more sasquatch


Registered Member
my long winded, previous writings appear to have gone inter-demensional, so i will try once more... i recently had the pleasure to meet with a retired guide outfitter who among a great many other things was engaged in writing his memoirs. as i too am an avid hunter we talked at length of his 40 some odd years of wilderness experience. at 79 years of age he speaks of a time in the rocky mountains where game was so plentiful there was no imposed bag limit and one took what game was needed for meat no matter the season. although there may have been official regulations in place they were not really enforcable given the remote locations involved. one pack horse trip he took into a back country draw with two american trophy hunters in tow was memorable in that while he was training his binocs on a rock outcrop he saw what he assumed to be an exceptionally large black bear. he was about to share this exciting news with the hunters when the bear reared up on its hind legs and looked as though it had caught wind or heard something that alarmed it. the "bear" then jumped down from it's perch of rock and landed on it's hind feet and strode away!!! very un-bear like to say the least! needless to say he never told the american hunters what he had witnessed for fear they would think him full of it and maybe stiff him for his guiding fee. true story so he says....hyp.
Hey there,

This entire response is going to sound incredibly closed-minded about this subject and all but yeah. The so-called sas-quatch is for the most part just an urban legend. "Sas-quatch" has been sited in EVERY part of the world. (That humans inhabit) In China, he is known as the abonible snowman, in South America he is known as Sasquath, in North American, he is known as Big-foot. This character has different names in every part of the world though I only named a few. Your story claims he saw what he thought was a bear at first through binoculars. He could of been mistaken because of the distance of the "bear" being so great, and the bear may of simply did run its hind legs for several feet. I am sure that if a bear did jump from a pirch on higher rock, as he fell he probably gain velocity and probably did take a few steps forward on its hind legs. Remember, bears can stand up on their hinds legs in place. Maybe even the bear evolved or taught itself too walk in its hind legs for some small distance. The logical possibilities of the bear just being able to acctually comit that need to be visited first. And let's just say all of these Big-foot sightings are real? Why hasn't anyone ever found a body of one?

Rock out with your cock out!
the "urban"? myth!

not too many reports of urban bigfoot sightings other than "Harry and the Henderson's" and that i believe was the suburbs! as for our 79 year old guide outfitter with a lifetime of experience in the canadian rockies...i'm reasonably sure he is quite familiar with the anatomy of black bears..and no they will not jump down from anything using there hind legs only...circus bears maybe, but not wild ones! the animal in question was observed walking away on it's hind legs for some distance, not stumbling due to momentum. this, as well as it's overall appearance made the guide swallow hard and leave the area to hunt elsewhere. he is a very intelligent salt of the earth type and takes no pleasure in b.s. so i believe his story is a genuine account of what is out there..oh ya there is also the true fact to relate, that mysteriously there are very few black bear carcasses found in the bush either! this is suprising given that the estimated populations in this area of b.c. is around 180,000. in my 20 odd years here hunting for elk and deer i have never come across one nor has anyone i know! mother nature has awesome cleanup crews. not to mention a creature whose existance depends on stealth may be intelligent enough to dispose of it's dead somehow. even cats cover their crap instinctively! mountain gorrillas were a myth for a long time too! p.s. rather than rocking with my cock out, i prefer to take a pass with class! hyp.
how come no bones? close encounters with them? attacks by them? ahh yes very FEW bear carcasses are found but some are! Why haven't some of these carcasses of the big foot been found? And you misunderstood me when i said urban myth but thats ok. He could of been exagerating too? Why are you even telling his recolection of the story. You may of explained a few things i replied to you about but not close to all. thanks bye
- your arguement is false HYPMO......

So....the ol' "where's the carcass" arguement surfaces again, twas bound to happen, always does when an open forum starts a BIGFOOT discussion.

Alot of what I've read about this hominid is the idea that it is communal and might actually harbor "feelings" in regards to it's relatives and/or just others of it's race. They could very well be capable of some-sort of ceremonial burial. Is this too much to handle for a purely humanist mentality?

And if one of these creatures died in the deep-forest of the Northwest, why in the hell does anyone think it MIGHT be stumbled upon by a human-trekker first and not a foraging animal?
Alright boys! I don't think any animal is capable of "cerimonial" burial! Animals like that do not EAT bones! That or they would not care about any burials! And there is no reason for not having any bones of this animal. Throughout the millions of years humans have inhabited the planet, we should have at least had some kind of record of its existence. The people who have said they have saw this creature are lying because they just want some kind of attention. The bottom line is that if there is no bones, you will never satisfy modern day science. And i know they dont bury their dead because we would have already found the burial sites. And even if a animal did get to the dead carcus before humans did, i dont think that the animal would eat the bones to. I dont really know of many animals that eat bones, do you?
To the "where's the carcus" statement, I challenge you to go into the mountain ranges in ANY area of the United States and bring out the body of a Bear of any kind that has expired...not shot by human hands.
Oh, or the "bones" of a dead Bear....