moral dilemma


Registered Member
I am suffering on the horns of a moral dilemma right now that perhaps you all can help me with.

I recently learned that the 17 year old son of one of my best friends has taken a new job. This would be no problem except for the type of work that the young man has found. He is about to become one of the spawns of satan himself. That's right the boy is becoming a (shudder) telemarketer.

My immediate instinct, upon hearing this horrible news, was to kill him . Kill him now. Prevent him from reproducing his genetic line and gain the gratitude of all living humans as well as future generations.

Unfortunately, his parents ( both of whom have been some of my best friends for over 20 years) were present at the time.

My problem and dilemma now is:
Do I kill the spawn of evil now and give up the long time friendships I have enjoyed or:

Do I let him live, telemarketing away, and hope that soon the otherwise sound genetic material in each of his cells overcomes this (hopefully) momentary insanity.

What do you all think.
Well, a job's a job...but telemarketers are, in general, evil evil people. If its a temp job..maybe you dont have to kill him? :D
Moral Dilemma?

Here's something to get you in the mood...
I have a feeling that the very first use of Artificial Intelligence will be Telemarketing and Porno.....:D
I think you are insane and retarded, because I don't find this kind of "joke" funny. Man, you think telemarketers are a problem, go to some other countries where you're not allowed to have a phone. Of course seeing who you are, you'd probably try and rebel against the authorities there, and get yourself killed no doubt because you have no strategy or tactical skills.
Hey dude... really, they are your morals, let him find his own path. At least he isnt stealing from the poor to feed to rich... well, perhaps he is, but at least he still has his health..... He is young, tall but dont preach to him, about your ideas. it is all a part of the world rotating!
So I am going to murder the son of my best friends, or telemarketing is the end of the world?

*ring, ring, ring* Hello, I am with -------- We have a very special deal going on at the moment. Would you be interested in buying -- *click* It is called saying no thank you and hanging up in their face.

And it is the most annoying thing in the world compared to being raped, eh?
I took it in the light that chipsanddust was not serious. That he was stating that he didn't think much of the job that his friend's son was taking.

In truth, the statement of "I am not interested, good day", then hanging up is marvelously effective. Works everytime. The same statement works well with door to door salesmen also...
A job is a job. He earns his own money with it, doesn't he?

As far as door to door salesmen go. Ever heard or seen the Jehova "sales men" who are going from door to door? With little children on their heels? On Sunday's even? To spread "The Word"?

Now, that is a bad case of evil doing...
Jeez folks. Lighten up. I would no more kill the kid than kill my dogs. It was a joke. One, which he and his father found quite amusing.

Oh, and Clarentavius. Get a life. I am sure that your 20 years have given you an infinite amount of experience in strategy and tactics oh great WAR MASTER. Played a lot of video games huh. And, of course, the events of today should destroy all peoples sense of humor. It amazes me as well that you can know me so well after reading one of my posts. I have made so few on this or any forum that noone could get to know the smallest part of who I am by reading them.

Banshee. Oh yeah, I have seen many of the Jehova's Witnesses trying to 'sell' their religion door to door. I agree they are minions of a greater evil. One entertaining strategy with them is to keep a book of another religion by the door. Try to convert them when they knock. I found the Bhaghavad Ghita fun to use. My brother (who tends to be somewhat more of rebel than I) used the satanic bible by Huxley for a while. Even more entertaining is to throw Bible verses at them and ask for an explanation. One good example for those who have children with them is Psalms 137. Which ends: 'and joyous is he who dashes the heads of the infants against the rocks'. Of course it varies from translation to translation but generally says about the same thing. Justifying infanticide as a tenet of religion is especially hard for them to handle if they are dragging their children around with them while they try to convert the world. Needless to say, I have had no Jehovah's witnesses visiting me in quite a while.
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We could always drop the "Anvil of Phone Sales" on his head!:D

Lighten up, bro!:cool:

I would suggest waiting for something better. Look at me, I did, and now I'm a substitute teacher with an MA in English working the child-prisons of AmeriKKKa!

RE: those Jehovah's Telemarketers.
I find that if I engage them in an honest and heartfelt discussion on love and spirituality, they tend to not have a lot to argue about. Barring that, I take one of their pamphlets so I can drain their resources!:D I recently got my first visit from one of them carrying his children in tow. And in the middle of a hellish Central Valley summer! That's the way to innitiate 'em! Maybe their fond memories with Dad will help them avoid the temptations of fundamentalist thinking :) We can only hope.
Thank you.

I am not a telemarketer. I am a data collector working for scientific institutions. Morons like chipsanddust give me hours of grief.

Not because I mind being told to kill myself (that was a fun call! He stayed on the line for five minutes to call me names, and I really pissed him off by being very polite. I think I took a few years off his life that way. :D) but because it is virtually impossible to assign a code to those morons! Gah!
I was just looking for a temp job for Uni, not a full time one, I can quit with a weeks notice anyway, and it's not bad pay.

So, just outta interest, who here yells abuse down the phone (or something similar) when telemarketers phone up?
I try to be really nice to telemarketers because I feel sorry for them trying to sell products/services to unwilling and hostile audiences. If they continue to talk after I've said "No thank-you" I just say it again and hang-up. I really love doing telephone surveys though. I'll always do those. They are like tests and for some weird reason I like tests.