Monitoring Systems


Registered Senior Member
Monitoring Systems

In the late 1950s, Americans stationed the so-called MIDAS satellite system approximately 38,000 km (23,750 miles) above the Earth with the intent of protecting the USA from a surprise attack in case they were fired upon by intercontinental rockets. This system, however, was soon replaced by a different, updated system called DSP (Defense Support Program), which is more than just a monitoring system because it holds calculation/espionage functions and other elements, and has the capability of monitoring and locating far more than mere objects in the airspace surrounding the Earth.

It is a fact that we, the people on Earth, are continually monitored and surveyed by the DSP satellites stationed and circling in space around the Earth in a geosynchronous formation which guarantees that the planet is thoroughly surveyed around the clock, 24-hours a day. This monitoring process is worldwide and virtually not one square meter of ground is omitted. The DSP system currently is so advanced that almost no step can be made on the face of the Earth without it being thoroughly observed. Although this capability has not yet been fully implemented, it nonetheless exists and is currently available and utilized for specific purposes of observation and monitoring. This fact remains "top secret" and only those individuals with the highest security clearance dare whisper about it. While some DSP monitoring system data leaked to the public for the first time during the Gulf War in 1991, when the system was zeroed in on the Iraqi Scud rockets missiles after their launching, other implementation possibilities for this system remain a well-kept, strictly observed secret. The system is capable not only of promptly detecting enemy fighter and bomber aircraft, but also of triggering defense actions on a large scale. It can currently implement surveys and monitor functions beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Indisputably, certain related technology was not invented by terrestrial technologists and engineers but came to them by way of diverse UFOs, respectively extraterrestrial spacecraft that had crashed in the USA. The Americans secured the spacecraft, examined them in great detail, took them apart and retroengineered them; and they continue to do so today. Therefore, some technology from the UFOs also served the Americans in the construction of their DSP defense system which enables them to implement large-scale surveys over the entire globe.

Insiders call the DSP system "Deep Space Platform". It exerts its influence not only over this planet, as mentioned previously, but it also monitors and records what is happening in outer space. More than 6100 highly sensitive sensors enable the DSP satellites to measure and survey the normal, visible light and related matters, and give it the capability of monitoring also the influences from micro and electro-magnetic oscillation ranges, along with X-ray, infrared and ultraviolet levels to mention only a few. In addition to registering meteors entering terrestrial space at regular or irregular intervals, these sensors also register alien flying objects that travel with incredible speed from outer space to Earth where they enter terrestrial airspace two or three times every month. Neither the scientific community nor government agencies nor the military and the CIA will divulge any of this knowledge. Within informed circles of experts, these extraterrestrial flying objects are called "fastwalkers". With great regularity the DSP satellites detect these fastwalkers as they race with immense speed from outer space and into the Earth's atmosphere, whereupon they depart from the planet shortly after to disappear once again with incredible speed into the depths of space. It is interesting to note that each time a fastwalker is recorded as it enters terrestrial space there are typically UFO sightings around the globe observations by people from all social levels and professions. Nonetheless, scientists in charge, the military, government agencies, secret services and others hide these facts from the public and make fools of the entire terrestrial population. Some of these individuals in charge simply feel chosen to play childish games of hide-and-seek or soldiers and warriors, and fancy themselves as being important. However, this is no longer the case, for they are more like wet washcloths as they tremble in their boots with fear that the extraterrestrial human intelligences will come to Earth, prove their enormous superiority over us earthlings, and demonstrate that they are further advanced in every way than everyone on this planet.

With their DSP monitoring system, America has taken the first step toward the horrifying, futuristic vision of total control over every human being on Earth. This vision signifies that terrestrials will soon be unable to take even a single step without being observed and controlled by an all-inclusive monitoring system, which would eventually entail the implanting of a coded chip into every person. The possibility then arises that an individual will be completely controlled and, ultimately, will always be observed and monitored; even a person's most private and intimate activities will be observed. The vision also implies that the European monitoring headquarters will be located in Brussels, Belgium, and managed and directed by the European Union (Europäische Union) as it is called today. The undisclosed implication is that a form of dictatorship will be established that results in the complete surveillance of every citizen --- a horrible vision, which is increasingly becoming apparent as a reality to anyone observing the world with open eyes. Likewise, this terrifying vision foreshadows the 'New World Order' which, from ancient times onward, was linked to prophecies about an 'animal with the number 666' exerting immense power. I intend to elaborate more extensively, in justifiable form, in the FIGU Newsletter on this prophecy and vision, along with many other important matters of which Man on Earth should be apprised.
I've kept away from all the garbage that has been posted for such a long time now .. waiting for things to improve....unfortunately, I can't hold in what I think of all the crap I just read re the above!
no-one dares even whisper
total secrecy
beyond your wildest dreams
ufo encounters that no-one dares mention
'retro' engineered...(even coming up with new catch phrases for back-engineering too...)

Yet you mentioned it all...
you have more info than the top government officials,
you seem to know more than the big boys monitoring the whole planet
you seem to know at what level 'top secret' alien craft back-engineering is at and further still, what departments have utilised the results!
Come on, did you even stop to think when you typed in all this crud, or do you really believe you have privvy to info that 'not one single employee in their secret agency dares even whisper about' ... blah blah blah.

Can we please back off the conspiracy bandwagon for just one day and hang up the paranoid jacket for maybe a little while??

If you have any facts...that's F A C T S to share - please do, otherwise shift over to the cuckoo section with the other conspiracy lovers in their forum.

I find it interesting that for all of the so-called oppression and monitoring that goes on that presidents can still get shot, that terrorists can still send mailbombs and park loaded Ryder trucks outside of government buildings, and that imbeciles can still run red lights, nearly plow into law-abiding drivers, and still be allowed to drive. If the government is running a monitoring system on us, I'm not worried. They have their heads up their backsides on everything else, why should they be any more effective with this?

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited July 02, 2000).]
I must agree with Dave on this one - total waste of bandwidth. However, just to add a bit more critisism to the list....

Assuming that, OK fair cop geezer, the US ARE monitoring EVERYTHING going on around the world at any point in time, using some wonderful system. Ever stopped to think about the amount of data mining required to produce something meaningful out of the Terabytes of information such as system would produce? The amount of memory required to support such a system is totally out of this world! Not to mention the CPU requirements....hard disk space....need I go on?

Let's get real people!! Encourage (intelligent) discussion - don't spew non-sense. We get enough of that sort of pants from the people who run our respective countries. It's not big and it's not clever.

That's my five pennies worth. Cheers,


Chaos, panic and disorder - my work here is done

The merits of these posts aside.....

Are you under the impression that these systems are run on desktop PC's???????

From the fragmented info I have read regarding this topic a chip has been developed (funded by NSA) that can monitor hundreds of thousands of frequencies simultaneously, not only monitor but process and listen for key words i.e. kill-clinton/presideent etc that flags a more indepth monitoring of the frequency.

This technology was said to be developed to monitor for ET...apparently it would take about 5 of these chips to listen to every US phone conversation.

Also, the best technology you can buy is many generations behind actual cutting edge technology...we don't get everything the second its made.
I am going to take a line from Oxygen, and ask how you know this?

The NSA is so amazingly secretive that their own department heads don't neccesarily know all the projects in their department...
How I know all what????

That the technology available on the market is generations behind latest tech available?

Or that a monitoring system of this magnitude needs more then a typical PC system even if it had terabyte sized HDD or terabyte RAM sizes, or even microwave frequency bus speeds???

Or the point about the chip???

As far as the chip info goes it was reported by on a few science/tech programs here in Australia by scientists who are respected in their far as the NSA funding goes well I'm pretty sure that was rumour, but when you think about it who else would want to sink money into develping that kind of technology with the sole purpose of scanning the cosmos????

Now lets look at this are saying that this is speculation and therefore not a valid discussion are YOU so sure this technology isn't being used??? we're both just as wrong as each other. Neither side of this discussion can support their claims with evidence, what makes you so right???

I don't understand why you feel we need to close these kinds of discussions...I'm not claiming that this is happening etc but I'm not going to close my mind off and think that this kind of technology is impossible....think about how many transactions a bank monitors in real it that far a step for the NSA to monitor millions of signals???? does it really sound that crazy? I tend to think it doesn't.

Anyway thats my 2.2 cents worth (we just copped a 10% GST :) )

I'm not under the impression that they run on desktop PC's - I'm referring to supercomputers, mainframes (a bit outdated perhaps, but useless nonetheless), RISC computers, that sort of thing.

As for the wonderful chip you're referring to, well don't forget that you need more than a chip to do the work. You go on to mention 'microwave bus speed' in your reply to Corp.Hudson - ever thought about what that means? Hmm...let me think...that'll refer to MHz...that's what they already run at! What's so new about that?? As for Terabyte RAM capabilities - they should be so lucky. Conventional supercomputers, that's the ones that a measured in terms of Teraflops etc - well they use lots of memory, but by means of sharing the workload over several computers (aka clustering), thereby giving more CPU time available to do all the work.

As for not being able to support these claims with evidence - hellooooo??? Anyone there? Is the lift going to the top floor? How do you think researches at Universities around the world do most of their theoretical calculations?

Anyway, enough of me spanking my monkey - live in peace people.

2 corrections:

1. It's TETRA bytes not tera (10ˆ12 hertz)

2. Microwave is run at GIGAhertz
(10ˆ9) not MegaHertz (10ˆ6) frequency. ( although granted it can be in the top end of that range but not in the context of the above post )
e.g. a microwave oven runs at 2450 MHz (2.45Ghz).

At least get it right! 2 posts - 2 errors....
and you wonder why we buffs get a bad rep....


[This message has been edited by Dave (edited July 15, 2000).]
As for reverse engineering, there is a pretty good story of it in the book THE DAY AFTER ROSWELL, by Lt.Colonel Russo. The Colonel is dead now, as well as most of the people he worked with. He claimed we found silicone chips in the crashed UFO at Roswell.
These were supposedly given to Bell Labs where they were reverse-engineered. The dates of the crash tie in with the "invention" of the transistor by Bell Labs. Bell Labs was under contract to a Japanese firm to come up with a small radio at the time. The first chips were not made from silicone. I can't remember the name of the material, it is found in meteorites. Diamonds make the best chips but the cost is prohibitive. Sand, the second most common element on earth, fit the bill right nicely.
The element that is vaporized on to the chip is about the only variable, aluminum mostly,
sometimes gold and/or platinum. Those little devils generate a lot of heat, as you may know from your own PC.

I almost forgot what I meant to post.
I just recently read the members of, I believe, the House of Commons in the UK are demanding an investigation into reports of England's association with the US in project Echelon. It is a fore-gone conclusion that Echelon can, and does, monitor key words from every telephone conversation,radio conversation and email the world over. There was quite a spin on Echelon on a post some time back?


You're right about the GHz/MHz bit - my maths is slightly out (only a factor of a 1000 or so ;)

However, TERA is the correct term. It refers to 10^12 bytes (or 2^40) whereas TETRA refers to a 32-bit algorithm used in parallel computing...(c.f. Knuth measure)

Thanks for the correction =)


Chaos, panic and disorder - my work here is done