Modern Multicultural Societies


Valued Senior Member
In modern multicultural societies we have Buddhists, Shinto, Scientologists, Mormons, Muslims, Baha'i, Christians, Jews, Hindu, Witches, Pagans, Atheists, etc.. etc.. etc.. We all must live together and to do that we have to respect one another.

Monotheism teaches the following:
1) Only their religious book is completely true. All the others are somewhat flawed (or completely bullshit).
2) Only their Prophets were all genuine. All the other religions are somewhat flawed - they either misunderstood their prophets, weren't real prophets or corrupted the message along the way.
3) Only their Deity is real. All the other religions are wrong if they don't worship this Deity (or if they worship an Alien Overlord). If they worhship more than one they are ill informed, misunderstand the true nature of things or in some way are wrong.

My question: What good does teaching monotheism bring to modern multicultural societies? How does it progress society forward?


note: Try to answer the question before derailing the thread. because a lot of people here seem to think I am an ignorant atheist ass hole. well then, educate me. Because I don't really see how it's a good thing. I'm more than willing to accept I'm missing or overlooked something. I accept that religion has a place in society at this stage I truly believe humanity needs a superstition. I just don't think orthodox monotheism is it. Even Scientology is more tolerant of other beliefs and probably better than classic monotheism.
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You have a good point. The thing is, all of religious teachings center on a way of life that transcends society. Some teach that there is an afterlife. Some teach that you are reincarnated.

All this teaching's underlying theme is to not conform to society. It teaches to be above the influence of society. Religion is not pro-society, it is pro-enlightenment or pro-god.

Therefore, religion can never progress society, it is not out to help society, but only help its cause. Some religions despise today's society and would destroy it in favor of a Utopian society under its banner. Religions in a multicultural world, nation, street corner, means wars.
... We all must live together and to do that we have to respect one another.

And just how can you force people to respect other people that they might not like?

And by the way, we don't all live together ...we live in separated little enclaves of like-minded cultures even in the largest of cities of the world. Each group has it's own little "ghetto" where they live and interact ....and seldom go out into the other "ghettos".

You have a nice little dream, but knowing humans as I do, that's all it's ever going to be ....a little dream. ...unless force is used, of course.

Baron Max
And just how can you force people to respect other people that they might not like?
Baron Max

This is a benefit of religion. Religion is an attempt, no matter how small, to control people's actions with a standard set of moral beliefs without society's (ie government) intervention. It is failing and must evolve now or die out and let big brother in. Can a free society stay free without religion?
In modern multicultural societies we have Buddhists, Shinto, Scientologists, Mormons, Muslims, Baha'i, Christians, Jews, Hindu, Witches, Pagans, Atheists, etc.. etc.. etc.. We all must live together and to do that we have to respect one another.
Actually in modern multicultural societies you have the dominance of capitalism - IOW all moral imperatives are relative to the pursuit of capital - this is somewhat different from ancient or even medieval multicultural societies

Monotheism teaches the following:
1) Only their religious book is completely true. All the others are somewhat flawed (or completely bullshit).
Never heard of henology, I take it?

2) Only their Prophets were all genuine. All the other religions are somewhat flawed - they either misunderstood their prophets, weren't real prophets or corrupted the message along the way.
Never heard of text critical issues, I take it?

3) Only their Deity is real. All the other religions are wrong if they don't worship this Deity (or if they worship an Alien Overlord). If they worhship more than one they are ill informed, misunderstand the true nature of things or in some way are wrong.
perhaps a 2nd indication you have never heard of the word "henology"

My question: What good does teaching monotheism bring to modern multicultural societies? How does it progress society forward?


note: Try to answer the question before derailing the thread. because a lot of people here seem to think I am an ignorant atheist ass hole. well then, educate me. Because I don't really see how it's a good thing. I'm more than willing to accept I'm missing or overlooked something. I accept that religion has a place in society at this stage I truly believe humanity needs a superstition. I just don't think orthodox monotheism is it. Even Scientology is more tolerant of other beliefs and probably better than classic monotheism.
Henological discussion is not so much about establishing one's absolute correctness over others, but rather establishing the greater context for a range of views. It was quite prominent in Indian culture (at least before neo-hinduism took a grip)

Text critical issues are an examination of the social context that writings take place in or determine the vale of the text. It helps determine which works (or aspects of a work) are originative and which others are secondary. Basically it boils down to determining who or which group contributed what to a text and why. Its a favourite pastime of religious neophytes to over-esteem the vale of secondary works ..... similarly it is a favourite pastime of atheists to formulate arguments against such religious neophytes
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Where do you live?
I have lived in Canada, England, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and of course the USA. I've recently moved to a new country but it's still a secular democratic country.

Baron, perhaps I am living a nice little dream. BUT, I'm sure that when slavery was the norm, no one could have imagined we'd have an African President. yet, here we are.

So, no one can think of a reason why monotheism in particular is good for modern multicultural societies. (small note: I'll have to read up on Henism) Huh, that no one mentioned Xianity, Judaism or Islam - that's telling indeed.

Then I think it was a good question to pose.
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Baron, perhaps I am living a nice little dream. BUT, I'm sure that when slavery was the norm, no one could have imagined we'd have an African President. yet, here we are.

Well, if you'd read my post, you'd see that I specifically said that it would have to be forced upon us ....and through the Civil War and subsequent laws, rules, regulations, and the National Guard, it WAS forced upon us.

See? :D

Baron Max
Well, I'm not suggesting anything nearly so dramatic. The Japanese society is very homogeneous but there is room for them to express individuality. What I am suggesting is that we wage a educational-campaign to teach people within our society that certain views, such as racial or religious superiority, are incorrect and actually harmful.
Well, I'm not suggesting anything nearly so dramatic. The Japanese society is very homogeneous but there is room for them to express individuality.

The Japanese are taught from early childhood to be good little boys and girls. That's been the Japanese way for thousands of years ....but it's slowly changing.

What I am suggesting is that we wage a educational-campaign to teach people within our society that certain views, such as racial or religious superiority, are incorrect and actually harmful.

Humans are naturally competitive and seek to accomplish more for themselves and their families. Yet you wish to take that away from them? You want everyone to be and act exactly the same, without the drive to succeed above what others have accomplished?

That approach can only succeed if the best and brightest are pulled down to the level of the slowest and stupidest. Good luck with that.

Baron Max
So basically, except for Japan and the mysterious country where you currently live, you live in societies established by monotheists, based on laws from monotheist scriptures, in a society based on monotheist culture.

Thats what monotheism gets you.

There are several societies that have been established by atheists based on their <randomly replacing religion> ideology.

Anytime you feel monotheist societies are not good enough, feel free to move.
In modern multicultural societies we have Buddhists, Shinto, Scientologists, Mormons, Muslims, Baha'i, Christians, Jews, Hindu, Witches, Pagans, Atheists, etc.. etc.. etc.. We all must live together and to do that we have to respect one another.

Monotheism teaches the following:
1) Only their religious book is completely true. All the others are somewhat flawed (or completely bullshit).
2) Only their Prophets were all genuine. All the other religions are somewhat flawed - they either misunderstood their prophets, weren't real prophets or corrupted the message along the way.
3) Only their Deity is real. All the other religions are wrong if they don't worship this Deity (or if they worship an Alien Overlord). If they worhship more than one they are ill informed, misunderstand the true nature of things or in some way are wrong.

My question: What good does teaching monotheism bring to modern multicultural societies? How does it progress society forward?


note: Try to answer the question before derailing the thread. because a lot of people here seem to think I am an ignorant atheist ass hole. well then, educate me. Because I don't really see how it's a good thing. I'm more than willing to accept I'm missing or overlooked something. I accept that religion has a place in society at this stage I truly believe humanity needs a superstition. I just don't think orthodox monotheism is it. Even Scientology is more tolerant of other beliefs and probably better than classic monotheism.

You are advocating a kind of monotheism too. Your 'one and only true god' is a particular brand of secular humanism.

To exemplify - this is what you advocate:

1) Only Michael's book is completely true. All the others are somewhat flawed (or completely bullshit).
2) Only Michael's Prophets were all genuine. All the other religions are somewhat flawed - they either misunderstood their prophets, weren't real prophets or corrupted the message along the way.
3) Only Michael's Deity is real. All the other religions are wrong if they don't worship this Deity (or if they worship an Alien Overlord). If they worhship more than one they are ill informed, misunderstand the true nature of things or in some way are wrong.
In modern multicultural societies we have Buddhists, Shinto, Scientologists, Mormons, Muslims, Baha'i, Christians, Jews, Hindu, Witches, Pagans, Atheists, etc.. etc.. etc.. We all must live together and to do that we have to respect one another.

Monotheism teaches the following:
1) Only their religious book is completely true. All the others are somewhat flawed (or completely bullshit).
2) Only their Prophets were all genuine. All the other religions are somewhat flawed - they either misunderstood their prophets, weren't real prophets or corrupted the message along the way.
3) Only their Deity is real. All the other religions are wrong if they don't worship this Deity (or if they worship an Alien Overlord). If they worhship more than one they are ill informed, misunderstand the true nature of things or in some way are wrong.

My question: What good does teaching monotheism bring to modern multicultural societies? How does it progress society forward?


note: Try to answer the question before derailing the thread. because a lot of people here seem to think I am an ignorant atheist ass hole. well then, educate me. Because I don't really see how it's a good thing. I'm more than willing to accept I'm missing or overlooked something. I accept that religion has a place in society at this stage I truly believe humanity needs a superstition. I just don't think orthodox monotheism is it. Even Scientology is more tolerant of other beliefs and probably better than classic monotheism.

Difference in belief does not cause people to engage in actions that are counter to the stability of the society. Only when those who hold a different belief believe it is their duty to enforce their belief and destroy other beliefs using violence does differing beliefs lead to society breakdown.

I can live in a society next door to people of a different faith and have no respect for that faith. Without causing any harm to them or the greater society. Because i have a "monotheism" Faith that teaches me to love my enemies and not to engage in any violence.

The only Religions that can cause damage to the peaceful existence of multicultural societies are religions that teach their followers to take physical actions to destroy other religions.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

All Praise The Ancient Of Days