

Registered Senior Member
we were always taught morals (or atleast most of us), not to steal, not lie etc. it all seems good. by tellin a kid when he's young not to steal, probably will make him t hink twice before stealing in the future. it's not hard to notice that our morals are decaying. it's true. i see kids all around me who dont give about school property, they vandalize it. i see them steal faucets and even stick stool legs down sinks.they just casually throw paper out of the bus window with out considering the harm being done. it's been a growing trend. their is a reason on why morals are decaying. the authority of god is being taken out. during the mid 50's and 60's, some people started complaining that talking about god in everyday school, and in society was intolerable. so poof, their goes god. they said that you dont need to teach morals with god's authority. so gods authority was taken out. so now morals were being teached by different kinds of people. well chaos ensues. different people have different moral standards. some say it's okay to lie, some say its not. some say it depends.
with people having different opinions, moral structure is degrading. look at our secular society. sex, violence, drugs, have entered our mainstream t.v , radio, interent etc. i mean you have these innocent soudning web sites "" made into a porn site. what if a kid wanted to find some info about the white house? are people now surprised of school shootings? when we hear about murderes , homicides, and adults behave in primitve aggresive ways?
and this all happends with out the authority of god in our daily life.
There are no set morals edgar.
You have yours and I have mine. Yours happen to be shared by millions of christians world-wide. That doesn't make yours right and mine wrong. It doesn't mean the kid who steals stuff from school has weak morals or even wrong morals.
He has his own.
His might involve shoving your mother down stairs on the right side of the list, nothing wrong with that, to him. To you it would be and then it would be against your morals to not punch him in the face maybe or whatever.
The point is, in that crazy book of yours one line had some truth, "judge ye lest not ye be judged". You know what that means young man?
Well that post of yours was riddled with judging and now you are going to hell.
Have fun:cool:
okay not really judging. im tell you the truth of what is happening. if you dont call that bad then whats wrong with you......see even now, we have different morals. you call it judging while i just call it telling the truth. thats why we need god's authority or people will argue more.

p.s , in the bible it says if you see a man sin,rebuke him. i am not calling my self superior to those just saying it's wrong.
i do have holes too.
The 50's, 60's and 70's were VERY turbulent times in this country.

Racial tension.
Sexual revolution.
Rock and Roll.
Feminist movements.
Mainstream drug use.
Government scandals.
Political upheaval.
etc etc etc

So many things were changing on so many fronts, to limit it to a single aspect (prayer in school) would be myopic at best.

If your reasoning was correct, then the numbers should reflect your assertion.
Parochial schools should be the moral yardsticks of our society.

*falls off chair*
*wipes tear from eye*

Open your eyes to the REST of the world around you.
You would be MUCH better off.