Moral Kombat: Catholics vs Disney


I'm back! Warp 8 Mr. Worf!
Registered Senior Member
Well, I've seen everything now :)

Amongst the Abbot's accusations and assertions are:

Disney "pretends to provide stories with a moral message, but has actually helped to create a more materialistic culture."

Disney "stories carry messages showing good triumphing over evil, he argues this is part of a ploy to persuade people that they should buy Disney products in order to be "a good and happy family"."


And the Abbot also says "there are "eight thoughts" which need to be controlled to help people to discover happiness. Six of them (anger, pride, gluttony, lust, greed, and spiritual apathy or sloth) are found among the list of deadly sins. To this he adds sadness and vanity. "

PS, the Abbot says this in his new book about being a good and happy family, available for sale.
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