mirror neurons and psychotronic devices


Registered Senior Member
I preface this post with the hopes that responders can posit their theories as to how the above machine may affect certain parts of the brain.

Mirror neurons are structures below the brain's Boca structure, in the prefrontal cortex, that are responsible for our ability to copy observed physical movements, copy the sounds and linguistic structures of words, and possibly, related to certain intuitive skills, to empathize and understand emotional context and experience of another person.

My question is how might mirror neurons be affected by varying levels of magnetic wave "beams", as described in a "psychotronic device" by Paul Keel? Why do I ask this?

I saw a controlled parapsychology experiment on TV last year where a man wore a helmet outfitted with many "contacts", from which emitted electromagnetic waves, manipulated, or run via a computer program. This person's subjective statements while the experiment was running, were feelings of anxiety, marked fear, and feeling that someone was sitting close by, who could be dangerous. Also, auditory sounds, including voices were heard by the subject, not caused by any outside sound making device. These "feelings" were apparently elicited by the device by manipulating EM waves at close range to the skull. These feelings were exactly what was expected from the experiment, and had been repeated many times by many other test subjects, the number I do not remember.

What might be the neurobiological effects of strong EM propagation on brain chemistry and neural structures? Could the mirror neurons, associated with certain emotional awarenesses, be so affected as to cause various feelings, and cause the experience of visual and auditory "hallucinations"?

Does anyone know about a "pyschotronic', brain-wave altering device, and if one is known to "reflect" emotional responses of a target subject, so that hallucinatons, or feelings not elicited by the subject are experienced as "real"?
It all depends on the property of the electrodes.

Simple DC voltage with ground or negetive side connected to the base of the neck.

-ve, 0, +ve volts?

DC with low frequency superimposed

AC with low frequency,or high frequency, voltage and current level...

Electrodes made of coils to provide magnetic flux

How the electrodes are arranged and what is the current path and value...

Any combination of the above.
I remember seeing a tightfitting nylon-like cap that had contacts over the entire head. Many wires ran to connections, there was a scope, and the narrator said the EM's were controlled by a computer program. I'm trying to locate the program, I believe it was a TLC or Discovery Channel.

It would seem answers to your questions could shed some light on the operation of the machine. We are left to believe his subjective responses were elicited.

Thanks for you interest. Would you have suggestions on where one might find research into cognitive effects from EM wave propagation, and microwaves "beams"?
To look at the Equipment that you've mentioned I'm going to have to take you on a little voyage of explaination that will go from place to place, and seem to tangent in subjectivity.


Presently Psychotronics is composed of Two studies, One is the more upfront mediated via media coverage, and the other is field tests that have dogged man for years.

I'm going to mention the Field test information first and a little bit of backgrounding. (If you want answers to the mediated you'll just have to scroll to the bottom)

The Tangent:
Back in the days of galleons and frigates, there use to be an event caused by ionized storms that could make the mast glow with what seemed to be lightening, this phenomona was called "St Elmo's Fire". In truth it was pretty harmless, a mixture of Static and the prominant lightening, merging with the halogens of the air that surrounded the mast.

I mention this because this was the first proof of a Halogen-Electromagnetic interaction, the electromagnetic disturbance of the storm mixed with the halogens created this effect of the mast glowing.

In recent years, Ball Lightening has been created using Radio antenna arrays, Through a mixture of "Polarising" an area of halogens with a matrix of electromagnetics (X-rays). Using this equipment It's accounted for many other phenomona too, including UFO's and even how corncircles are made (other than a plank of wood).

A quick rundown of the history:
Now you have a clue to these points I shall bring up why they were brought forwards. You see, back in the days of the world hiding beneath a shadow of fear of what the future could bring in the form of a Cold war. Many countries decided that they needed to find alternative weaponry, and other forms of espionage equipment. So they stumbled into the field of Psychotronic reasearch.

Many things have been theorised as being manipulated by such devices as far back as the Early 1950's. During the preliminary (And unpublished studies) it was found that many frequencies were very dangerous to the human physiology. And this is still evident by the US having certain frequencies "Reserved by the Military", purely because they saw it could be used as a weapon, and thought that reserving it and making sure it wasn't misused would protect their civilian population.

Of course it's all very well for one military of one country to reserve it with such a noble gesture, but paranoia rang out to the people in power amongst their own and other countries. So a hidden race in understanding how the equipment could be utilised began.

That would of course bring us up to about the 1970's and early 1980's, by that time the world was changing shape so rapidly and the political and economic stability of the planet was changing. No longer was the "Anti-personal device" of the 1950's on the drawing board, new understandings came into being.

Some still with the military (in the form of research companies for espionage and Counter Terrorism) and a new field of people entered the area, Neurologists and Doctors. Most notible were some that were only studying Neurology just to try and work out how to better a computer architecture. (Neural networks)

A few possibilities:
There are a few possibilities that certain people in the past have been afflicted with Pseudo-ailments like "John Nash" and "Howard Hughes", and even some more devious horific deeds where supposedly normal or average individuals assassinate or Bomb people.

There is also possibilities that certain Media firms have adopted the usage of such equipment, and that countries and governments in the past have been fitted with the blame, because of Free Enterprise.

You might of noticed I mentioned "John Nash", The possibility of spying for corporate or media groups to assimulate data, or rival academic groups, or even clandenstine groups that are trying to amount some wealth of knowledge to move through technology at a higher pace could have been behind his Skitzophrenia.

In fact a recent conversation I had with someone from the forum came out with this information:

Well in schizophrenia some cases show left-lateralized volume reduction in the superior temporal gyrus, hippocampus, and parahippocampal gyrus.
If my memory serves, in cases like this though, thought disorder marked by word-finding-difficulties was observed.

Other Facts
In other words the brain suffers from shrinking, in the eyes of doctor this might seem natural through age. But when it's sped up, it means that the brain temperature has increase above the normal. This occurs through radiation, the radiation that is created while making electromagnetic signals that can generate sound within a human being.

This explains also that the individual if subjected for a prelonged period can suffer from Neurological overloads consistant with ADHD and even Psychosis.
This is purely because the brain was use to a previous volume, and now has to deal with a smaller volume to throughput data. There are even possibilities that Epilespy can suddenly occur, or the person can suffer from a eating disorder.

The area usually targetted is the Temporal Lobe, due to the Temporal lobe containing the section of the brain that deals with Auditory and speech. (both hearing and speaking) This is why sudden outbursts can be heard of uncontrollable laughter among other more profane responses (i.e. to a persons looks) can be manipulated if your utilising the right equipment.

Cellular structure can be damaged, as certain radiation levels can trigger cellular growth, while others trigger decay. Teeth can become seriously damaged due to the centres being a softer structure than their exterior, this results in brittle teeth, and possible cavities that extend the whole tooth.
Bone structures like the skull through radiation matrixing can have a calcification that actually strengths it's structure, but Bone Marrow can suffer from disease or mutation.

Field Test Equipment:
I have had the... Well... Pleasure of being a Guinea pig on a field setup. Admittedly the results aren't too brilliant, but hopefully they will tilt the scale on the descisions of future usage.

The equipment consists of the piggy backing of communications arrays or ones specifically built. This means that only those people that own communications firms, or happen to run a country have access to such equipment. (although there are mobile devices that can be reconditioned for this usage]

Satellite equipment can too be used, but if there is an electrical storm, satellites can become useless.

A Target can be picked either by GPS position of the place he works, or with a tracking SQUID device (in the form of implant or bug) As mentioned previously the Temporal Lobes are the main target if communicating with the individual, unless of course your agenda is of a more devious nature.

The equipment works in conjunction with parallel processed reciever computers that can "Matrix" a field of vision using frequency. (the very same sort of equipment that is used to map space) It's possible for a Country surrounded by ariel antennas to pick up a pin drop on the pedestrian walkarea right next to heavy traffic.

There are other possibilities of the equipment, including the DNA sniffer that some have talked about previously, not to forget the sniffing of Drugs (in the body or hidden in transit) or even the sniffing of Bombs.

the equipment can be used as Counter-Espionage (the days of Spying are numbered), Counter-Terrorism (this means bombers right through to the humble hacker... one trace to your GPS position and they can watch what you are doing through you!)

Hopefully the public understanding of the equipment and its potential uses for helping can be seen rather than the negative propaganda that can be outputted.
Most people mention of the infaction of how it may incur things upon their civil rights, by taking away their liberties.

No longer will you be sneaking around trying to smoke a Cannabis cigarette in a place you think is inconspicuous, as you could be caught red handed.
Of course I doubt anybody should fear this as it would be deemed trivial, but if you were entering a country in a vehicle filled with 10Kg's of Cocaine.

Of course the real concern is one that is always brought up... "Who will police the police?" Afterall this sort of equipment could be misused especially if the wrong people get those positions that matter. For instance a whole paedophile ring could harness this equipment, or terrorists, even blackmailers and perverts.

Normal people in the public could be manipulated to carry out atrocities that others fantasies about, like murders, rapes and robberies.
So there would have to be a mediation body brought in, and this is what would have to be discussed if you can get a politician to look at the subject without casting it aside as something fictional.

In the field test to which I was involved, Being 40 feet below ground, still doesn't mean you've escaped the matrix. The system was turned off when I was on a plane but only due to the navigation equipment being effected if it stayed on. (due to a departure and arrival being scheduled destination was known and due to a small squid craftily placed in the same technique as espionage methods would use, a beacon pulse of frequency enables the retuning to positioning on the system.]

(I would mention of the programming but to explain that isn't totally out of my field, but it requires a delicate precision as if the programmers and operators with artists that had paint brushes a hair in width doing some fine detailing.)

As for the mediated equipment:
The stuff that's being worked on at the moment is to aid the handicapped, people without the use of their limbs could utilise the movement of thought and a cursor to do things they couldn't before.

Of course with this mediated system there is no damage to cellular structure, or teeth. As the actual natural electromagnetics of the brain can be utilised (since there is a very low field surrounding the head).

This makes the cap version more user friendly, and less hazardous to health.

There are even possible usages of the equipment for graphical design, in my experience I was able to manipulate with the help of a combine imagination with the operators film shorts that could be seen as equal to that of major companies. (Discussions are in progress)

If you should fear that you are caught up in a trial, then you might like to consult
http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~welsh/ for more information.

As soon as another more prominent site is established I will post it.
Thank you Stryd for that detailed, and mind expanding post and primer on the history of psycho-electronic experimentation. Before linking to the davis.ca site you provided, I went to another group called the Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse, CAHRA, and you can check them out at http://www.raven1.net/index.html.

I've never read anything more terrifying on the internet than what I found at raven. I'm going to check out the davis site, I'm sure what I find will be similar.

If you've volunteered as a testee, then you apparently haven't been subjected to the military nonconsensual tests that CAHRA
describes. They state there are 300 deaths associated testing, such as MKULTRA, they attribute to the government's mind control experiments and "attacks", including suicides, cancer, and psychosis.

I have to ask why would you want to be affiliated in any way with a government, unregulated program that seeks to control and/or destroy the minds of innocent American citizens?

I certainly got my little question answered about what psychotronic devices are and how they work; it would seem they would have perfect applicability to harrass ufo and abductee "victims".
Admittedly the main problems are trying to get the questions answered of Who? and Why? (since the how has already been explained).

It's very easy to point at governments, especially because if they want access to an antenna in the form of bandwidth, they get it no questions asked.

In truth the real question is "Is it truly the government?", It's been very easy to point at them, but it's not necessarily the government utilising this equipment. Afterall if you look at the quotations and texts on the actual physics and usages of this equipment, you'll find particular Universities/Colleges and Lecturers talking about the usage.

When something in reasearched it's usually the academics that get their MIT<SUP>1</SUP>s on it.

<SUP>1</SUP> No pun intended M.I.T.

It's very easy to believe through a few experiences that the Anarchaic rabble of Doctorate ready Scholars is enough to drive the sanest person mad.

As I mentioned this type of equipment has been used to falsify alien abductions, UFO's, Crop circles, SHC, Ghosts and even Possessions. (pretty much making all present and future occurances of paranormal activities link to the activities of clandenstine research)

There are even Cults that use the particular equipment that these universities do, because the particular professors are involved in them. So watch out for those dodgy groups that only let the ones with Acalades in.

It's also noted that many Students have a perception of the world where they think there government is run by crooks, or that they aren't happy with the way things are. This means that their personal opinions are merged with the Corruption of having this equipment at their fingertips.

So they undermine governments by causing chaos with such systems, and feed to the individuals they use that the government is doing it, or point there thoughts to that line of blaming. Of course then you have another small point, the true espionage experts located somewhere else feeding the students.

There are many questions I would ask in assassinations, Serial killers and Bombers, like X-raying their brain to see if it has the same traits as those that have been exposed to such systems.

As for helping out the common man on the street, heres a few ideas:

Aluminium (tin Foil) Beenies will not work, especially if you have metalic tooth fillings, as an ionized taste can be presented.

If you want to to try and hide from these frequency bombardments, then I suggest building a "Faradays Cage", my personal understanding is to build multiple cages within each other. Similar to how the mess in microwave doors work etc.
(Personally I wish I could afford to fit out a room)

Don't go too near Broadcasting towers, as they might have a severe impact on an individual. (overpoweringly high radiation)

The broadcasts have been known to interfer with aeroplanes and their navigation equipment. (A few planes have been brought down by this equipment alone)

If your are a Medical Doctor that deals with the "Sweeping up" of people that have been effected by such systems, then you should consider fitting Faraday cages to your hospitals. (you might even notice that the patients are suddenly far better from the communications link being severed.)

It would be cool to use Fractalating algorythmic Radio jammers, but admittedly governments and law enforcement get all upset if you don't try for a permit first.
After digging around on the Subject of X-RAYS, I dug this up from NASA:

The Earth's atmosphere is thick enough that virtually no X-rays are able to penetrate from outer space all the way to the Earth's surface. This is good for us but also bad for astronomy - we have to put X-ray telescopes and detectors on satellites! We cannot do X-ray astronomy from the ground.

That means any X-rays found bombing around the underpart of our atmosphere are in a majority of being MANMADE.

Theorising about the detection of X-RAYS, I realise that ther must be some way to have a badge that changes due to an increase of X-RAYS similar to what are used on personnel at Nuclear Power plants. The idea came forwards from the NASA info and the understanding that particular film used with X-RAYS should only shade to a certain degree within natural light. Around individuals subject to the Psychotronics systems, the X-RAY levels should be considerably higher.

I mention X-RAYs due to the fact that they are used to penetrate the natural Blood Electromagnetics and also increase the Electromagnetic background due to the X-Ray's slowing down when they meet IRON within the blood. This slow down Generates more electromagnetic disturbance, enough to enhance the natural thought patterns to be picked up by the Doppler shift.(I kind of have a meaning for that usage of words that might not follow the actual "Doppler Shift" that most will know of)

The effects of X-ray's and over ionizing.
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To follow up with your last two posts, I have to say that the extent and civilian uses of electronic mind control devices have interesting, maybe therapeutic purposes, but the military and testing applications are diaboloical, and have clearly been used on American civilians, sometimes completely without their knowledge.

You didn't give your opinions on the death of some 300 known individuals from the illegal use of EM technologies. And you didn't respond to how you can be involved as a test subject knowing some of the military uses of this technology on innocent, nonconsensual test subjects. Not that you have to for my sake, I'm just curious.

You obviously are curious, and it seems to me, enthralled with this technology, and I greatly appreciate your insights. However, I'm appalled at the destructive uses of this technology, and the complete impunity that military, government, or a "shadow government", universities, and high-tech industries are allowed to operate without a moral compass.

You hadn't said you reviewed the raven site, and I believe it's the davis site that has the ominous quote from Senator Inouye. But this quote I send is from Dr. Jose Delgado, Director of Neuropshychiatry, Yale University Medical School, Congressional Record No. 26, Vol. 118, Feb. 24, 1974 (MKULTRA experimentor who demonstrated a radio-controlled bull on CNN in 1985. Taken from Page 1, of raven1.net/.

"We need a program of psychosurgery and political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutiliated.
The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his
own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Some day armies and generals will be controlled by electrical stimulation of the brain..."

Does any of the above seem like a good idea to you Stryd?
I'll give a clue as to when this equipment was placed into development.... George Orwells - 1984 was written in 1948, Published in 1949.

In 1947 the book would have been in the stages of writing, also the Transistor was created.


Also at that point in time the first powerful (for there time) computers were being created, like the Manchester MkI by 1949.


Okay so these are just historic foot notes that you might not see the tie in. Without Transistors, there wouldn't have been miniturisation, without computers psychotronics equipment would have been limited to completely destructive purposes (much as what is speculated with propaganda)

As for Orwells book, well the man would have been reading of the new technological advances in newspapers or possibly meeting them face to face to express just pure interest to gleam some jem of a future presentation from developers.

That's my understanding of the start, Although you can Add the growth of television networks, and the start of creation for Satellite equipment, the telecommunications empires were in the state of being founded.

The reason I mention very little about any death toll is purely because it could be dangerous to myself to do so, But I will mention that abuse of power can occur....

Take for instance if a man that controls the equipment is someone that was born into a prominently racist environment during the 1950's/60's, and found himself being lead into an understanding that some race was undermining his coutry. His own personal view could cause him to do many atrocities again and again.

First off, he might choose someone of an ethnic backgrounding as his "Killer" and then choose someone that was of the same ethnic backgrounding as himself who wasn't at all racist (perhaps even had cross-ethnic sexual contact) as the "Victim".
He sends the killer of and kills the victim and making sure he leaves enough evidence.

He's masterminded the almost perfect crime and got away with it, to strike again. This can be what a catalyses mass racism, a whole population can be turned on itself and in doing so land values can be kept low and everybody is placed into a state of control from fear of walking in the wrong neighbourhood.
I've seen it

You want to see one of these devices? Just go to basically an short-term psychiatric center. And by the way, these devices are NOT to "reflect" emotions, but to create a feedback loop in the psyche to control "fake personality" expression, and to create a "residual self image" in one's mind so that their thoughts/emotions etc. are easily expressed. I don't know the EXACT physical/metaphysical mechanics of how it's done, but I can confidently say that I know about this stuff than almost anyone, as I have been through the psychiatric system, and have intuitively observed it all.
I've seen it

And something most people, even people high in the research don't know is that those "heaters" inside the rooms are actually machines that a form of object orientated sound references to catalog introductions to thoughts, I perceived that they can only catalog iterations of thoughts up to 8MB, with 250 bytes as
being the marker for each "thought". The victim is tried to be drawn into synthetic telepathy with the device by the uses of "clicking sounds", and the sound of airflow, you can actually cheat one of these devices using cognitive skills.
Sounds like high tech imagery of the 'psychic vampirism' to me..

This was a desired state in the 80's for some. A person who could literally sap the strength out of all encompassed by his/her aura. Upon desire, they could inflict emotional trauma.

The apparatus mentioned would be the 'dev form of this. It didn't fly well 2 decades ago. And the current thrust at distraction of the sorts isn't fairing well, either.שּׂ