't this called spamming? Opening a thread to advertize a CD of yours for sale?"

Take a vote now. I don't need to post pics here you know....

"Only fuel-powered craft produce persistent contrails.

Who says? You?
I can explain the technicalities of how a fuel-burning craft produces persistent contrails. Can you explain how a non fuel-burning one does? Where does the water wapor come from?

Originally posted by chris beacham
Hans:"Can you explain how a non fuel-burning one does?

Because it doesn't. The shock-wave of a fast object can create a contrail, because the sudden compression and decompression of the air may cause water vapour to temporarily condense. However, once the shock-wave has passed, stasus quo is restored, and the mist turns back to the vapour state. Only exception from this is when the moisture in the air is at the saturation point, but this is an unusual and unstable(but not impossible) situation in nature.

For a condensation trail to become persistent, two things have to be added, in order to keep water mist existing. First of all, water vapour must be added, to create a local increase in moisture and prevent the mist from evaporating. Secondly, smoke particles must be added to enable continued condensation. These conditions exist in the exhaust trail of a fuel-burning aircraft.

And, since fuel burning aircraft abound on this planet, when you observe a contrail, there is absolutely no reason to assume it is anything but a fuel burning aircraft.

Well put Hans.... I was wondering about the "non fuel burning" effect. I just hadn't the time yet to look it up. That would explain the contrails of the Shuttle.
I saw no evidence of any craft on any of the spurious images your site has.

Either way, images of alleged alien craft are useless unless there is some corroborating data (other than anecdotal). Graphic imagery is easily fooled and faked. Your images appear to do neither :confused:
It seems to be a human trait to ask a price to view the truth. I certainly hope that if the aliens do exist and do ever contact us, a poor man can also obtain enlightenment.

I am of the opinion that UFOs make many of the contrails, largely due to the airflow and sudden heat of the craft. Many are seen glowing White-hot, orange and green. The large round Ball I saw was at nite and it was trailing flames as it slowed above treetop level. the color of it was light green/yellow and was the size of a full moon. Without knowing the propulsion of the craft, I'd say its pure speculation why they wouldn't leave a contrail. Airline pilots report strange contrails often and daytime sightings of UFO's leaving a contrail as they accelerate out of sight. maybe they are ALL liers..its possible that the skeptics are the only ones who have all the knowledge of everything always. People who wittness UFOs are crazy, delusional and having a bad day. whereas skeptics are rational to a fault and never see anything, anytime, anyplace. to be a skeptic, one must ignore.. Drop the "e" and add "ant" and you have...the truth.
Originally posted by chris beacham
That said, I do not believe that these are 'contrails' in the conventional sense. I am talking about the blue sky image on my site (which incidentally still has the craft sitting inside it), but for want of another description at this point I will call them that. I have witnessed 'contrails' of white, yellow, pink,red and black that appear to me to be more of a protective shield in our atmosphere than anything else. The more spectacular examples I have seen is when a black trail 'lights up' to a glow. I have much of this activity video recorded (although not on the CD...). This is an area I want to concentrate on, when the present Scientific analysis of my material is completed.

Unless it involves a craft with no wings or tail section.
Well, wings and tail sections can be difficult to see when a craft is 5-10 kilometers up and even farther away. Contrails normally form at altitudes above 10,000ft.

As for colors: In normal daylight, a contrail will look white, unless inthe shadow of a high cloud, in which case it will look dark ("black"). If the sun is low, it will look yellow, orange, or red. As contrails may come from a plane at 30,000ft, it can be in full sunlight after sunset and before sunrise, in both cases, it will look spectacularly fiery. The instance of a dark one starting to glow, could be explained by it being in shadow of clouds, and the angle of the sun changing, lighting it up. You sometimes see this effect at sunset with a high cloud dover: At first the clouds are darg gray, then at some point the sun sets low enough to shine on their underside, and the whole cloud cover comes aglow.

Obviously, I haven't seen what you saw, but the pictures you have made public do not look mysterious at all to me.
