Miss Beverly Hills says death to gays

shes just trying to get attention from the republicans. just like that one miss california chick did when she bashed gays
She's just quoting the Bible, which most Americans claim they believe in. I wonder what God would say about breast implants (or beauty pageants for that matter).
God would approve of the celebration of the human form, the appreciation of the skills that the Lord has demonstrated in crafting the perfect body, sublime, smooth, perfect. The Lord made womankind in his image, and She is sexy.
I think she's just frustrated because a) she got rejected by a gay b) gays are not interested in her beauty queen pussy
To put it mildly ....

She's a beauty pageant contestant. I think it is unfair of us, having so many examples to the other on the record, to actually expect these people to be intelligent. The outbursts of a beauty queen, generally, should be regarded much like the outbursts of Tourette's, or schizophrenia. The behavior is symptomatic of dysfunction.
She's a beauty pageant contestant. I think it is unfair of us, having so many examples to the other on the record, to actually expect these people to be intelligent. The outbursts of a beauty queen, generally, should be regarded much like the outbursts of Tourette's, or schizophrenia. The behavior is symptomatic of dysfunction.

the main question is why is the US (especially but any other country which still does this) delibratly and systematically celibratting stupidity in women rather than intelligence? Why is it the "beauty pagents" rather than the doctors, the resurchers, the pollies ect who have lauded as an example for women?
She's a beauty pageant contestant. I think it is unfair of us, having so many examples to the other on the record, to actually expect these people to be intelligent. The outbursts of a beauty queen, generally, should be regarded much like the outbursts of Tourette's, or schizophrenia. The behavior is symptomatic of dysfunction.

That. . . was funny.

But, Sandy also has a point. For what it's worth, all Prejean said was that she thinks marriage is for a man and a woman. While I disagree, it's not like she's coming out with some backward, dark-ages statement that is stunningly different from what the rest of the nation believes.

Wow. Another American who's attached to the past. They'll get over it.

She did not bash gays. She gave her opinion of gay marriage. One that most Americans share.

actually in one of the most recent polls a plurality supported marriage and a majoity in most recent polls support some sort of union that confers the same rights as hetrosexual couples.
actually in one of the most recent polls a plurality supported marriage and a majoity in most recent polls support some sort of union that confers the same rights as hetrosexual couples.

Spare me. One poll? One? Great.

Polls are nice, but in the polls that matter, PJ, gay marriage loses every time, even in the ONE state in which everybody thought it would squeak by with a win. In Ohio (THE bellwether state of states) it lost by a massive margin.

So, we can talk about polls when the BIG POLLS that people vote in come in agreeing with you. Until then, it's not incorrect to state that Americans overwhelmingly oppose gay marriage.

That. . . was funny.

But, Sandy also has a point. For what it's worth, all Prejean said was that she thinks marriage is for a man and a woman. While I disagree, it's not like she's coming out with some backward, dark-ages statement that is stunningly different from what the rest of the nation believes.

Wow. Another American who's attached to the past. They'll get over it.


how long do you think it will take to breed these people out of the community?

I mean there is good evidence to suggest that each generation is more "liberal" than the last (rights for women, the civil rights movement, gay rights ect) so concidering that there are very few people NOW who would say (seriously) that women shouldn't vote (wether they should DRIVE is another story:p) how long will it honestly take for the minority who are anti gay to die off into negiligable?
In the USA? Gay marriage will be "normal" in all states, if not the nation, within 30 years. The supreme court of the USA will have a full turn-over by then. The two youngest generations will be voting by then, and the libertarian portion of both parties will--at least on this issue--be more accepting of gay marriage.

On a state by state basis, I don't think places like Mississippi and Alaska will ever accept it until it's forced on them by a court decision. Texas, surprisingly, will be a "swing" state within the next ten years, so who knows what direction it will go.

Thirty years. But a drop in the bucket.

Spare me. One poll? One? Great.

Polls are nice, but in the polls that matter, PJ, gay marriage loses every time, even in the ONE state in which everybody thought it would squeak by with a win. In Ohio (THE bellwether state of states) it lost by a massive margin.

So, we can talk about polls when the BIG POLLS that people vote in come in agreeing with you. Until then, it's not incorrect to state that Americans overwhelmingly oppose gay marriage.


a shift has occured since those disasters. while still wobbly the tide has been turning for a while. I believe we could state seeing results as soon 2010.
a shift has occured since those disasters. while still wobbly the tide has been turning for a while. I believe we could state seeing results as soon 2010.

PJ. You're grasping. Moreover, you're stating an expectation of a thing that hasn't happened yet. I'm talking hard figures. You quoted a poll, which you didn't even provide (a tactic often used by you) to support an opinion that is then phrased as fact.

Fact, PJ: Americans (as in: out of 300 million people, more than--say--180 million) OVERWHELMINGLY disagree with gay marriage. Every SINGLE vote by the people in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION has banned gay marriage or reversed it (see: Maine). So, talk to me about "polls" when you can find one that has a large statistical group (say: like an election, for example!!!) that shows that this fact has shifted much.

Look, I'm fucking GAY for Christ's sake. I think it should be legal. I want it to be legal. I cringed in shame when it lost in Ohio by such a massive amount. But, I'm not silly enough to draft my hopes into expectations, and don't fool yourself into thinking that there is a single state that would approve gay marriage--anytime soon--by popular vote, except maybe California and even that is iffy. Why CA again? Because the "Obama" vote brought out the socially conservative black vote, which in many ways tipped the vote against gay marriage. A second ballot initiative may well have it pass in CA. But that is crazy speculation, at best! In liberal states like Maine, Rhode Island and Hawaii, it loses every time and has continued to lose.

string said:
But, Sandy also has a point. For what it's worth, all Prejean said was that she thinks marriage is for a man and a woman
That's cutting too much slack. She is quoted as quoting chapter and verse from Leviticus, about putting people to death.

She probably didn't mean it quite like it reads - but it's a bit hazardous to go along with people saying things like that, on the assumption that they don't mean them. They should get called out.