Money Offered for Sterilization: YES!


Registered Member
As has been mentioned elsewhere in this forum, there is an organization called that offers $300 to drug addicts who have been sterilized.

There are many cases of drug addicted women having may children, all born addicted - one woman had 17 children, all sick and/or addicted!!!

Anyone who thinks this is a racist program, targeted at low income blacks, is ignorant of the facts. A large segment of the participants are white.

Even if a certain segment were "targeted", if it prevented the suffering of scores of babies, and the negative impact upon society of the indiscriminate breeding of ill children, so be it! There is no rational argument against programs like these.

The point of my post is to ask this:

Why draw the line at drug addicts? Why not offer $300 - $1000 (the amount based on income) to anyone who wishes to be sterilized? The majority of those who would take the offer will be those more likely to breed irresponsibly. Think about it before you respond.

Anyone who lives in a city, and sees the result of irresponsible, indiscriminate
human reproduction must at least consider the merits of the above proposal.

On a purely economic level, paying $1000 (or more) to prevent many times that amount in future social program outlays, etc., makes it a very reasonable investment.
IMO, the minimum should be $1000, possibly a bit more. Otherwise if an adult agrees to it, it can't be wrong.

People who leave a child in a car without taking the keys or long enough to be hurt or killed by cold or heat should be forced to decide whether to spend 20 years in prison or 2 years plus sterilization.
It's not illegal to leave unattended children in a car... How the fuck is that worth 20 years?
While the idea makes sense to me, I can't help feeling uneasy about it - especially in light of the coerced and manipulated sterlizations in US history such as the IHS program in the seventies.

It's difficult not to be wary and cynical to say the least.
one raven i agree with post 4 but your wrong about post 5
its not criminal neglect, its murder
One Raven, you said
"While the idea makes sense to me, I can't help feeling uneasy about it"....

Even though I started this thread, I feel a bit uneasy about it as well.


Besides the obvious need for sterilization of drug addicts...
when I see all the "fathers" who repeatedly impregnate and run, pregnant women puffing away on cigarettes and/or gulping down alcohol, another pregnant woman slapping and screaming at their 5 other kids, the "parents" that leave 3 year olds alone at home and 5 year olds to walk down the street by themselves, etc... I'm thinking the sterilization offer is a good plan.

There's a rampant disregard in certain "cultures", both in this country and others, for the sacredness of bringing a human life into this world. These individuals are producing children that, for a large part, will continue this irresponsible and anti-societal cycle.

To me, one of the most heinous expressions ever used is "illegitimate children".
Actually, the children are perfectly legitimate.
The correct expression is: "illegitimate parents".
And they should be offered the paid opportunity not to be.
wordplay actually i find that term highly insulting. There is nothing illegitimate about shorty's kids symply because she hasnt gone through a religious cerimony to sell herself
I've always been disgusted by the term illegitimate children. Recently, an old woman told me bastards (among others) shouldn't be allowed in government positions.

I should've said in my earlier post, I'd rather it not be offered to any particular group but just be put out there for any adult.

Usually in a discussion of people having children they can't afford, it's said they should control themselves & sometimes that they should be controled. The offer of sterilization seems much more practical to me.