More on that pecular ancient relief map....

If you do a google search, they all point to the same info. There is no new info as to spectroscopic, material composition and HPLC analysis...
Bunk and utter bull.

The argument for the age of the carvings on the stone is based on the age of a shell affixed to the slab.

His find is a huge slab, whose age is supposed to be about 120 million years.

So, the stone itself is 120 million years old. That does not prove that the carvings are that old. I think that the assumption that the carvings must be as old as the stone is, well, silly.

Attempts to decipher the inscriptions produced no results, and establishing the slab's approximate age proved to be quite a problem. Radiological and chemical methods were used, but they produced no conclusive result. Two shells were found on the slab's surface. The age of one of them - a Navicopsina munitus of the Gyrodeidae family - is 50 million years. The other (Ecculiomphalus princeps of the Ecculiomphalinae family) is 120 million years old. Scientists assume the second is the correct age. Dr. Chuvyrov says the map might have been created at the time when the earth's magnetic pole was in what is now Franz-Joseph Land, which means roughly 120 million years ago. Original estimates put the slab's age at 3,000 years, but when the shells encrusted into the map were found, it was assumed that the slab was much, much older.

Again, another assumption. We know what happens when we assume, eh?

The age of the shells affixed to the slab does not prove the age of the carvings. They only prove the age of the slab.

Edit to add:

Not only this, but the interpretation of the carvings seems a bit of a logical "leap". I have yet to see these carvings, but could this be an example of seeing patterns where none exist.

Somthing analogous to pareidolia?

It seems to me that the whole argument for an "ancient map" is fraught with assumption and non-sequiter.

Not only that, but is has been effectively debunked here
I did realize that Pravda meant truth a little while ago, then forgot before I posted this. Hahaha.

The thing about the slab in the backyard was peculiar. It's all peculiar. Damnit.
There goes our ancient civilization theory...up in the smoke...It does not matter whether the slab was created 120 million years ago or 1.2 million years ago, the key is the forensics as to who carved it, what is the information and if special tools were used - provided the slab itself is real....

The other part is, if there was a major civilization before or at the same time as the dinosaurs - can we find human remains of any civilization?
