Morality, What Good Is It?


SubQuantum Mechanic
Valued Senior Member

What is morality?

Is it 100% subjective?

What is its purpose?

Is it beneficial?

Who should decide what is good morals?

Can morality be taught?

Can morality be coerced? Forced?

Are laws good morals to follow?

Are governments moral?

What good is morality if you are unable to stop evil?
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OK, I had to take you off so I could respond to this
What is morality?
A system of right and wrong dependent on our values

Is it 100% subjective?
For the most part, yes; although there are certain things that could be said to be objectively bad......they really aren't beause they are always from the certain perspective that what they harm is good

For instance, murder is objectively bad if your interest is peace or human survival although........if your interest is personal twisted pleasure, then it's objectively good

What is its purpose?
Regulating social interaction
Is it beneficial?
Yes and no

Who should decide what is good morals?
The individual
Can morality be taught?
For the most part morality is always taught.

Can morality be coerced? Forced?
Morality only exists if it is believed, so no. Just like you can't force someone to believe in god

Are laws good morals to follow?
Yes and no

Are governments moral?
For the most part, no.
“The nations morals are like its teeth, the more decayed they are the more it hurts to touch them”

George Bernard Shaw

“Manners easily and rapidly mature into morals.”

Horace Mann

“We are justified in enforcing good morals, for they belong to all mankind; but we are not justified in enforcing good manners, for good manners always mean our own manners.”

G. K. Chesterton

"Much of modern art is devoted to lowering the threshold of what is terrible. By getting us used to what, formerly, we could not bear to see or hear, because it was too shocking, painful, or embarrassing, art changes morals.”

Susan Sontag

"Morals are private. Decency is public.”

Rita Mae Brown
“Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
If people claim I am the authority on morality, I think you'd say that's not objective. Same thing as claiming God as the authority. Specially since it isn't a matter only of God teaching what is objectively good but it is God deciding what is good. ”

To them God is the only authority, and the creator of everything in existence to boot.
What God says/does/is must be objective according to that view.

If God exists, morality is objective?
“Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa
If people claim I am the authority on morality, I think you'd say that's not objective. Same thing as claiming God as the authority. Specially since it isn't a matter only of God teaching what is objectively good but it is God deciding what is good. ”

If God exists, morality is objective?

God is objective reality personified, agree ?

Either there is objective morality or there isn't.
Determining what is moral doesn't make it subjective.
Deciding what is to be moral is subjective, no matter who decides.

Either there is objective morality or there isn't.
Determining what is moral doesn't make it subjective.
Deciding what is to be moral is subjective, no matter who decides.

I agree. But if God existed it would be different.

What do you think God would be if he existed ?
Then that is my point, what does it matter?

Even if people call you immoral, if they cannot stop you then what does it matter? Even if theft is immoral, does it prevent you from being mugged in an alleyway? Thus it is might that makes right.

One could use one's own might for the protection of others, for instance. But it is only might that enables him to do so

Even if I didn't want it, as I said it's the reality. The world isn't made of cookies and cream; it's a cold, hard reality. Whether I want it or not won't stop Nazi Germany from conquering me, only my guns will.

I don't have any guns but you get my point.

Then how can you call anything an atrocity???
Because I view it as such; although as I said, unless I can act to prevent it, it's irrelevant. Not nonexistent, merely irrelevant. It holds no weight.