Moon-landing hoax: new evidence?

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The Boney King of Nowhere
Registered Senior Member
We have heard the usual evidence a thousand times over. The flag waving in the lunar wind, the solar radiation, all that crap.

But I've thought up something new. I haven't seen this on any TV specials or websites or anything. This is my own info.

Fact 1: Alright, everyone knows that only one side of the moon ever faces earth. We've only seen that one side for eons. The other side, what they call "the dark side of the moon" looks a lot different, and is densely pock-marked by craters. This is a fact.

Fact 2: Everyone has seen the footage of the successful apollo missions to the moon, in which the astronauts witness and film an event they call the "earth-rise." An earth-rise is when the earth rises up above the lunar surface, like a sun-rise. There is footage of this.

Now, the way I see it, an earth-rise cannot happen if fact 1 is correct. Think about it. For example, if the astronauts landed on the middle of the side of the moon that faces earth, earth should remain straight up in the sky. If they landed off to one side of the side of the moon that faces earth, then the earth should always remain kind of low in the sky.

The earth theoretically should not rise above the horizon at any time because only one side of the moon ever faces earth!

Were these "earth-rise" videos faked?
Your presentation of "Fact 1" is incorrect.

I'm sure you've heard the terming of a "New Moon", or even seen a "Crested Moon", these altering shapes of the moon based upon near enough time of the month are caused by how the earth casts a shadow upon the moon when it gets in the way of the sun. In fact this is what causes Lunar Eclipses.

On top of that remember that the Moon although being 1/6 the size of the Earth is still large and Spherical which means the moon has a curvature. This means when an Astronaut is looking at a horizon line, he's not actually necessarily seeing the extent of the moon due to the curvature. (In fact this was pointed out in regards to some hogwash about pictures being different previously, where a mountain range in the background didn't look any different but the foreground was.)
Were these "earth-rise" videos faked?

Doughhead - the Earth-rise pics are from lunar orbit, not from the surface.
(Q) said:
Were these "earth-rise" videos faked?

Doughhead - the Earth-rise pics are from lunar orbit, not from the surface.

Are you sure of that? the camera seems pretty still in the videos.

If that's true though, that just about solves that problem.
Stryderunknown said:
Your presentation of "Fact 1" is incorrect.

I'm sure you've heard the terming of a "New Moon", or even seen a "Crested Moon", these altering shapes of the moon based upon near enough time of the month are caused by how the earth casts a shadow upon the moon when it gets in the way of the sun. In fact this is what causes Lunar Eclipses.

On top of that remember that the Moon although being 1/6 the size of the Earth is still large and Spherical which means the moon has a curvature. This means when an Astronaut is looking at a horizon line, he's not actually necessarily seeing the extent of the moon due to the curvature. (In fact this was pointed out in regards to some hogwash about pictures being different previously, where a mountain range in the background didn't look any different but the foreground was.)

Im not talking about the lighting of the moon at all. "The dark side of the moon" does not have anything to do with sunlight. It's just the side that we've never seen from earth because it's always facing away. you're getting confused with lunar phases and cycles. it has nothing to do with that.

secondly, a new moon and cresent moon are not caused by earth's shadows, its caused by the sunlight shining on the moon from different angles, creating shadows on one side. But as i said, that has nothing to do with what im talking about.
TheGrimCreeper said:
But I've thought up something new. I haven't seen this on any TV specials or websites or anything. This is my own info.
There was a Tv specials a while ago. The crap was FOX
i dont want to sound rude Grim,but let me say me opinion Overtly. :mad:
This Topic is disgusting to say the least..So many scientists working day and night without getting Sleep,Astronauts working and preparing for months in simulators and finally landing...all this was a HOAX?

I"ll tell you what,When my father worked for ISRO,he often encountered NASA people.ISRO got Sincere inputs from NASA people.These were guys who really knew what they were doing!.

Why are people only suspecting NASA.Talk about Space Flights...
  • Was Yuri Gagarin a Fluke?
  • Was Mir Space Station a fluke?
  • Apollo-11 was a fake landing,but Apollo-13 is never questioned,why? because their mission was a failiure.
becaue if we are questioning Moon Landing here,then we would perhaps feel free to even Question the Credibility of the WHOLE Space Program.I have grown admiring people like James Lovell,Neil Arm,Buzz Aldrin...And just because NASA had some failiures doesnt mean that you can take away their successful missions.
It would be a serious mistake...
(Q) said:
Were these "earth-rise" videos faked?

Doughhead - the Earth-rise pics are from lunar orbit, not from the surface.

That's absolutely true, although I'm not sure about the "Doughhead" part of your statement, or was that a polite way of your being a nice guy?
TheGrimCreeper said:
Are you sure of that? the camera seems pretty still in the videos.

If that's true though, that just about solves that problem.

Not actually, as you'll have to take a good look-see at the Earth as depicted in the doctored image of a couple of astronaut visors before setting the location of the sun aside, and perhaps address a few other pesky photographic details.

Remember, that I'm only absolutely certain that those Kodak moments were not as such acquired upon the moon, and that's it's entirely possible, though not sufficiently documented, that we actually made a landing, even though as of today (3.5 decades past due) we can't seem to deploy squat upon the moon without our reliance upon using the impact method, such as with regard to the "Polar Night" mission and so forth.

Regards, Brad Guth (BBCI h2g2 U206251)
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I'm sure you've heard the terming of a "New Moon", or even seen a "Crested Moon", these altering shapes of the moon based upon near enough time of the month are caused by how the earth casts a shadow upon the moon when it gets in the way of the sun. In fact this is what causes Lunar Eclipses.

The Earth's shadow is what causes lunar eclipses, but that it is not why we see crescent moons, full moons and new moons. We see a half-moon, for example, when the Moon and the Sun are 90 degrees apart in the sky. The Earth is not blocking the sunlight from reaching the moon in that case.
If the film was taken from luna orbit it could depict an earth rise.
If the film was taken from the surface it could not show an earth moving overhead.

Any one have a link to the film clip? :)

Was a reasonable thought there Brad, yet one more piece of planetary mechanics was needed to solve the puzzle. Where the film was shot from.

Actually we see slightly more than just the bit of the moon that faces us, we see a tiny bit more at the edges. It appears to wobble a bit, or so I've read somewhere. I'll find the book and scan it
Communist Hamster said:
Actually we see slightly more than just the bit of the moon that faces us, we see a tiny bit more at the edges. It appears to wobble a bit, or so I've read somewhere. I'll find the book and scan it

On some parts of the lunar surface, that wobbling might cause the earth to bob up and down in the horizon. Is that the earth rise?

Edit: Check this out. It's the apollo mission landing sites. this picture is from the nasa website:
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The earth rise pics were taken by the crew of apollo 8 in dec 68. They are the ones that are mostly seen. How could it all be a hoax? up too 500,000 people were involved in the apollo project, along with thousands of different firms. Do you really think a hoax could be covered up with that amount of poeple involved? I think you need to take a crap, cos' its all coming out of your mouth
besides.. all seem to forget that the Russians were monitoring the event closely.
visual, radio, all wavelenghts...
if there had been any suspicion of a hoax, then they would have shouted like mad about it.
it was a space race and they would have prefered not to lose it
I agree that there was a huge effort in putting man on the moon, but why does it still remain a fact that the moon has no wind or atmosphere, but the flag waves like crazy? That's one thing I've never heard NASA scientists acknowledge.
for all I know the footage might have been a fake (for whatever reason) (~2% probability)
but the moon landing certainly was not
I like that bad astronomy site :cool:
makes me long for "good astronomy" /sneers
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