Moon Images????


Registered Senior Member
Ive been looking at these Moon images from (click on any of the moon articles).

Can someone in the know please explain the images, they are the same if you go to a official site, so these are genuine images, but is it tampering or are the images just messed up????.

:eek: they shouldntbe allowed to leave shiny things on the moon, it will just attract the aliens and if we feed them, theyll never go away
Nah... it's just bait. This way they'll go to the Moon inside of coming to us. The we shoot a laser at them.

Either way those, the shiney objects in question are on Mars.... not the moon.
Man that's the dumbest site I've even been to. Spirit's heatshield is suddenly a "Mars Anomaly" and those moon "anomalies" are obviously image artifacts.
I was just looking at this:

After a bit of messing about I think I've concluded this:

The banding effect is caused by the actual pictures of the moon being recorded on TAPE. The tape is then placed together to generate the overall moon map accounting for the banding, however using tape/film means that when it gets to the end of a reel another reel has to pick up where the first one finished and could have made allowances for error (like the supposed "building structure".)

What supports my theory is this entry from the Clementine site when attempting to adjust filters or look at other areas by clicking the map:

'The image that you have requested is located on D2 small tape and is being retrieved.'

As for 'Blurred out Edits' please note that a satellite is maintaining an orbit that allows it to circumnavigate the moon, however during it's voyage occasionally the thursters have to be fired to keep the satellite on course of it would mean it's path would degrade out of orbit and the satellite would be lost.

This means that the thrusters have to be fired, and when they are fired for that brief instance any pictures being taken will lose focus, this will cause the picture to become blur and the lens has to refocus on the surface.

Blurs can also be generated when the images don't align properly. I think the blurring method was done to connect them, however in later imagery they usually just leave alone the sections that are missing or don't align rather than have conspiracy buffs complain about editing.

Actual site of real moon images located at:
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