More Sex Offender hype?…..


Registered Senior Member
Here is a story that defies logic and clearly shows how news articles use hype and fear to captivate the reader and sell copies.

In big RED bold letters the title of the story reads VIOLENT SEX OFFENDER ON THE RUN. When I read this story I shook my head and said this is getting old…..

The article said: The man escaped from a halfway house in Houston

That must have consisted of simply walking out the door or not returning from some outside scheduled meeting or appointment as half way houses aren’t usually known for having rows of fences with razor wire keeping people locked down inside, after all they are half ways houses intended to reintegrate felons back into society that don’t have a place to parole.

He's an absconder the article said but there are about 2000 absconders in the USA so what makes this man any different?

Released after 15 years of a 40 year sentence? Must not have been too dangerous if they released him huh? The article details his arrest records and I am sure this was a consideration at parole hearings and he was still released.

Why isn’t there even a picture of the man in the story if he is so dangerous? Not even a mug shot or prison ID or half way house photo was available?

The article also says He has the potential to be dangerous. He had made several threats to a lot of people that were involved in the case and had been involved in the case since then and let me guess this wasn’t considered at his parole hearing?

The article puts all the blame on the man who escaped but nothing is said about the pople that paroled him or allowed him to escape.

Maybe the news story should have read something like this: THE GOVERNMENT FUCKED UP AGAIN In a move that has endangered the lives of its citizens the Texas Parole Board has released a man who has been classified as a violent and dangerous threat, this was a an error on the part of state officials who are scrambling to get this man back into custody.

Or even better the news article should have read, VIOLENT SEX OFFENDER DENIED PAROLE end of story…

Disclaimer: This post is not intended in any way to minimize the trauma and abuse that took place to the victims at the hands of this man, this post is simple pointing out the hype and fear and how they are used to sell stories as there are so many holes in this story that it could pass as Swiss Cheese