Mob beating is VERY troubling


Registered Senior Member
Did you hear abou that mob that beat to death some guy who accidently hit some people? This is extermely troubling for many reasons. Any mob violence is quite troubling. Herdthink in general is bad, but when it leads to violence and in this case death, something is very wrong. The anarchist/libertarian nerd despises herdthink.

Besides that point, this represents the problem with focusing on blame. Instead of helping everyone involved in the accident, blame was quickly assumed. Trying to assign blame is something way overemphasized (at least in the US culture).
Troubling indeed. I heard on the radio that one of the men accused of the beating is a boyfriend of a girl that was hit by the car. I can see him losing his temper, but why would others not restrain him? Instead, they join in and eventually kill the guys, including the passenger? It doesn't make sense. Maybe there is another side to the story that we haven't heard yet..I hope there is...
you know what, i have no idea what the incident is you are talking about. Here is what i can gather from what you have already said:
Some guy was driving a car and knocked down some people and killed them, he had a passenger in the car at the time. The boyfreind of the person that was killed gives the person that was driving the car a beating and other jump in and it turns into a 'mob': they eventually kill the driver and passenger.
Now this is what i gathered from what was already said, please tell me if i'm wrong. It is destubing but is nothing new. Common thinking: an eye for an eye... I generally think all violence is bad, i have never been involved in any type of violent conduct and dont intend to be, violence never solves anything. I dont really see the point in this thread either, but hey thats only me talking.
The people that were hit by the car were not killed, and their injuries were minor. The mob killed the car driver and passenger with their fists, feet, and bricks. So it wasn't eye for an eye by any means.

What is the point of this thread? Well, it has more of a point than the other ones I see floating around 'free thoughts'....

Maybe you can add a communist slant to the thread to keep it interesting? Just kidding... ;)
The people that were hit by the car were not killed, and their injuries were minor. The mob killed the car driver and passenger with their fists, feet, and bricks. So it wasn't eye for an eye by any means.

What is the point of this thread? Well, it has more of a point than the other ones I see floating around 'free thoughts'....

Maybe you can add a communist slant to the thread to keep it interesting? Just kidding...
like i said: i did'nt know the details of the incident, you cant post a thread and expect everybody to know all the details.
What is the point of this thread? Well, it has more of a point than the other ones I see floating around 'free thoughts'....
I did'nt say that the others had more of a point. ha! got you there. lol:D
Maybe you can add a communist slant to the thread to keep it interesting? Just kidding...
I dont know what to say, i probally wouldnt say anything different than most people. give them a fair trial, then send them to labour camps and make them pay for their time in jail. my personal view, there is no point sending them to jail where they get television and pool tables etc, make them work for their stay in jail.
I was shocked and completely horrified. It sounded to me like the driver had a seizure or something, and then got beat to death for it. Even if the driver did it on purpse (very very unlikely), who the hell did these people think they were to beat the man AND the rider to death.

If justice doesn't prevail against this mob I will be very sad indeed (life in prison, no less, for everyone one of them. Mob mentality is def not an excuse - if it were religion would be excusable;) )