Modern Feminism


Valued Senior Member
Today in America we are at a threshold, one which threatens to derail any progress women have made and opt for a more radical ideology. It's promise is that of a future where equality for all is the supreme justice, while at the same moment giving new freedoms to explore the world to everyone. This being said we all know what Feminism is meant for and to convey, it is designed to bring women to the same level as men in all standards.

The issues surrounding how women have been treated in the past cannot be ignored, however so-to many other cultures and even religions have also been treated in similar ways. It's only now as we enter into the newest areas of science + medicine, along with sociological changes that we truly see people for who they are, or can be. I find myself sitting here and puzzling over many factors that form human culture, are we all the same? Is everyone equal in all areas? Does reality dictate we must find a SAMENESS in order to thrive. These cannot be easily answered though I know many have tried in the past.

Recently I read an article where a young teen was put into juvenile detention because he was spying on a young girl around his own age (she was naked). This got me seriously considering whose values are replacing the old, and more than that what the future is going to hold.

Today more than ever I see things changing, and although I am only 26 I can SENSE what troubles may lay ahead. For this generation it is acceptance of gay and lesbian rights, abortion rights, and the like. But what about future generations? IMO many of your children will be living in a very disturbed and rather difficult place to survive, that's my honest answer. From basic human rights we've taken these natural desires people have and twisted them into something false, evil, and dangerous. Infact a young teen spying on a naked girl is niether dangerous nor wrong, it's NATURE. This is not a crime but is was treated in nearly that way, and although I haven't every detail we can surmise similar things have already taken place elsewhere.

What people must begin realizing is that those very freedoms to not be sexually harassed, to take action against those who offend you, and many more, those very freedoms aren't meant to interfere with life itself. Things are constantly developing, as a society we have a responsibility to accept this as much as we can because it's the human condition. We rely on eachother but cannot control eachother!

If you think of this incident as but a milestone then what is ahead will destroy the very fabric of nature, instead acquiring a kind of FALSE dimension to it. No longer will you be FREE to do as you wish, to make mistakes, but you'll be harassed, indeed punished for a mostly natural and balanced reaction.... curiousity. That boy was curious, and although peeping in on someone is wrong the act itself isn't a crime, infact one can really say he only saw what nature desired him to see. I cannot condone anything like what happened to that boy, and the more I read of these kinds of things in the newspapers and such the more I am convinced society is really going to change in 10 years.

Picture you asking a girl out and her being offended, maybe because you said "Hi, you know you're really cute would you want to go out to a party sometime?" or "I've noticed you around, you're really attractive, could we go out sometime so I can get to know you better?" and being labeled a sex offender, or worse someone that needs HELP. Think it won't happen? Evidence says otherwise...

Feminism is right and just, but it can go to far sometimes in protecting the rights of women. Men are natural developments of evolution, they like to watch women 1/2 naked, to make sexual comments and not be dragged into court. When asking a women out becomes a crime, or more to the point asking one out BADLY becomes a crime then we are asking for trouble.

John has his right to say "Hi bitch, did you wanna go bang in my truck" and not have a lawsuit filed against him. Men have the right to be stupid sometimes and not risk alienation. You cannot label men with normal urges sex offenders, or any offenders. I once did a poll on how many of you would sleep with a 16 year old, that poll was honest and true to how men think. Alot of you agreed that you would indeed sleep with a 16 year old...

This just supports my argument that men who don't lie to themselves, men that are honest, those are the ones who realize what they want. This attraction cannot be taken away, nor can you threaten people with punishments merely to satisfy Feminism itself. No I'm afraid society is to mixed in it's characteristics to allow a unifying field of behavior.

How about this, how many of you have acted really goofy, silly, around your lover. And how many of you could've had them react much differently, say by claiming harassment by you? I bet alot of you can think of situations where your spouse would easily have said "he did this to me and I didn't like it, sue him" or "he violated me because I liked him a minute before but he got to rough and I thought no". Once we get into these sort of areas, instead of the women being honest they say nothing, then sometime later you get your lawsuit filed.

Please understand I don't hate women, I don't despise women, but how many of you here can think of a time something you did could possibly have gotten you into trouble? Something like asking a girl out the wrong way, or doing something mildly improper? I bet alot of you are able.

More importantly I ask women here to judge, do you want your sons to sit around and wait for women to approach them out of a fear, some fear, perhaps being put into a sex ed class? Something that teaches boys NOT to approach women? I see such a thing on the horizon, more-so I see a time when boys are treated like men and expected to behave much the same way. They'll be told "you can't watch a women in gym" or "stop staring at girls" etc. There may actually be a time in history when these commonplace things are outlawed or serious offenses in particular environments. With Feminism today going like it has been I certainly can guess this will occur.

I'd like your opinions please on the current state of society, how men are treated in it VS women, and if perhaps Feminism has gone beyond mere equality to an inequality, one for men. Now men are threatened, treates like criminals, and for nothing more than doing what comes natural, making mistakes. In 10 years when your child tells you he's being arrested for going to a girls house he likes and asking her out, then we'll see what you think! (they might easily label it stalking if he didn't know her, but doesn't a man have that right to ask a complete stranger out?)
I think women's rights have come a long way in the past 30 years. Although there is still a minority that is still sexist, for the most part society treats men and women fairly. There's some disparity in relative incomes, and alot of sexism in some American subcultures.

That being said, to derive your opinion about some detrimental aspect of society from the fact that it would punish a boy spying on a naked girl is beyond ridiculous. Sure, most of us share in common a strong sexual drive, but we also have the rights of privacy. To enforce the girl's right not to be spied on for sexual purposes without her consent does not "interfere with life". Would it be OK if he tried to touch her? ...take a picture? a movie? ...rape her? No, of course not. Neither should he be given the death penalty or any significant time in jail, especially if it's a first offense.
Idiot said:
John has his right to say "Hi bitch, did you wanna go bang in my truck"

Men have a right to call women "bitch"?
I think women's rights have come a long way in the past 30 years. ....

A VERY long way. It was odd having to explain to my daughter why a woman has never been on the moon. She couldn't even comprehend why not.

And I don't understand why its called feminism and not equality.
Men have a right to call women "bitch"?
That depends. In the workplace, probably not, w/o getting written up or canned. Depending on the context, it may or may not be sexual harrassment, moreso than it would be insulting/belittling a coworker.
Outside of work, of course you have that right, however, don't expect a positive response from the person you address.

Google the term 'marriage strike' and you'll see the result of when feminism and womens' rights go too far.
I think men need to keep something in mind. It kind of creeps out a good many of my fellow males to think that another male might find them sexually desirable. Until we truly accept as a brotherhood that women are fully and truly human, the problem with calling a woman "bitch" is that it strikes after the heart of our rejection. And this is a rejection of our mothers and sisters and daughters as much as it is a rejection of potential--no? well, must be a lesbian!--mates. Tell yourselves that it's different from being hit on by a homosexual, if you want. After all, 'tain't natural, y'know. Right? Fine, whatever. Just figure that after putting up with what is "natural" for nearly every day of their lives, "natural" is just kind of creepy sometimes, too.

We may end up with the bitches we deserve, but that's not good enough for our daughters. Not for mine, and I would hope not for anyone else's.

In fact, on this point I insist.