Missile Defense

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That is exactly the reason, one needs a good missile defense system. I do not understand why a lot of non-engineers are against it. It is like saying, since we do not have a cure for cancer today, we should not search for one.
That is exactly the reason, one needs a good missile defense system. I do not understand why a lot of non-engineers are against it. It is like saying, since we do not have a cure for cancer today, we should not search for one.

Well, the ABM treaty prohibits the deployment of nationwide ABM for starters, so that will need re-negotiating with Russia, and as it has been mentioned several times, it's very hard to intercept all ten MIRVing warheads moving at over 6km/s.

If you really, really want the tax burden, go ahead, but like much of the SDI 'Star Wars' initiatives, something that sounds simple in theory proves to be quite tricky in practice, and even more costly. Various ABM projects were mooted under Reagan, and still are not in a deployable state, so do you really think it can be done?
Well, the ABM treaty prohibits the deployment of nationwide ABM for starters, so that will need re-negotiating with Russia, and as it has been mentioned several times, it's very hard to intercept all ten MIRVing warheads moving at over 6km/s.

The treaty expired in 2002 and therefore anyone can work on ABM systems. Do you think the Soviets and the Chinese are asleep at the wheel?

It is very hard for the politicians to design such a system - that much is true, but not to engineers.

If you really, really want the tax burden, go ahead, but like much of the SDI 'Star Wars' initiatives, something that sounds simple in theory proves to be quite tricky in practice, and even more costly. Various ABM projects were mooted under Reagan, and still are not in a deployable state, so do you really think it can be done?

Yes it can be done. The technology was not available during Regan era. Remember, military technology is always 15 years behind what is commercially available and can be adaptable. I am speaking from experience (from rocket science to nuclear engineering). If I can do it so can the Labs with a pile of PhDs. These days, commercial technology is ahead of the military ones thanks to past slowdown in the military technology.

I get really pissed when non-engineers talk about stuff they know nothing of - like the so called concerned scientists with degrees in biology and physics and anthropology...we are not here to master the genes or the universe - just basic, may be a little innovative engineering.

But to do it, never give the contracts to the old companies who are used to the old technologies, just like the FBI $379 million Trilogy project that was scrapped. Few years ago, I was in a defense contractor's show and found that they are just started to use multi-spectral technology while NASA has been using it for years.
i heard that putin has tested new missiles to counter the advancement of allied forces, he said he will continue to test missile ability for his growing army, to keep a balence in stratigic global warfare.

Putin is trying to dispell the notion that Russia is a has been. The oil money is not enough, so he wants to peddle armaments to whoever can pay. Also trying to gain political influence.

Is it working?
Putin is trying to dispell the notion that Russia is a has been. The oil money is not enough, so he wants to peddle armaments to whoever can pay. Also trying to gain political influence.

Is it working?

wanna test it? :p

lol :rolleyes:
yeah and the UN i mean (america) will come and say that the weapon is not allowed because it has an illegal range.

war is a joke nowdays, bunch of pussyfooting bastards, making weapons illegal because they are too good at destroying shit, what a crock of crocky crap.

"your weapons actualy kill people they must be banned, dont make us come their with our weapons and stop you"

yeah and the UN i mean (america) will come and say that the weapon is not allowed because it has an illegal range.

war is a joke nowdays, bunch of pussyfooting bastards, making weapons illegal because they are too good at destroying shit, what a crock of crocky crap.

"your weapons actualy kill people they must be banned, dont make us come their with our weapons and stop you"


Say to who? to Iran...go ahead...to North Korea? go ahead, to Russia? no way

RS-24 present thermonuclear pie.
Well, if Russia starts sabre rattling, then US will get closer to China....may be that is the Chinese plan....(Sun Tzu?)
Any nation capable of firing a rocket to US soil will be able to launch far more than just one rocket.
So, how many missiles can the missile defense system shoot down at once?

10, 20, 100?

Missile defense is impossible to stop. But what makes you think the wars of tomorrow will be fought with missiles? The next weapons will be nano, quantum, biological or chemical, and will be extremely difficult to stop and deal with.

Nuke's are an old weapon, seriously, now we have to worry about weapons we can't even see.
Well, if Russia starts sabre rattling, then US will get closer to China....may be that is the Chinese plan....(Sun Tzu?)

China is rational. China does what is in Chinas best interest. Actually the world is more complicated now than merely nation states, you have multi-national corporations and you have the types of conflicts today which we wont be able to pin on an entire country or group of people. Now, wars will be the sorta thing that will be lauched by rogue individuals, for whatever purposes they define.

Now we live in a world of pre-emptive strikes, where a war can happen whenever a group of people with power decide to launch one, for whatever reason, and it may not always be logical.
yeah and the UN i mean (america) will come and say that the weapon is not allowed because it has an illegal range.

war is a joke nowdays, bunch of pussyfooting bastards, making weapons illegal because they are too good at destroying shit, what a crock of crocky crap.

"your weapons actualy kill people they must be banned, dont make us come their with our weapons and stop you"


It's called an arms race. The only way to enforce that is to invent weapons capable of enforcing your ban?

See, this is how I can predict extinction weapons, because that kinda power actually could scare the entire world, at the same time it only makes things worse and only increases the likelyhood that they will be used.
Any nation who can afford more than a few nukes has probably forgotten that it is the United States, so I don't think it really matters!

Device fit for purpose!
The treaty expired in 2002 and therefore anyone can work on ABM systems. Do you think the Soviets and the Chinese are asleep at the wheel?

Expired? Not the way I read it, Bush declared his intention to withdraw from the treaty, there was no agreed 'expiry'. Putin is not happy with Americas actions, so much so he is threatening to aim nukes at European sites now.

Yes it can be done. ...
But to do it, never give the contracts to the old companies who are used to the old technologies....

Ah, but there is your political problem. Politicians award contracts and it's not always for the greater good, but for future recompense.

It still is however, a very difficult engineering task. If they genuinely intend to defend against fledgling nuclear powers such as Iran and Korea, then they may be successful, but I don't think it's worth the cost of pissing off Russia.
Expired? Not the way I read it, Bush declared his intention to withdraw from the treaty, there was no agreed 'expiry'. Putin is not happy with Americas actions, so much so he is threatening to aim nukes at European sites now.

...Well, I think the fact that the ABM Treaty has gone by the wayside...

It still is however, a very difficult engineering task. If they genuinely intend to defend against fledgling nuclear powers such as Iran and Korea, then they may be successful, but I don't think it's worth the cost of pissing off Russia.

It is not very difficult. I am an engineer, and I can design this with today's technology. Russia has been permanently pissed off since WWII. I do not think they have any more piss left...besides, what they are going to do? Nuke us? Actually they are threatening the Europeans. But MAD is still looming in the horizon.
Missile defense is great. We only have 50,000 or so illegals walking or driving across our border with Mexico every week or so. There's no way they could slip in a nuke or a hundred. Is there? We need to spend lots of dough on a missile shield. Nuts to the border.
It is not very difficult. I am an engineer, and I can design this with today's technology.

It's fine in theory, but just look at the test firing results, not encouraging at all. Let's make this clear, the game is hitting a six foot long, two foot wide cone travelling at over 6 km/s, surrounded by other MIRVs, chaff, and decoys.

So far, the tests against a single inbound are not reliable. The decoys used so far have been balloons, which do not mimic a ballistic trajectory.

It's not the design, it the practicality that is the hard part.

what they are going to do? Nuke us? Actually they are threatening the Europeans.

Being a 'European' I'm pissed off at Bush for starting off a cold war and getting missiles aimed at me.

But MAD is still looming in the horizon.

So what has Bush achieved with the missile defense program? Nothing but set us back against Russia. We are in a worse situation politically, and the damn shield does not work yet!
May be I should offer to do the shield design. But then the government will say, talk to Lockheed or CSC or some major prime contractor who has the lock on government contracts. And theywould say, we have so many people, they can do it by sitting in a bunker and using joy-stick to manually search for it. That is what they are doing now ...cheating...so no wonder the results are disapointing...Too bad.
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