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I'm going into senior year of highschool and looking at colleges.

I have been fascinated with MIT since I heard about it. I love comptuers, engineering, and anything related to the subject.

So far, I have:
* worked on 3 advanced web sites that incorporate PHP and heavy backend MySQL
* written a program my dad's coworkers now use in research at industrial a phamacuitical company
* been elected computer club president for two years in a row
* founded the robotics club at my school, become president

What else can I do to get into MIT???

I'm willing to learn languages (computer and not), read 10 hours a day instead of sleeping, and conduct experiments in which I have a 50+ percent chance surviving.

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Lets see....
  • Get a 4.0 Unweighted GPA
  • Get a 1600 SAT Score
  • Too late for this...but you should have started volunteering to do research for a university
  • Know someone in Undergrad admissions
  • Be the president of just about every club
  • Show proof of strong community service
  • Athletics also help (Its a tech school...but athletics ALWAYS help)
  • Sell your soul

Basically, its not easy at all. Especially with you applying so late. Im sorry to say it but your chances are slim to none. I applied to universities my junior year, by my senior year I was just waiting for the acceptance letters. Also, paying that tuition is NO easy task. We're talking tens of thousands of dollars per year just to attend class.

There are many other excellent universities for computer related degrees besides MIT. CMU is one, CA Tech is very good, I believe...I'm sure others can give many other suggestions, too. I think many people apply in the winter or spring of their junior year, so like Anton says, you may have trouble for that reason alone. Your best bet would be to find several other backup schools.
Don't be too disappointed if you don't get in, either. I considered trying MIT, but I wanted to stay closer to home, and the tuition was killer. My only regret is missing out on the culture of the school.
As far as things you can do to bolster your application...again, it's a little late in the game for that. You do have a leadership, which is definitely a plus. Volunteering & community service is a great thing as well, and something that should be fairly easy to get into...most National Honor Society chapters do projects, or at least ought to have contacts for places you can volunteer. You run the risk of looking like you just did it for the application, of course.

Good luck with your senior year.

i think my school does things differently. we are advised to send in applications beginning/mid senior year.

From what I hear, CalTech isn't much easier to get into than MIT :) hehe.

what are your suggestions of some other CompSci/Enginering colleges with an enviroment like MIT's.
Er, you that I think about it, that makes more sense. I'm sure we did our applications in our senior year, too.

I just graduated and I'm already losing my memory... man.
What else can I do to get into MIT???

It is easy to get into MIT. My not so bright friend did his MS, PhD and became professor at MIT. Now he is at Harvard. So how hard that can be?

Be innovative. You will find a way if you really want to. Their media lab is great. I stayed last year next to campus on a project and at lunch time saw the entire Asian population running around...soon the MIT will resemble University of Tokyo or Beijing with similar products as outcome.

May be you should think twice...
Innovative? Hm...

I wrote a small (2000 lines) program for my Dad's Lab (novel object recognition research)... they bought it for me for $800. I'm thinking of making it publically availible under the GPL or selling it to other labs.

That was in VB tho, so I'm not sure if that would increase or decrease my chances of getting in ;)

I've started a small business (although unregistered, as of now) with a buddy of mine working making/fixing computers in our spare time.

That's kind of innovative, but neither is extremely groundbreaking.

I'm thinking of writing my letter in C++ or Java and mailing it in a Lego envelope (i hear of a lego obsession @ MIT)... would that help?
Why do you call your friend not so bright when he did all that?

Usually when I'm told of someone who has lectured at Harvard/MIT, I think 'bright'...
Originally posted by GRO$$
what are your suggestions of some other CompSci/Enginering colleges with an enviroment like MIT's.

I attend Cooper Union and it has very good Engineering program (plus, if you get accepted you atomatically get a full scholarship).

btw, it is also very difficult to get into. I applied 3 times and i guess they saw how desperate i was that the 3rd time they finally let me in.
haha, full scolarship would be nice to dream about, but thanks :)

i'll def. apply... i've heard one or 2 things about it that i liked :)
Cooper Union

In-state tuition and fees: $0
Out-of-state tuition and fees: $0


really? cool...
Re: Cooper Union

Originally posted by GRO$$
In-state tuition and fees: $0
Out-of-state tuition and fees: $0


really? cool...

What?, you thought i was pulling your leg?. Only one of its kind, do whatever you can to get in, apply at least 2 or 3 times (if the first time they dont accept you).
oh haha, i thought you were complimenting ME...

that's what i get for being a narcissist

apply 3 times in 3 years or 3 times in one year? hehe
Originally posted by GRO$$
oh haha, i thought you were complimenting ME...

that's what i get for being a narcissist

apply 3 times in 3 years or 3 times in one year? hehe

I applied my senior year, rejected, Then i enrolled at City College (only thing i could afford, im poor) here in NY, after my 1st semester i applied again, rejected again. Then applied again after my first full year in college and then i was finally accepted.

As you can see, i am definitely not afraid of rejections. Patience is a virtue. I had great grades by the way, 720 in the math portion of the SAT's, so it is not like they wouldnt let me in because i was stupid.
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awesome, I'm going to do that too I think (my SAT is also 720, but Ive been studying for the 2nd time i take it)...
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