moderator anyone?

No, there's really no need. Nothing really gets out of hand in the Bio forums, as in off topic posts, members insulting other members, flaming, etc.
reply to NenarTronian

well, i must disagree. inspector's unwelcome insertions of his religious beliefs into a discussion about evolution are very "off-topic." get him back to the religion forum where he belongs.
I do check in here. If you are interested in the position I would suggest that you talk to Porfiry.
i do agree a bit with paulsamuel.

I don't mind trying to discuss evolution with an obvious creationist, but it annoys me that they don't understand that there are different rules in science and in religion. Therefore things they can get away with in the religion forum might not be acceptable in a science forum.
but there hasn't been anything nasty, therefore you also might say that it is ok. Just ignore people you don't want to talk to...or just don't go into a discussion with them.

oh my...i almost sound like a moderator...careful now.
Why fear the truth? One shouldn't fear (or find annoying) the truth that macro-evolution is a fallacy.

BTW, to be ignored, as a result of someone not wanting to hear the truth because it may clash with one's false ideologies, is a great compliment. Please let PaulSam know for me. Thanks.
PaulS. is not afraid of the truth inspector...

you could compare it better with a mosquito flying around your ears making annoying buzzing get annoyed with it and wish it would go away...

There is only one way you could scare me and that is to:
1. state you reasonable alternative to evolution
2. provide positive evidence for it

scare me please...