More Questions for Theists


I am MalcomR
Valued Senior Member
These questions pertain to whatever religion you subscribe to. The more diverse the sample, the better. For me at least. If you please:

1) What is your personal philosophy on tolerance toward people who do not share your religion?

2) What is the "generally accepted" or group stance of your religion on the above question (in your estimation)?

3) If your religion involves an afterlife, punishment, or reward, how does this affect your answers to 1) and 2) ?

4) Based on your answers above, how would you personally propose to manage a world in which there are dozens of distinct major religions and thousands of spinoffs and most likely always will be?

Thanks to those who decide to answer and discuss.

And please, if the non-religious could keep the attacking to a minimum or start another thread for that purpose, it would be greatly appreciated.

These questions pertain to whatever religion you subscribe to. The more diverse the sample, the better. For me at least. If you please:

1) What is your personal philosophy on tolerance toward people who do not share your religion?

To each his own.

2) What is the "generally accepted" or group stance of your religion on the above question (in your estimation)?

Same as above.

3) If your religion involves an afterlife, punishment, or reward, how does this affect your answers to 1) and 2) ?

No effect. Accountability is on an individual basis.

4) Based on your answers above, how would you personally propose to manage a world in which there are dozens of distinct major religions and thousands of spinoffs and most likely always will be?

To each his own. No religion in politics. All religions taught in education.
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These questions pertain to whatever religion you subscribe to. The more diverse the sample, the better. For me at least. If you please:

1) What is your personal philosophy on tolerance toward people who do not share your religion?

There is only one religion - surrender to god. According to time place and circumstances there are numerous approaches - but a religion can be judged according to the degree that this principle is practiced. So you find a variety of religions that also have a variety of standards for persons who are liberated, on the path of liberation or on the path of fruitive activities. There are indications of 81 different varieties of religion given by commenatators on the vedas, all of which are distinct from the perfectional summit of pure, unmotivated, unalloyed devotion to god. The more closer a religion is to this summit, the easier it is to to tolerate.

2) What is the "generally accepted" or group stance of your religion on the above question (in your estimation)?
On an institutional level there is a requirement for numbers, congregation etc, but the general view is that bona fide religion, performed properly (ie in accordance with scripture) is ok - like for instance a buddhist who acknowledges that Lord Buddha requested his disciples to strain the water they drank through fine cloth to avoid unneccesarily killing insect larvae and who also refused to drink the milk of a cow that had a calf less than 10 weeks (lest he deprive the calf) is viewed with an element of disdain if they have no reservations about eating meat

3) If your religion involves an afterlife, punishment, or reward, how does this affect your answers to 1) and 2) ?
Religion is generally viewed as a gradual process that may take many lifetimes to perfect, even for ourselves, what to speak of others - if someone is stabilized on an inferior system of religious practice, if their practice is successful (ie they secure the blessings of their religious founders, like say jesus in the case of the xtians), they either get the opportunity to take birth on an elevated material planet that has a more dominant mode of spiritual life or they take birth in a family of pure devotees on this earth (ie they take birth in a family where the principles of pure surrender to god are properly understood), so they get the opportunity to address any unsuitable habits before entering the eternal abode of god
4) Based on your answers above, how would you personally propose to manage a world in which there are dozens of distinct major religions and thousands of spinoffs and most likely always will be?
Take a trip to India - its been like that for time immemorial, even before the muslims came - The general mood that existed when the greek orthodox christians arrived in south india (a couple of hundred years before the muslims spilled across punjab) was that they were heard and listened to and those that were convinced became christians. they still have a foothold there today in some parts of the south (The muslims were unable to take over Sth India due to the strong pacts of the Sth Indian Kings) - it requires intelligence and segregation, ie leaving people alone to do their own thing - this is actually the policy the british had when they were in India. Even though they had an ambition to socially deconstruct the existing vedic religious system in India, they were more interested in fleecing India of her riches, so they never interfered with religious observances. This seemed to work
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There is only one religion - surrender to god.

Which raises the question, "whose god?" And your answer to this in a previous thread didn't wash then, so it won't wash now since weasel words like "god is everywhere and in everything" is an obvious cop-out not to mention not demonstrable. There are many religions and many gods, each with their own superstitions and myths -none of them demonstrable- and each of them valid only as perceived by their believers.

Lord Buddha requested his disciples to strain the water they drank through fine cloth to avoid unneccesarily killing microbes

And is there any evidence that Gautama had a microscope through which he discovered microbes at around 650 BCE? The same microbes that weren't discovered until Robert Hooke looked through his around 1650 CE?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
There is only one religion - surrender to god.

Which raises the question, "whose god?" And your answer to this in a previous thread didn't wash then, so it won't wash now since weasel words like "god is everywhere and in everything" is an obvious cop-out not to mention not demonstrable. There are many religions and many gods, each with their own superstitions and myths -none of them demonstrable
the claim by a million people during midday that the sun is directly above their own head also appears contradictory
- and each of them valid only as perceived by their believers.
if that is the ultimate conclusion one reaches from one's studies on religion it seems like one is bereft of the knowledge of what constitutes the essence of religion - either that or you missed the reference to the 81 different types of religion according to purity of practices

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Lord Buddha requested his disciples to strain the water they drank through fine cloth to avoid unneccesarily killing microbes

And is there any evidence that Gautama had a microscope through which he discovered microbes at around 650 BCE? The same microbes that weren't discovered until Robert Hooke looked through his around 1650 CE?
You are right - microbes is a misuse of terminology by me - i was actually referring to small insect larvae that one can see without the need of a microscope
These questions pertain to whatever religion you subscribe to. The more diverse the sample, the better. For me at least. If you please:

1) What is your personal philosophy on tolerance toward people who do not share your religion?

1) The Person: We have to tolerate all people. That’s a part of love. Doings ones best with faulty people and forgiving them their mistakes is what we are called to do. And it is what we hope others will do for us.

2) The Philosophy: i tolerate but never accept or agree with any thought counter to the will of God.

Tolerance has never been acceptance. Tolerance is about putting up with something you disagree with.

2) What is the "generally accepted" or group stance of your religion on the above question (in your estimation)?

All people who believe as i do follow the same belief.

3) If your religion involves an afterlife, punishment, or reward, how does this affect your answers to 1) and 2) ?

Well in regards to people it makes it even more important to Love and help them. And in regards to opposing philosophies it motivates us to oppose them with all the ability we have.

4) Based on your answers above, how would you personally propose to manage a world in which there are dozens of distinct major religions and thousands of spinoffs and most likely always will be?

Let every person believe as they wish and express it openly and let every person have the freedom to disagree with those beliefs and express their opposition openly.

Thanks to those who decide to answer and discuss.

No worries :)

And please, if the non-religious could keep the attacking to a minimum or start another thread for that purpose, it would be greatly appreciated.


Wasted typing effort here mate. Insults, attacks and foul mouthed garbage is standard issue here. Nice sentiment though.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
1) The Person: We have to tolerate all people. That’s a part of love.
what a complete crock, in your head but not in mine.
to tolerate; to allow the existence, presence, practice, to endure without repugnance; put up with.
to love; a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.
tolerate and love are contradictions in terms.
anybody you love, you nurture, you guide, you dont tolerate, you love.
tolerate should not be in the vocabulary, of one who professes love.
Tolerance has never been acceptance. Tolerance is about putting up with something you disagree with.
exactly and it has nothing to do with love
what a complete crock, in your head but not in mine.
to tolerate; to allow the existence, presence, practice, to endure without repugnance; put up with.
to love; a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person, a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection.
tolerate and love are contradictions in terms.
anybody you love, you nurture, you guide, you dont tolerate, you love.
tolerate should not be in the vocabulary, of one who professes love.
exactly and it has nothing to do with love

You don't know what love is.

Love is when someone cuts you off in the traffic and you resist the urge to abuse them for their mistake. You show tolerance for them

Love is when your kid is chucking a temper tantrum and you remain clam and don't lose your temper. You show tolerance for them

Love is receiving an emotional outburst from a fellow work mate who is under a lot of stress you resist the urge to give back as good as you got but rather speak softly and seek to defuse the situation.

Love is reacting calmly when someone insults you unnecessarily by calling your thoughts a "complete crock" when a simple "i disagree" would suffice.

You see Love is caring for someone when they are being a pain in the butt. Love is putting up (tolerating) with other people’s faults. Love is giving up revenge for the good of the one who deserves wrath.

When and if the day comes when you genuinely care for someone who is yelling and spitting in your face then you will know what Love is.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
You don't know what love is.
sorry your the ones that blinded adstar, shes right, tolerate should not be in the vocabulary, of one who professes love.
Love is when someone cuts you off in the traffic and you resist the urge to abuse them for their mistake. You show tolerance for them
wow could you be any more wrong.
Love is when your kid is chucking a temper tantrum and you remain calm and don't lose your temper. You show tolerance for them
wow are you wrong again.
Love is receiving an emotional outburst from a fellow work mate who is under a lot of stress you resist the urge to give back as good as you got but rather speak softly and seek to defuse the situation.
and yet again wrong.
Love is reacting calmly when someone insults you unnecessarily by calling your thoughts a "complete crock" when a simple "i disagree" would suffice.
these replies are just laughable, wrong again.
You see Love is caring for someone when they are being a pain in the butt. Love is putting up (tolerating) with other people’s faults. Love is giving up revenge for the good of the one who deserves wrath.
adstar you need to read up on love, you have it all wrong.
I hope Adstar isn't using God as a measuring stick for tolerance. God's tolerance can be a little shaky at the best of times but it has shown signs of improving though.....

From .."I think I've had enuf of this batch of humans so I'll just knock them all off and start over" to...."I've had enuf of these guys too but this time I'll start over by having my son killed by them" to...."I think I'll become mysterious"

Too much of that love can kill a guy.
God did not kill Adam and Eve on the day they obtained the knowledge of Good and Evil. God has allowed us to exist for all this time and suffered our evil. That’s tolerance out of Love for us.

But tolerance for evil can never be an eternal option. So take advantage of the tolerance of God while it is in operation and accept His Way to eternal salvation through the Messiah Jesus.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
sorry your the ones that blinded adstar, shes right, tolerate should not be in the vocabulary, of one who professes love. wow could you be any more are you wrong again.and yet again wrong. these replies are just laughable, wrong again.adstar you need to read up on love, you have it all wrong.

1 Corinthians 1
18 For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

Edit: I think you are wrong in your opinion geeser. End Of Edit.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
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Simply posting scripture quotes without any discussion comparing/contrasting it with your point is considered 'preaching' and against the forum rules. Please refrain from doing so as further instances will be deleted. I'd also request that you edit the above post to allow it to conform to forum rules.

Simply posting scripture quotes without any discussion comparing/contrasting it with your point is considered 'preaching' and against the forum rules. Please refrain from doing so as further instances will be deleted. I'd also request that you edit the above post to allow it to conform to forum rules.

ok ;)

All Praise The Ancient Of Days