Not only the majority judgment of most Americans and more than 90% of the rest of world thinks GWB has done a very poor job of this. Thinks he has been responsible for a great increase in the number of terrorists who would willingly die for even a small chance of hurting the USA significantly. For example GWB ignored that 15 of the 19 of "9/11" came from and received their “religious schooling” in “Hate USA Schools” and that the financial support for their flight training etc. all came from Saudi Arabia. I. e. Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11, was attacked, not Saudi Arabia, which has been big contributor to GWB and his father since long before GWB became Gov. of Texas. If you want to be effective in reducing terrorist’s numbers and powers, you need to at least be able to identify where their education to hate the USA and their funds come from.....President Bush has been the BEST POTUS ever. He has the b@lls to fight evil terrorists. ...
Some day the terrorist will get one (or more) of the artillery shell A-bombs that have "gone missing" from the old USSR into NYC etc. The Saudi Royal family will very likely supply the considerable funds to buy from the "Russian Mafia", now probably holding a few*. They will return GWB's favor of flying two planes loads of Saudi friends out of USA, just hours after 9/11, when all civilian air traffic was still grounded, by requiring that bomb not go off near GWB, if they are not too busy watching films of a gang rapped girl get 200 lashes. (Fat lazy rich 70 to 80+ year old men can no longer release sexual tension as they and Saddam’s two sons once did.)
Perhaps your God will make sure you are on vacation and out of the city if the one the terrorist select is one where you normally live. Don’t forget to included this in your prayers for “preferred treatment” over the starving babies. Also, be careful not to choke on your silver spoon. (God works in strange way we mortals cannot understand. He may have a sense of justice also.)
*GWB's plan and insistence on stationing missiles on or near the Russian border in EU also has made US much less safe. Putin was so "pissed off" that he resumed long stopped flights of the strategic bombers to the boarders of the USA, is now sending nuclear-armed Russian warships back into the Med. Hell, if the rate GWB is destroying US Russian relations continues for a few more years. Tsar Putin may secretly GIVE few small A-Bombs to the terrorist to use on USA and before they go off announce that some Russian stock pile of them has been looted, but the good efforts of the Russian police have "recovered all but a few." GWB IS DESTROYING THE USA, both by his economic policy and by his "pro-military" SIMPLE-MINDED approach to all conflicts.
Fortunately, GWB's plans to attack Iran have just received a serious setback with the NIE report stating that Iran killed its primative nuclear weapon program back in 2003. GWB is no doubt angry about the NIE report and now that his term is ending in about 20 months, not able to control the intelligence agencies as he could when there were WMDs "found" to support the need to invade Iraq; however, he still can fire people in government agencies and this power as a threat, may be why the CIA is now admitting that they destroyed interrogation tapes. - This way, GWB can get "heads to roll" at the CIA, etc. and have Democrats in Congress be the "axe men," not him. - This is far too clever for this plan to be GWB's own idea, but he has several intelligent "neocons" to help him still. (Not all the rats have disserted the ship, yet. - At least the VP is still standing behind GWB, telling him what to do.)
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