Morality, Tree of Knowledge and Satan


The tree of knowledge of good and evil, if taken symbolically, is based on learned knowledge of what is good and evil. Morality is also a form of knowledge, that is learned (not innate) that teaches us the difference between good and evil. The question is, is morality an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (in the figurative sense) ?

The way I see it, knowledge of good and evil, has all the good knowledge implicit in it. If you follow this, it is good. But to know good, you also know evil, therefore moral law implicitly contains all the evil at the same time. Morality would try to cherry pick off the apple tree but ends up getting apples instead.

If this was true, does morality serve God and Satan? In the old testament Satan is Gods left hand man (Job).

In my opinion, Eve was not inherently evil, but was hoping to cherry pick the good that the tree had to offer. But along with the good, came the evil knowledge, which is why they get the bum's rush out of Eden.

Morality is taught and learned knowledge with promises of being like God ( to quote Satan).
But morality is innate, science has shown this. I believe the tree of life is a symbol for a hallucinogenic mushroom, which caused the human consciousness to expand at a critical period in our history.
Morality is most certainly innate. The scene of a pregnant woman being kicked in the stomach should have a visceral effect on us. The scene of an animal being mistreated should have a visceral effect on us.

Certain moral issues require knowledge to navigate, because they are not easily reducible to what makes us so innately certain of what is right and what is wrong (such as the death penalty, abortion, etc..) but morality itself is innate. We see it in other animals in nature, and we see it in every human culture, regardless of education level.
Weren't there 2 trees?

They were happy and stupid, what did they know about God and his tricks?
The tree of knowledge of good and evil, if taken symbolically, is based on learned knowledge of what is good and evil. Morality is also a form of knowledge, that is learned (not innate) that teaches us the difference between good and evil. The question is, is morality an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (in the figurative sense) ?

The way I see it, knowledge of good and evil, has all the good knowledge implicit in it. If you follow this, it is good. But to know good, you also know evil, therefore moral law implicitly contains all the evil at the same time. Morality would try to cherry pick off the apple tree but ends up getting apples instead.

If this was true, does morality serve God and Satan? In the old testament Satan is Gods left hand man (Job).

In my opinion, Eve was not inherently evil, but was hoping to cherry pick the good that the tree had to offer. But along with the good, came the evil knowledge, which is why they get the bum's rush out of Eden.

Morality is taught and learned knowledge with promises of being like God ( to quote Satan).

As long as we envision the ''tree of knowledge of good and evil'', as an actual ''fruit tree'', where one bite of it's fruit renders one with knowledge one previously didn't have, or never had any of the experiences in order to ''know'' all that is to be known, it will never make any sense.

However, if the ''tree'' is a family tree, and the fruit is the off-spring of a union between a race of humanoid naturally endowed with esoteric knowledge, and a pure vessel (eve), then the whole bible makes sense.

Any thoughts?

Tree of life just like a family tree!

For the last few years the idea of the tree of knowledge being a symbol for the family tree has been developing in my mind!!

The serpent maybe a symbol for the penis too?

As it is in Hindi religion Shiva has his lingum and the snake as his consort...

If the serpent tempted adam to eat (have sex) from the tree of knowledge and then man had to work the land etc to feed himself!!! Then the Bible goes on and on with names of family fathers and sons just after this showing each generation dying younger and younger!!
Maybe because the QI energy is being depleted and depleted with each generation?
I am sure it is some symbolism to show us something hidden away!!

Not sure by who or what though....

Could the zephilim be alien beings from another planet?

The sons of God getting it together with the daughters of man or whatever it says....
BtnGuy, et al,

The "Tree of Knowledge" is a central object of interest derived from the Garden of Eden Story, contained within the Book of Genesis. The same with the Serpent that represented evil (possibly Satan). While the fundamentalist belive that it was actually a tree; others believe it was all metafore. Not so interesting.

Could the zephilim be alien beings from another planet?

The sons of God getting it together with the daughters of man or whatever it says....

But the idea of the "Nephilim" is a much broader concept than that which is portrayed in various versions contained within biblical teaching. It is much more interesting.

NOTE: There are several interpretations on what a "Nephilim" is. The most common among the beliefs is that it is the offspring of angels.​

The stories of "Nephilim" are not limited in association with the "God of Abraham." While the noun nomenclature of "Nephilim" is the Judea-Christian for the offspring derived between God (and angels) with humanity (mortals) ; it is not unique.

Mythological personalities such as Hercules (Son of Zues and Alcmene) and Perseus (Son of Zeus and Danaë) were immortals (half man - half God; or demigod) before the second millenium BC. Hercules completed his 12 Labors between 1500 and 1100 years before Christ (the famous offspring between The God of Abraham and the mortal Mary). Perseus established Mycenae nearly 2000 years before Christ. The Great Hero Achilles, of Trojan War fame, (son of the the King of Myrmidon and the nymph Thetis) fights at Troy sometime between 1194–1184 BC.

NOTE: The Old Testament (AKA: Old Covenant) was written over a period of at least thousand years, beginning possibly around 1500 BC. So, the concept of demigods arising from the union between Gods and Mortals surfaces about the same time as the documentation in the Hebrew world.​

Who the "Nephilim" are is a source of great debate in the Christian and Hebrew religions. There is a short, but interesting commentary that can be found at:


  • Q: Could the zephilim be alien beings from another planet?
  • A: The stories of the demigods and heroes does not match anything connected with "aliens." They were more human than God-like. While possible, it seems very remote. Most of the connections between Alien Visitation Theorists occur much earlier in human history.

As long as we envision the ''tree of knowledge of good and evil'', as an actual ''fruit tree'', where one bite of it's fruit renders one with knowledge one previously didn't have, or never had any of the experiences in order to ''know'' all that is to be known, it will never make any sense....

Why not? There are many plants that provide knowledge in the form of raising consciousness.
Various plants when ingested alone or in combination cause radical shifts in consciousness. Shamanism is an ancient form of religion that is based on these plants. The Tree of Life myth could be an ancestral memory of the discovery of these substances.
The tree of knowledge of good and evil, if taken symbolically, is based on learned knowledge of what is good and evil. Morality is also a form of knowledge, that is learned (not innate) that teaches us the difference between good and evil. The question is, is morality an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (in the figurative sense) ?

The way I see it, knowledge of good and evil, has all the good knowledge implicit in it. If you follow this, it is good. But to know good, you also know evil, therefore moral law implicitly contains all the evil at the same time. Morality would try to cherry pick off the apple tree but ends up getting apples instead.

If this was true, does morality serve God and Satan? In the old testament Satan is Gods left hand man (Job).

In my opinion, Eve was not inherently evil, but was hoping to cherry pick the good that the tree had to offer. But along with the good, came the evil knowledge, which is why they get the bum's rush out of Eden.

Morality is taught and learned knowledge with promises of being like God ( to quote Satan).

This baby would say that it is innate.

As to the original myth, it may all have been about sex.
