Mohammed & Women - I nearly threw up when reading about this sicko

(II ) What were the reasons for the Prophet's marriages?

1-Muhammad was twenty five years old when he married Khadija, his first wife, who was fifteen years his senior and had been married twice . She remained his wife for twenty eight years until she died and he did not marry any other woman during this period of his life. He was always faithful to her memory, so much so that so that this loyalty provoked jealousy among some of his wives in later years.

2- The Prophet's nature, character and way of life before and after his prophethood are absolute proof that he was neither lustful nor sensuous. How could a man who was more than fifty years old suddenly change and become a slave to lust, when he had every opportunity as a young man to follow his desires, in common with the other young men of his tribe. On the contrary Muhammed was well known for his virtue and his only wife who was a virgin was A'isha, daughter of Abu Bakr, while most of his wives were widows whom he married for humane reasons or in order to enforce a religious observance or ruling and not for any sensuous desire on his part. 2

3-As regards his marriage to Sawda daughter of Zam'a who was the widow of one of his companions, he was more than fifty years old at the time, and she was neither beautiful, wealthy nor of noble descent. He married her in order to care for and support the family of his companion, who had suffered torture and death for his faith in God. His marriage to 'A i'sha ,daughter of Abu Bakr and Hafsa, daughter of O'mar at later dates were in order to strengthen the ties between himself and his companions, Abu Bakr and 'Omar.

4-As regards Um Salma, she was the widow of a martyr who had been mortally wounded in the battle of Uhud . She was an old woman and when the prophet proposed marriage to her she tried to excuse herself from accepting because of her age, but the Prophet consoled her and married her for humane reasons. The Prophet married Ramlah, daughter of Abu Sufyan who had emigrated to Abyssinia with her husband who had renounced Islam, become a Christian and had abandoned her leaving her without any maintenance . The prophet sent a message to Al Najashi, who ruled Abyssinia, requesting Ramlah's return to her homeland to deliver her from the estrangement which she felt in a foreign land and to deliver her from the persecution of her own Pagan family in Mecca, had she been forced to return to them. The Prophet also hoped that by this marriage her influential father in Mecca might be induced to embrace Islam .
The Prophet married Juwayriya, daughter of Al Harith who was among the captives captured at the battle of Al Mustalaq. Her father was the chief and master of his tribe and the Prophet married her in order to liberate her from captivity and he requested the Muslims to liberate their captives and set them free . This marriage paved way for understanding with the Prophet's previous enemies.
The Prophet married Safiya who was the daughter of the chief of the Jewish tribe of Banu Quraiza. She was allowed to choose between returning to her People or being set free by marrying the Prophet and she preferred to marry the Prophet to returning to her tribe. 3
5- The Prophet' s marriage to Zeinab ,daughter of Jahsh, who was his cousin, was in order to establish a religious ruling. She had been married to Zeid ben Haritha ,the Prophet's adopted son. Their marriage did not last long and she was divorced. It was the custom of the Arabs during that period to prohibit any marriage between a man and his adopted son's divorced wife . The Prophet was ordered by God to marry Zeinab in order to abolish this ruling which was totally unnecessary. The following Quranic verse abolished this ruling :

"... Then when Zeid had dissolved his marriage with her, with the necessary formality, we joined her in marriage to you: in order that the in future there may be no difficulty in the matter of marriage with the wives of their adopted sons,when the latter have dissolved with the necessary formality their marriage with them and God's Command must be fulfilled.'' (33/37)
Not satisfied

Your explanation, (though confusing because of wierd names), does not justify what the "Prophet" did. By modern day law can you justify marrying a six year old because YOU said you could? I don't think so. But the "Prohet" did.

I'm not going to tell people here what to believe (made that mistake before :) ) The info is in front of your eyes. You can decide whether or not the "Prophet" was justified in these sick and disgusting acts, or whether he (if he were still alive) deserves the electric chair (after a few years of torture). I personally think that you cannot justify what this so called "Prophet" did. He justified himself, by he himself saying that it was alright to do whatever he thought was right (even if it meant contradicting himself). I never heard Jesus contradict himself and have to change the law. Does the ten commandments say, "don't steal...just wait...actually I did want the guy's Porche from next door, steal occasionally, but hey, you know what to do, I'll leave it up to your interpretation." As much as some of you hate Christianity, I know I'd still prefer the sound advice of the sinless lamb of God, rather than the disgusting fox of lust and sexual perversion.
NO answers!

I didn't read all that you written, but relating to the marriages argument I refer you to look up the standarts not of earlier prophets in christianity, but to the older rules of humanity...
for both the old prophets and the poeple of old, would not have found his practices as dispicable as your moral greatness does...

Btw, If you are christian... we STILL love Jesus a.s.
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answers, im just wonderin why ur startin so many threads that are borderline islam bashin... just wondering...
jealousy and envy

"When Safiyah was married, she was very young, and according to one report she was hardly seventeen years old and was extremely beautiful."

mmm! she sounds hot, no? looks like you freaks aren't even half the man old moh was!
I was asked why I was sending these Islam bashing posts. The answer is that I send them to you all, becauase I would want you to send them to me if this was all turned around. Although the things of Islam are disgusting, they still need to be shown in their true light.

If you saw a blind man walking to the edge of a cliff would you say nothing, or would you yell out "STOP, your heading for a cliff!"


But what if the blind man said, "But I believe that I'm not, so I'll keep going"
What do you do, do you let the blind man's beliefs kill him, or try and talk him out of it?


I believe that Islam has blinded many people, and they need to be talked out of it. I know they probably won't be, but I would not be able to live myself if I didn't try.

Would you just watch the blind tumble over the cliff to their deaths, or do something about it?
Originally posted by answers
I know they probably won't be, but I would not be able to live myself if I didn't try.

Would you just watch the blind tumble over the cliff to their deaths, or do something about it?

try it somewhere else. you can however post your suicide note here
i'll watch a few fall over and then holler at em

The deciples went into places where they were hated, cursed, thrown in prison, and killed, all because they were trying to spread the word of God. Why? Because like me, they were commanded by Christ to do so (just like every other Christian) and like me, they couldn't live with themselves if they didn't at least try to do so.
Is there something wrong with Islam bashing posts? The Muslims can refute it, if they want. I wasn't aware political correctness was a rule here.
hey answers,
thanks u for proving one of my piont in the difference betwen mulims and christians.
that u christian can insult prophet muhamed but we muslim never can insult jesus. but all love for him and all prophets.
Re: Spookz

Originally posted by answers
The deciples went into places where they were hated, cursed, thrown in prison, and killed, all because they were trying to spread the word of God.

so you lost your free will?
Originally posted by Balder1
Is there something wrong with Islam bashing posts? The Muslims can refute it, if they want. I wasn't aware political correctness was a rule here.

not at all. i guess my post did sound sucky. however as evinced by this....

The deciples went into places where they were hated, cursed, thrown in prison, and killed, all because they were trying to spread the word of God. Why? Because like me, they were commanded by Christ to do so (just like every other Christian) and like me, they couldn't live with themselves if they didn't at least try to do so. (answers) doesnt seem charlie is that interested in a debate....also it probably is not too smart to state to a moslem that his holy man makes one throw up and then expect...


i got an idea.
answers, challenge yourself. bring a heathen over to the light in a set period of time. if you do not meet this goal, that will mean that you have failed your god. you can be sciforums first christian martyr. you will become a legend here! (he died for his beliefs and his god!)

remember "tryin" aint good enough! the lord wants results, not good intentions!
Do we get to martyr him? COOL!


Victor was a Christian of a good family at Marseilles, in France; he spent a great part of the night in visiting the afflicted, and confirming the weak; which pious work he could not, consistently with his own safety, perform in the daytime; and his fortune he spent in relieving the distresses of poor Christians. He was at length, however, seized by the emperor Maximian's decree, who ordered him to be bound, and dragged through the streets. During the execution of this order, he was treated with all manner of cruelties and indignities by the enraged populace. Remaining still inflexible, his courage was deemed obstinacy. Being by order stretched upon the rack, he turned his eyes toward heaven, and prayed to God to endue him with patience, after which he underwent the tortures with most admirable fortitude. After the executioners were tired with inflicting torments on him, he was conveyed to a dungeon. In his confinement, he converted his jailers, named Alexander, Felician, and Longinus. This affair coming to the ears of the emperor, he ordered them immediately to be put to death, and the jailers were accordingly beheaded. Victor was then again put to the rack, unmercifully beaten with batoons, and again sent to prison. Being a third time examined concerning his religion, he persevered in his principles; a small altar was then brought, and he was commanded to offer incense upon it immediately. Fired with indignation at the request, he boldly stepped forward, and with his foot overthrew both altar and idol. This so enraged the emperor Maximian, who was present, that he ordered the foot with which he had kicked the altar to be immediately cut off; and Victor was thrown into a mill, and crushed to pieces with the stones, A.D.

--Foxe's Book of Martyrs.

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