more pics...


I assume you took the photos? what do you know of the story behind the photos? interesting to say the least. If they were in Australia as the heading reads i'm inclined to ask if they were near Pine Gap as this is a U.S. classified area there. Could be ET or Govt test craft either one
Love and Light
(no accusatory tone is intended or implied)

No point of reference to determine scale. I see:
  1. An iris and pupil at close range; a negative image
  2. A point source of light, with the camera moved - possibly double exposed
  3. A "brush stroke" from any decent graphics application, using the gradient color feature
  4. The flame from a blow torch, computer enhanced to show relative temperatures.
Sorry... just my take on it. :)

[Deleted original piece as changed info]

I just thought I would put something forwards:

It's known to me that people are doing experiments in Chronology, known as quantum jumping or multiworlds.

Each of them utilise a method that "Folds Time" to allow a future space to holographically be represented in the present space.

I mention this because of the following mathematics (pulled from the Oxford English Dictionary)

The Earth is 150,000,000 Km's from the Sun, making it travel 942,477,796 Km's around the sun a year (approximations as thats an exact circle not elipse) this means everyday the earth moves 2,580,363.5 Km's, that's 107,515 Km's and hour, or 1791.9kms a minute and last but not least, 29.87kms a second.

I mention all of this because imagine the timefold that is created by these scientists interacting with our universe. A meteorite or piece of debris passes the earth and a "Electromagnetic shadow" can be left behind it, for the earth to pass over.

The ethers and gases of our atmosphere are disturbed by this "darkmatter", even though the rock it originates from is "Yet to pass by".

This would account for strange movements also, since afterall the Earth rotates on it's access so it would eventually be passed (and thus turn direction quickly)
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I have e general question, Is it possible that gravity of earth is not affect on ufos? Since they can hold still for every long time or their material is some how anti gravity? I am wondering if any one can give any ideas regarding why they can move so fast and why they can stand still for very long times. Since I have witness one for atleast 15 minutes but who knows how long it was there before I saw it?.
Originally posted by Markx
...but who knows how long it was there before I saw it?
It was probably the same length as after you saw it... :D

Ok ok... Very good work you have!!

About the portals-
There are many portals around the world-
they can be under the ground, on the ground, in the air and, od course, under the sea...

But the really big ones are located in Sahara Desert, Antartica and in Navada Desert.

These big portals give a lot of energy to Earth, and the aliens use them for transportation to other dimensions and, this is the most important, to heal the people who need help on Earth.

The one which u took a picture is a real portal, but I think the aliens havn't been using it because it has too much magnetic powers...

Furthermore- most of the portals are invisible from our normal eyes, but our 3rd eye is able to see it.

People around the world ,who do healing by good aliens and other beings to help people, are taking energy from these portals.

BTW- today, in Israel there are about 40 (!) alien-clinics..!!

Love u all,
Gil Weinstein
Those are pretty amazing pictures.

I don't know what to say, but if there are so-called portals, does that open the door for other malevolent being like Mothman and The Jersey Devil?

I don't know, I just want to know the truth.
Creatures like the bigfoot (and Mothman?) loch-ness monster and so on ARE NOT from out of Earth.
They were created by evolutions, mutations and genetic experiments of old alien civilizations which lived on Earth.

These portals I mentioned are used just by intelligent aliens and other beings.

BTW- there is on Earth a place where all our souls passing through when we die.
This place is located in the area of the Sahara Desert, or in Hevron City.

Groove on :)
Hi Chris. Let me answer your good questions; you asked:

Originally posted by chris beacham

1) Strong Magnetism?
2) Do all Portals look the same?
3) Are these Portals used for Interplanetary travel as well?
4) Do they work in pairs ie: in one Portal, out the other?
5) In what manner does an Alien Portal assist humanity?
6)Have you perused any of the other images on my site?
thank you.

1) Yes, they have strong magnetizm. The atoms of those
portals are full of ions which move very fast.
2) Yes, they all have a magor looking: they appear in a circular motion and shape.
3) Yes. Aliens and other beings which work and\or live
in parallel dimensions are using them for "shortcuts" too.
Alien medical teams on Earth are using them frequently (for passing through it medical tools and technolgy, for example).
4) Yes, of course, and they are closed at the same time.
As I told you, there are major portals on Earth in some places on Earth (Afgahnistan, Navada and Sahara Desert, Antarctica)
The major ones has always been on Earth, made naturally.
But the others- which created by aliens and beings- are not exist for ever. The aliens and beings can also determine for how long they want the portal exists.
5) Hmmmmm. The ALIEN portals (not the major ones) are helping indirectly: improving the actions of the good aliens on Earth.
Anyway, when they're created, even the small ones eject a lot of calm energy. It also help the mankind a little bit.
6) Of course I have!! :p . You have an EXCELLENT site. It's in my favorites list ;)
Groove on, my dear friend. :)

That's all 4 now,
Love u all,
Gil Weinstein from Israel.

BTW- if you want to capture more portals- go to those deserts or to Afghanistan.

If you wish to capture the more "alien" ones, I recommend you Belgium, Germany, France and Israel.
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