Mole men cover ups!


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Forget Aliens and UFOs for a moment, I think that there is a much bigger problem here. The government is covering up their secret dealings with Mole men, who live deep in the mantle of the earth! These huminoid creatures have been around at least as long as we have and have a vastly superior culture and level of technology, but are compleetly blind. The government first encounterd them while drilling for oil in the alaskan territory, and since, they have traded secrets, like atomic thoery and the mechanics of flight with them for all sorts of coersive devices that use mind controle to use against the public (no doubt to cover up their other secret dealings with Space men!) In fact some of these mole men are even living on the surface and have secret positions in the government, who do you think rigged the last election? They want a republican president because they seek to use our government to conquer the world! we are already pushing China and Iraq to start armed conflicts with us, its only a matter of time before the mole men begin their develish plans! You can make yourself a special tin-foil helmet to block out the mind controle beams, if they are using them already, I hope that they havn't. Also, the Alaskan pipe line does not transfer Oil from the inner continent to the shore, but instead it is a Mole man safe passage to the ocean! They travel through the tubes and are loaded into ships, then shiped to washington and who knows where else, where they pull the strings of our government officals, and maybe the officials of other nations! We should all be very wairy of these short hairless foes, I think that they are plotting the distruction of all surface dwellers, not just the ones they don't have under our controle.
Wach it!

Hay, who are you to call anyone crazy, Mr. "Deamons are in my drapes!" You are probably under thier mind controle, I bet that they are making you have histeric delusioins to keep you from uncovering the mole men's secrets. Laugh all you wan't but I have acctualy seen these mole men at work before, they often rob graves to take the toe nails of famous people to fule their giant electromagnetosphere-deathray, which they intend to use to render all of our electronics useless so that they can take over with even more ease! If you don't belive in mole men where do you think J.R.R. tolkien got his inspiration for hobbits? Do you think that it just HAPPENS to be a COINCIDENCE that he wrote about short fat people who are a seperate race from humans? I think that he knew something, and the mole men probably used mind controle on him to keep him from telling, the result is that he rememberd just enough about mole men to write the hobbit but nothing else! Anyway, you can ignore the obvious consperacy all around you and fall victim to the plotting of the mole men, but don't come crying to me when they cut out your eyes to make jewelry!
Don't shoot the messenger

well I may be a refreshing breath of air, but remember if you don't take the threat seriously it could be your last breath of air! I don't see why people find it so hard to belive that the mole men exist, we already know that life exists on this planet, and we havn't even ever been to the mantle, so how can we say that there is nothing there (especialy with all of the mole men running around!). If you want further evidence of their manipulation, take a look at the chunnel (the tunnel running under the english channel which connects England to France). Think about it, why would the English build a tunnel to france? They hate each other, and further more, why a tunnel? Why not a bridge? Clearly this is Mole Men mind control at work, I bet that they have secret access to the tunnel, and use it to get to london and the rest of Europe. In fact the entire continent may be under Mole Men control! That shure whould explane why they arn't too big on using deoderant (Mole men's noses are extreemly sensitive to chemical smells). I'm not sure what exactly can be done about all of this, but I do know that the time for thinking is over, this is the time for action! Even if we don't know what that acton is!
strangly true

I have been waiting for a long time to see theorys like this come out. Kudos to you Mystech. Although my own experiences dont exactly point to mantle living mole men specificly we may bee on the same track. You see i have alwayse been a little suspicious about short people. I have numorous times tried to expose an international dwarf consortium, but to no avail. I have it from my new dwarf neighboor that such a consortium does in fact not exist. I trust him, but i do know that i am frequently followed by strange little people (your mole men maybe?) I once caught one prowling in my house late at night and i do beleive he was blind as you say (however i think they have some form of echo location(you know like dolphins use?)) and inded i have the feeling that my entire neighboorhood is just swiss cheesed by tiny tunnles usable only by these tiny folk, and perhaps the odd badger that may wander in. I immagine that badgers are natural enemys of these strange creatures. Althought i have no real indication of malicious intent, i do feel like they are up to no good. The one in my house was only trying to steal my nail clipers. (i dont think this is what he was after but i caught him and he had them in his hands). As for the existance of an electromagnetosphere-deathray i may only speculate, but the power in my appartment building was out on the night i caught the one in my home.

Glad to see that someone is open minded enough to see what is right in front of them, thanks kaaras! I don't exactly know if badgers are the natural enemys of the mole men, but I guess it is a pritty good theory, after all they are blind and sort of fat, a good meal for a hungry badger. As for ecolocation, I think that this would explane some things, like the strange squeeling sound I hear when I zoom away from a grave yard where I have just seen some mole men digging up dead famous people for their toe-nails (to fule their electromagnetosphere-deathray, if you remember). I'd be interested in comming to your hut made of barrel cacti to inspect these tunnels under your aria, sounds like you might have something there. Oh, and just to be on the safe side, you had better construct yourself one of those tin-foil helmets to block out their mind control beams, E-mail me if you want instructions on how to build it.

yes and remember hailing of eris is only to be done with the left hand, unless the hailer does not wish to hail with the left hand and then hailing may be performed with any other object or part of the body, unless the hailer does not wish to hail then hailing must not be performed.

we worship the sacred cow, and all those who choose not to will be upon their choice fed to the mole men.
I must admit ...

I was thoroughly frightened after reading the thread about the dreaded mole-men. These little runts, despite their horrific size constraints, are amazingly fast buggers! When <b>Mystech</b> wrote about Tolkien being under the influence of these mole-munchkins, I thought of perhaps other authors that may have hinted at their existence. Terry Brooks comes to mind, although he disguises his mole-men as being made of twigs and dried leaves. A little misinformation on his part (no doubt, supplied to him by ol' mole-man himself!)

One of the theories concerned with the mole-men is that they are interested in the destruction of mankind. But this is not entirely true. What they want, essentially, is for man to <i>continue</i> living and working and building and breeding. Their purpose behind this fiendish scheme is to use <i>us</i> for their slaves. Destroying us is what they want us to believe about them. I say 'not entirely true' because, as slaves, mankind would eventually be destroyed; but for the purpose of the mole-men and their evil designs, mankind is intended to serve. Mole-men infiltrate the government ranks the same as when they go to and fro in the mantle of the earth. They instruct others in their devilish plans and make people believe them. They let others see them so that fear will always reign in man's minds. As long as man thinks that mole-men (and their forsaken miniature kin) exist, man will seek to <i>expand</i> through procreation. The more men there are on the earth, the more power and goods and toenails are supplied to the mole-men!

Why do you think that mole-men (fierce little guys!) are after toe- and fingernails? Yes, the electromagnetic-ray comes to mind (only after proper shielding, of course). What are toenails made out of? Besides some random elements of fungus, toenails are composed of the mineral talc (or pretty close, at least). Talc is <b>the</b> necessary ingredient in powering the EMDR (which, when in pronounced in the filthy language of the mole-men sounds like 'in-DUR', which could have the implication of 'the END of mankind', which would typically translate into mankind becoming subservients of the mole-men).

As Mystech said, they are hairless, which pretty much rules out other little people, unless they've gotten a hold of an electrolysis machine. At any rate, the best way to view these unruly little guys is after any famous death. Why? Toenails, of course.

Oh yeah. For anyone that's read <i>Speaker for the Dead</i>, by Orson Scott Card, perhaps you may remember the <i>pequeninos</i>???

Yeah. Exactly. Of course, they had hair on them, but that's just part of the line of misinformation.