More sleaze

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Hi, my name is Yale S.
I have posted for a couple of years at and the ezboard forum EveryThingSpace pub80.ezboard/beverythingspace

There is a mentally unbalanced person who normally posts as projectorion at pub97.ezboard/bnuclearspace

Anyone who does not subscribe to his beliefs triggers an uncontrolled rage in him and he begins an unremitting attack.

He is now spamming boards using my usual ID "yales"

He is attempting to attract hits to the nuclearspace forum and at the same time to attempt to harm me by silly posts under my name.

He has been banned from boards all over the net. He is seriously disturbed and will eventually unlease his typical wave of violent and obscene threats.

I suggest that the mod here pull the plug on this "doppleganger" before he goes from simply wasting your time to beginning his typical frenzied assault.

I am very sorry that you are unwitting involuntary victims of his sickness.

yales was banned several hours ago. I strongly suggest this stop here and now, as it is not welcome on sciforums.
The best way to keep things like the above from damaging a perfectly good forum like this one, is to totally ignore posts from people like that. Never mind what name they choose to use, you can recognize their posts by content. If you have a serious case to present to the moderators, do so in private, via e-mail; bringing it up in public only throws petrol on the fire and adds to the confusion.
ok. ive read enough of these threads and i feel i know enough to put my two cents in here...

i cant beleive you banned this guy. it seems to me that after the first little joke, which he completely admitted, laughed and got his own name, he was posting normal, and his insults were no worse than some other members here (not going to point fingers but i think we can all fill in the blanks).
I feel that yale (???the first one here) added alot of mud to make wayne (??the second one here) look bad. and people pre-judged him just for that. you cant see many of the posts that he ad written, ince they are all changed, but you can look at the replies and tell that there was content going on there...
Also, why did they change all of the posts to something rediculaous instead of what mods usually right -blocked for content- or a million other reasons you use. to me, i think this was just a personal vendetta and now yales got his way. which really makes me wonder if ya did the right thing, because now we get to listen to him rant about it. fun.
Anyone who does not subscribe to his beliefs triggers an uncontrolled rage in him and he begins an unremitting attack.

Better ban us all then :D

This guy sounds sick. Have you guys considered reporting him to the his state/province or something? Guys like that can be a real hazard to the people around them. People like that are sometimes subject to murdering people........yes, murder. I've heard stories like that on TV. ;)

Anyways, I have to disagree with Nightfall. The last thing we need on sciforums is more trolling. If he's done it in the past, then maybe we should heed to the warnings of his past victims. Right?

He already signed up under the name Yale. Doesn't that give you some sort of an impression on his [foiled] future plans?
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