

I'm always me
Valued Senior Member
About ignorance.

No one likes being ignored.

People don't like being ignored.

This is not a question of being atheist or theist.


I'm going to get to misery, and especially the misery of those people that are alone, with themselves, with people around them that don't understand them.

People can change - anyone - but no one can change anyone.

People can get hurt, and people can hurt others.

Even those that seem not to get hurt, can get hurt. It is not their decision even if it looks that way.

That is why, it is so important to love each one as yourself. That is the closest you can come to defending and helping them to change. They are you too!

Cause no one deserves to be left all alone, to be cut-off from the meaning of life.

There are people with misery out there (though no miserable people), misery in their daily life. Life is not meant to be miserable!!!

There is a person, he is all alone. Within your reach.

Love him, as if you were him, love him as you love yourself.

You wouldn't want to be in the same situation.

Would you really like to be treated as a miserable person?

Trust him, he is not that miserable, and treating him like someone that must be miserable just makes it worse.

Look, you have to give it time, when the time comes, you will see him.

But as I said before, you have to love him as you love yourself, it's hard to build long-lasting love on what you know of a person. And someone that is allways seen alone isn't someone that you can love using knowledge. You got to put yourself in his situation and love him as you love yourself.

Is it possible? I think so.

Also, people that alienate, would you like to be alienated? If you were a foreigner, would you like to be treated as dirt? Racist comments in front of their children, so they are hurt too. The respect that they have achieved throughout years, the love they have for eachother, the life they share, that you too must share. There is no limit to the sadness. They are used to it, but it hurts still.

The point of this thread, is that we need to love eachother. We need to show eachother respect (true and honest respect).
Cyperium said:
About ignorance.

Cause no one deserves to be left all alone, to be cut-off from the meaning of life.

The meaning of life is what you make of it, you cannot be "cut-off" from what you make.

There are people with misery out there (though no miserable people), misery in their daily life. Life is not meant to be miserable!!!['/qutoe]

They should probably give up religion and join mankind.

The point of this thread, is that we need to love eachother. We need to show eachother respect (true and honest respect).

Religion would never allow that to happen.
(Q) said:
The meaning of life is what you make of it, you cannot be "cut-off" from what you make.

They should probably give up religion and join mankind.

Religion would never allow that to happen.
It isn't the fault of religion. It is the fault of one, again and again, one person, what conflicts are you the fault of?

You want to take away the light that people need, the light which is the only hope in the deepest misery.

There is nothing in the Bible that say that we should wage war against other religions. Don't we have enough with our own? The Bible urges us to be aware of the danger of misleading and teaches us that we should have no other god on the side of God. That is the individual approach to God, and it doesn't lead to conflicts. Instead it solves the conflicts by the teaching that we should love one another as we love ourselves, thus eliminating any alienation and gives us the way of loving God.

The Bible also say that if we have something untold with our brother then we should drop everything else to solve it with him.

We should even love our enemies.

Even the ranking system that we have today where some people appearantly are worth more than others is taken away by the notion that we all sinners and we are all one in Christ, female as male (there will be no difference, we will be like the angels, which has no gender).