Montauk Project-Experiments in Time


Registered Senior Member
I've extensively looked into the rumors
concerning a Project Rainbow also known
as the Philadelphia Experiment and found
that there is good reason to believe that it may have acually occured. The Montauk Project was suppose to be a
continuation of Project Rainbow. Besides
being able to render a ship invisible
they also were doing experiments to control moods of animals,bring objects into physical form,and travel in time.
What do you mean,"bring objects into physical form." And I want to ask, how do you get all this info. I want to know stuff like this, know all this top secret stuff.Do you work for the government or something?

I'm really not a shorty.

[This message has been edited by Shorty (edited October 17, 1999).]
hang on.. hang on.....
am I reading this right?
Alien comes on and posts that he's not here - but will be back in a week or so??...

Don't nobody call <u>me</u> wierd !!!!

[This message has been edited by Dave (edited October 18, 1999).]
Nobody's calling you weird, Alien asked me to watch the board for him and post message's to people that addressed him directly and tell them he was out of town I don't answer any of these post or do any chatting. I'm just keepng all of you informed. I do have to say that this is a very interesting and fascinating board.
Mrs Alien
Cool. Isn't there a movie by the same name?


"I have to go. I have to...I have to go now."-from Mrs. Doubtfire
Yes there is. It's not a bad flick at all. I don't recall who's in it, but run "The Philadelphia Experiment" back-to-back with "The Final Countdown" for a time-tripping treat!
A psychic was used for the experiments
with a chair that was constructed to
explore the possible uses for the earlier
work of Project Rainbow.While the psychic sat in the chair he would visualize an
object in his mind and that object would appear in the area sometimes only as a
ghostly apparition others as a solid object that would stay. I do not work for the government but have had the pleasure
to speak to those who have.The whole technology is based on counter rotating electromagnetic fields which are pulsed.
High energy levels and complex systems were used in the experimentations aboard
the USS Eldridge and at Montauk however
I was told that the technology can be used at much lower power levels.A radio
collector has much of the equiptment
used at Montauk after the base was
abandoned.So far the congressional probes
into the subject have not found what
group of people were working at the old
Air Force base.