more pics 5...

Have you coordinated with local airports to make sure that these phenomenon are not explaned by any kind of aircraft traffic?
ha ha, you know what would be great, is if someone who knew how to use a frickin' camera happend to see a UFO, that'd be a real nice change, I think.

Also, I don't understand why you ran it through filters in Photoshop or whatever, what's that add to it?
so you can see through the fire and look at how the real object really is really shaped.

If you saw a UFO, I'd like to see some of your pictures:rolleyes:.
So, how about a sample of the movie clip so we
can better judge what you filmed. Is there anything
that would provide scale? As it stands, you've really
not given us anything to comment about.
Originally posted by Othersider you can see through the fire and look at how the real object really is really shaped.
These photo "enhancements" show us nothing.

You don't reply to skeptics? They were
reasonable questions, so I am puzzled.

Havent you got some better pics? The one you posted looks like an ordinary contrail. Anyhow, the fact that it leaves a persistent contrail shows that it is a fuel-burning craft, probably a jet.

Originally posted by chris beacham
While these pics show something of a craft/field, they do not convey the fast speed heading down. In the movie clip the craft appears to be at the front of the trail.

These particular sightings happened in a more Northern part of the sky than usual, and lasted for about a week or so.


Hello Chris B, again.

r u saying it was taken by a still camera?
And in what kind of imaging you enhanced the image?
was it done by a graphic software, such as Freehand or Photoshop?

For now, it seems to me like a debris, that's all,

but lemme analyze it.

Gil Weinstein.

The tail:

First all, it's easy to trace that tail trailing the object.
If you negative the image, you might see it better (or solarizing it).

Here: (in negative)
Originally posted by chris beacham
I have nothing against anyone who has a different viewpoint to me as long as they can conduct their conversations in a civil and polite manner. I do not tolerate rude people in real life and so here is no different.
As I believe my post was civil and polite, I guess you'd need to point out
how my questions were rude so I don't offend you again with future questions...
Dear Chris B,

Do you know in which part of the sky (direction, longitude and angle) the video\images were taken?
Have you taken them all by yourself? Have you moved during taking them?

I would be interested to get a sample of the movie.
I can analyze it, if ya want.

I've visited your site lately. It seems amazing, a lot of sightings.
I will check this up later.

WOW. TNX for the info

i might check the area you told me about.
Let's gather some cross-checks.

the portals' images- were they taken from this location?

Chris Beacham is paranoid, and I can understand why. I have known of MUFON members who get disturbing phone calls, visits from anonymouns individuals, and have gotten to the point they flat out don't want to talk about UFO's anymore. Those who get really deep into the UFO phenomenon end up paranoid, and sometimes downright wierd. Something wierd is certanly going on, and for the record, I think Beacham is justified in his paranoia.

"For every mystery there is someone, somewhere who knows the truth." - Robert Stack

Those who get really deep into the UFO phenomenon end up paranoid, and sometimes downright weird.

One might not predate the other. :D
:rolleyes: Sometimes Q, I think you define wierd as anything you don't agree with. How wierd... but that's OK, I forgive you.:D
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Hi Chris

As you seem to get predictable results with your "capture" methods, I can't believe the powers that be haven't swooped down on you and closed you down, confiscating your gear and data in the name of "National security". I'd love to know how you've managed to retain your freedom, however any reply you may make as to how you do it could in fact give tham what they need to get you
