Misconception of Jesus and god


Burn in hell Hippies
Registered Senior Member
http://sciforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22002 If you want to i decided i would jsut address all the people who thought they were above and came up with an idea that husly man is above god

I dont commonly believe in god, But i dont want idiots argueing my case either ,so let me put it this way, Jesus was created to show people god existed jesus was god, however jesus was mortal, Jesus and god are the same but not in a way that we can commonly understand, jesus was i guess what you would call an avatar of God, He was his physical representation,

(also note in the bible it says that miracles will become less common, just figured id use that idea to point out that i dislike ernest angley and think he is a fraud)
I just don't understand this horrible confusion. Why kill your brain cells coming with figurative things like Jesus is avatar of god and physcial representation while you can safely say that jesus was god sent and Prophet of god.

Do you seriously think Jesus or god will be mad at you for worshipping your creator god and calling Jesus the noble messanger of god and hand of god in guiding man kind, while on the other hand if Jesus is indeed not god, don't you think that god will be mad at you for putting another servant of his in his place?
Originally posted by Flores
Do you seriously think Jesus or god will be mad at you for worshipping your creator god and calling Jesus the noble messanger of god and hand of god in guiding man kind, while on the other hand if Jesus is indeed not god, don't you think that god will be mad at you for putting another servant of his in his place?
When the rest of the God could not be seen as such what is wrong in treating 'the hand of God thats is guiding man kind' as God. ?

As per christian belief, Satan is not against God but against the aspect of God that has faith in Humanity. This God's 'faith in Humanity' is personified as 'Jesus' and accused by the fallen angel before God. The day God decides to with draw the faith on humanity Satan would win and Jesus would fail and the humanity would be wiped out. Not to fail Jesus for its own sake Humanity should put its hope on Jesus, the saviour and 'faith of God in Humanity', and overcome its temptations of free will and prove God is right in His faith on man kind.
Originally posted by everneo
When the rest of the God could not be seen as such what is wrong in treating 'the hand of God thats is guiding man kind' as God. ?

Because a hand is a part of and not the whole, it's like people woshiping me as a vagina, I wouldn't appreicate that. But if they worship me as a true complete god responsible for their creation and thank my vagine for giving life, then I'll be happy.

Originally posted by everneo
As per christian belief, Satan is not against God but against the aspect of God that has faith in Humanity. This God's 'faith in Humanity' is personified as 'Jesus' and accused by the fallen angel before God. The day God decides to with draw the faith on humanity Satan would win and Jesus would fail and the humanity would be wiped out. Not to fail Jesus for its own sake Humanity should put its hope on Jesus, the saviour and 'faith of God in Humanity', and overcome its temptations of free will and prove God is right in His faith on man kind.

Jesus and God and faith will never fail, their destiny of eternal life is set, you can count on it. Satan abode is in hell, his spot is marked with his name on it, Satan is just trying to get as much company as he can get to fall with him, he hates to fall alone.
Originally posted by Flores
Because a hand is a part of and not the whole, it's like people woshiping me as a vagina, I wouldn't appreicate that. But if they worship me as a true complete god responsible for their creation and thank my vagine for giving life, then I'll be happy.
If i ever worship you, and only the vagina is available, i won't mind worshipping it.

BTW, how humans will ever know the 'whole' of God.? catch the tail of the snake, the head would automatically appear to complete the job.

Jesus and God and faith will never fail, their destiny of eternal life is set, you can count on it. Satan abode is in hell, his spot is marked with his name on it, Satan is just trying to get as much company as he can get to fall with him, he hates to fall alone.
yeah, he has his own point to prove or to be disproved. till then he has all his power not ripped off by God.:D He is not confined to any 'Hell' as its obvious if you look around.
Originally posted by everneo
If i ever worship you, and only the vagina is available, i won't mind worshipping it.

Maybe and and specially if there is an unpenetratable veil between me and you that only Jesus and other messangers may penetrate at my command. Everynight before I go to sleep I thank god for my wonderful life and the light he have given to me and ask god to lighten my veil of knowledge and remove me from the darkness and forgive any sin and I say peace be upon Moses, Jesus, Muahmmed and all the other prophets and prey to god that I unite with them. I know in my heart that I will never unite with god because he is much higher than all, but I may and hope to unite with Jesus, David, Moses, ect....You also ask god all these things in the name of Jesus, which is okay, because you feel that you must communicate with god at the level of Jesus since Jesus was a pure human sent by god, so you're not much different than me, just semantics and slightly different teachings. And if you think about it, you truly don't call Jesus god, but the way to god.

Originally posted by everneo
BTW, how humans will ever know the 'whole' of God.? catch the tail of the snake, the head would automatically appear to complete the job.

You are right, never, we might never even have god speak to us, or we'll never see him even in the afterlife, and yes messangers always were the tools that could penetrate the veil that will always exist between god and people.

Originally posted by everneo
yeah, he has his own point to prove or to be disproved. till then he has all his power not ripped off by God.:D He is not confined to any 'Hell' as its obvious if you look around.

But at the end of the day, he'll fry with his friends.
Originally posted by Flores
You also ask god all these things in the name of Jesus, which is okay, because you feel that you must communicate with god at the level of Jesus since Jesus was a pure human sent by god, so you're not much different than me, just semantics and slightly different teachings. And if you think about it, you truly don't call Jesus god, but the way to god.
If God can send a pure human like Jesus, why could not he create all the humans as pure. It did not seem that Jesus had any free will like rest of the Humanity. Unless, as believed by christians, God himself project his 'faith in humanity' as a human - Jesus, his crucification and resurrection would make God to appear like mere spectator rather than a defendant of His own faith on humanity that was being tested and progressively being proved right as against the accussation of fallen angels.

If you believe God is a spritual being rather than having body parts then Jesus can be seen as an aspect of God rather than a part of Him.
Originally posted by everneo
If God can send a pure human like Jesus, why could not he create all the humans as pure.

God need to create a pure human like Jesus to transmit his message and show the regular people the way. The purity of Jesus was in the fact that his heart doesn't know how to lie to embelish, he acted divinely as he was supposed to and didn't intervene with god's wish or message at all. Jesus was not your typical human, he was predestined to be a prophet of god and to lead a sinless life. In the Quran people are divided in three categories, the prophets who will be in a heaven in which only peace and tranquility would be their abode, humans who did good and believe in god who would occupy a heaven similar to our earth with goodness and pleasure, and the bad of course will go to a hell. The reason the prophets including Jesus will never enjoy a heaven with wine and partners and such is because they didn't earn such status, they were designed as almost robots and servants of god, while regular humans who made an effort to restrain from evil will be rewarded, and those who commited sin will be punished. Prophet will be neither rewarded or punished, they are just in peace to be god's devout servants.

Originally posted by everneo
It did not seem that Jesus had any free will like rest of the Humanity. Unless, as believed by christians, God himself project his 'faith in humanity' as a human - Jesus, his crucification and resurrection would make God to appear like mere spectator rather than a defendant of His own faith on humanity that was being tested and progressively being proved right as against the accussation of fallen angels

I think I explained above about prophets including jesus being prechosen with a heart that doesn't lie and reports what it sees as it is. Jesus was a pure servant of god who did as he was required. But he is not god by any mean.

Originally posted by everneo
If you believe God is a spritual being rather than having body parts then Jesus can be seen as an aspect of God rather than a part of Him.

Jesus is indeed an aspect of god, he is the servant of god as my hands are considered as a servant to my desire and my tongue as a sevant to my thougts.
Originally posted by Flores
God need to create a pure human like Jesus to transmit his message and show the regular people the way. The purity of Jesus was in the fact that his heart doesn't know how to lie to embelish, he acted divinely as he was supposed to and didn't intervene with god's wish or message at all. Jesus was not your typical human, he was predestined to be a prophet of god and to lead a sinless life.

The perception of God, who does not involve Himself personally in the suffering / wandering of man-kind that was supposed to be His own creation for whatever reason, is not convincing of God's mercy. Why He needs to have servants to serve His purpose wrt humanity. The very concept of 'Servant' itself is an oxymoron to God's omnipotence.
In the Quran people are divided in three categories, the prophets who will be in a heaven in which only peace and tranquility would be their abode, humans who did good and believe in god who would occupy a heaven similar to our earth with goodness and pleasure, and the bad of course will go to a hell. The reason the prophets including Jesus will never enjoy a heaven with wine and partners and such is because they didn't earn such status, they were designed as almost robots and servants of god, while regular humans who made an effort to restrain from evil will be rewarded, and those who commited sin will be punished. Prophet will be neither rewarded or punished, they are just in peace to be god's devout servants.
This is Quranic view that i don't intend to explore either way.
I think I explained above about prophets including jesus being prechosen with a heart that doesn't lie and reports what it sees as it is. Jesus was a pure servant of god who did as he was required. But he is not god by any mean.

Jesus is indeed an aspect of god, he is the servant of god as my hands are considered as a servant to my desire and my tongue as a sevant to my thougts.
If Jesus is an aspect of God then he can't be just servant, moreover God doesn't need any servants.
Originally posted by everneo
The perception of God, who does not involve Himself personally in the suffering / wandering of man-kind that was supposed to be His own creation for whatever reason, is not convincing of God's mercy. Why He needs to have servants to serve His purpose wrt humanity. The very concept of 'Servant' itself is an oxymoron to God's omnipotence.

Everneo, if god involved himself personally, then matters and settelled on the spot and life, free will, will stop existing. God is mercifull and in giving respite and not interfering with man's free will he is showing his mercy is a way that simplistic minds will never understand. Simple minds will always ask why does god allow misery and death, ect.....But god's allowance of events to take place without his interference is the ultimate mercy you can imagine.

As far as why god needs servants, I say, just by status of god being higher than all his creation, but default his creations are servants to his power. Jesus says in the bible that Satan and him are alive in their servancy to god. Being a servant to a creator is not a humilating aspect, on the otherhand not wanting to serve your creator is the ultimate ungratefull act a person can commit.

Mat 4[8] And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Originally posted by everneo
This is Quranic view that i don't intend to explore either way.

Too bad, you're missing out on the gospel my friend. The gospel of Jesus that he promised to come. Because whether you like it or not, the Quran is the gospel my friend that the christians are still waiting for much like the jews are still waiting for Jesus, but why venue in a hopeless deadend road.

Originally posted by everneo
If Jesus is an aspect of God then he can't be just servant, moreover God doesn't need any servants.

We are all god's servants, but the prophets were servants and messangers. I typed serve god and did a bible search and found 2 full pages commanding the serving of god including a command of Jesus to serve god.

[10] Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
[8] And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
[25] I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God; but with the flesh the law of sin.
Originally posted by Flores
if god involved himself personally, then matters and settelled on the spot and life, free will, will stop existing. God is mercifull and in giving respite and not interfering with man's free will he is showing his mercy is a way that simplistic minds will never understand.
I meant the God's personal involvment by projecting his aspect, Jesus, in human form.

As far as why god needs servants, I say, just by status of god being higher than all his creation, but default his creations are servants to his power. Jesus says in the bible that Satan and him are alive in their servancy to god. Being a servant to a creator is not a humilating aspect, on the otherhand not wanting to serve your creator is the ultimate ungratefull act a person can commit.
Being servant to God is not humiliating, but a privledge, fine. But, still God does not seem to treat His creations as His servants. Otherwise satan & co. would have been eliminated for their differing views against God's. May be our views of God and His aspects are not complete.