Mom harvests son's sperm


OH JOY!!!!
Valued Senior Member
ew ew ew ew
This never would have crossed my mind in a million years. If she got an egg donor, would it be ethical for her to surrogate her own grandchild?

Mother defends harvesting dead son’s sperm

A Texas mother who tragically lost her 21-year-old son hopes that she will be able to raise her grandchildren after a judge granted her request to posthumously harvest sperm from his body.

“It would help to heal my heart somewhat,” Marissa Evans told TODAY’s Matt Lauer Thursday from Bedford, Texas, during an exclusive interview.

Evans’ son, Nikolas Colton Evans, died Sunday in an Austin hospital, two weeks after he was punched outside an Austin bar early in the morning of March 27. His heart was kept beating until Monday, when Evans gave permission to doctors to harvest his organs. But she also wanted to harvest his sperm....
Even if she were the surrogate, I am having some difficulty getting weirded out by this. Test tube babies are not that uncommon, and even the Pope has decided that they have souls.
Maybe there is some sort of incest based qualm here. Or it could just be respecting the dead.

"first they took my life, then they took... MY BALLS!" he screams from heaven/hell/wheredafuck.
Well, you know, some folks have told me ....

Well, as I understand it, a lot of people are really hung up on the idea of genetic exclusivity. This way, she gets to attempt to resurrect the genetic line and possibly find a new scion. Transferring values and ideas isn't enough; she needs this to be of her own genetic line--kids are status symbols, after all, and not good enough unless they're hers, and this is as close as she's going to get.

Or maybe it's just wishful thinking and hensitting her dead son's semen will sustain her misery suitably for her needs.
Just for starters ....

Well, it's a little morbid.
Well, as I understand it, a lot of people are really hung up on the idea of genetic exclusivity. This way, she gets to attempt to resurrect the genetic line and possibly find a new scion. Transferring values and ideas isn't enough; she needs this to be of her own genetic line--kids are status symbols, after all, and not good enough unless they're hers, and this is as close as she's going to get.

I am def. exactly like her. I support her fully.
Wait, is it an incest thing? That never even occurred to me. I know we all have our hangups, but I see no incest concern here, even if the mother is the surrogate. I'm pretty sure I have heard about mothers serving as surrogates for their daughter's (or vice versa) and don't recall any handwringing over lesbian incest issues.

StrangerInAStrangeLa said:

-=- WHY???

Look, I accept the whole ashes in an urn thing because it has tradition behind it. Death cult is a fascinating aspect of any society. Out in the San Juans ... I haven't been there in years, but there's this old family mausoleum in a cemetery on one of the islands, and it's just really cool. I mean, if you're going to be morbid, that's style.

But when all you've got left is a spermsicle? Yeah, that's just freakin' morbid.
Wait, is it an incest thing? That never even occurred to me. I know we all have our hangups, but I see no incest concern here, even if the mother is the surrogate. I'm pretty sure I have heard about mothers serving as surrogates for their daughter's (or vice versa) and don't recall any handwringing over lesbian incest issues.

I might have misread, i thought i noticed something about her surrogating (word?)(sic)(who the hell cares, i'll pull a shakespeare) her own child's sperm, then... oh duh, i'm misusing the word. Inbreeding, I meant.
“ Originally Posted by StrangerInAStrangeLa

-=- WHY??? ”

Look, I accept the whole ashes in an urn thing because it has tradition behind it. Death cult is a fascinating aspect of any society. Out in the San Juans ... I haven't been there in years, but there's this old family mausoleum in a cemetery on one of the islands, and it's just really cool. I mean, if you're going to be morbid, that's style.

But when all you've got left is a spermsicle? Yeah, that's just freakin' morbid.

So it's unexplainable?
I am def. exactly like her. I support her fully.

Well, as I understand it, a lot of people are really hung up on the idea of genetic exclusivity. This way, she gets to attempt to resurrect the genetic line and possibly find a new scion. Transferring values and ideas isn't enough; she needs this to be of her own genetic line--kids are status symbols, after all, and not good enough unless they're hers, and this is as close as she's going to get.

Or maybe it's just wishful thinking and hensitting her dead son's semen will sustain her misery suitably for her needs.

Isn't that a bit arrogant? , What's so special about her genetic line ?
I would have been satisfied with, I just want a child of my flesh and blood, i.e. with my son's eyes, etc.
That's a little selfish, like you're reviving your son through his children, but it's more understandable, and hence acceptable .
Well, as I understand it, a lot of people are really hung up on the idea of genetic exclusivity. This way, she gets to attempt to resurrect the genetic line and possibly find a new scion. Transferring values and ideas isn't enough; she needs this to be of her own genetic line--kids are status symbols, after all, and not good enough unless they're hers, and this is as close as she's going to get.

She claims she did it because he had apparently said in the past that he would have wanted to have 3 sons. She firmly believes that her son would have wanted her to harvest his sperm in the event of his death.

There is something quite morbid about the whole thing to be honest. I'll put it this way. I have two small son's. If one day I was unfortunate enough to lose the both of them, the absolute last thing that would even enter my mind would be to harvest their sperm so that I could be a grandmother.

She is so desperate to be a grandmother to her son's children, that she is willing to go this far to do it. Think about it, your son is lying in a vegetative state and on life support. You know he has days to live and you are told to start making plans for his funeral and to consider whether you want to donate his organs. Would harvesting his sperm even enter your mind? It wouldn't for me. I would be too busy grieving the loss of my child to consider my desire to be a grandmother to said child's children if he did not have any children.

If he were her only child, one might, just might sort of see where she is coming from. But she has other children.

At the end of the day we can simply chalk it up to a mother's desperation at the loss of her child. It is not for me or anyone to say whether it is acceptable or not. She knew her son better than anyone else and if she feels that he would approve of his sperm being harvested before his untimely death, no one can tell her any differently.

But think of the child or children that may come out of this.. Imagine sitting them down and telling them that they were alive because their grandmother simply could not let go of her dead son, to 'ease her heartache' at her loss.. You want morbid? That is morbid.