moon rotation...

It does. It rotates once on its axis for every orbit about the Earth. It is, almost, tidally locked. This is why we see one face, or about 59% of the surface.
the moon takes 27.3 days to complete it's orbit of the earth & rotates on its axis every 27.3 days. thus it does spin.
The moon rotates. We just happen to be a moving observer that stays on a certain side.
it rotates at the same speed it goes around. thats why u always see the same side.
Sorry Skull, for some reason I saw a 'does not spin' in your post.

My humble apologies.

Reminds self to read posts properly.

Spinny spin

Some times my dog spins on its arse. Needz a helpful kick first. It is called G-Star. I love G-Star please. Thanking you.
I think the moon is trying to hide something fro us, it's devious like that.
as you move closer in to the sun the fewer satalites there are around planets, junk that gets caught in planetary orbits like satalites tend to come from outside the solar system. statisticly its hard for this stuff to get close to the sun without the gravity of other planets, and dont fool yourself there a few big ones out there, capturing them first, thats probably why we dont have more moons or large meteor impats than we do. Small planets on the insides of solar systems just dont have the chances of attracting that stuff like the outer solar system gas gients. i beleive i read that just recently there were several new moons discoverd around neptune. those gass gients hog all the good orbital celestial bodys :p
it takes...
27.3 days to rotate once
27.3 days to orbit earth
sounds like a pretty damn big coincidence to me... then again what do i know about astronomy:D