Mirror Neurones


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
Hi there. My second post here. I was just wondering if any of you have seen the article in New Scientist a few months ago about mirror neurones. The research into them suggested that a certain type of neurones picks up EM emissions from other brains and gives us an idea of the brain activity of others. Possibly a plain old biological explanation for telepathy?
Haha.. I thought you said mirror neurosis and couldn´t figure your post out :)

Yeah, why not. Everything emits energy at some level so why shouldn´t most parapsychological phenomena be rooted in biology. All energy fields can be manipulated or read with the right equipment. Decyphering should be the tricky part, but a human brain should have no problem unscrambling thoughts if fed them directly.

I´ve slapped a guy with pure thoughts of malice. It´s easy :)
(but my slapping days are long over, physical and mental)
don't worry. "Telepathic abilities" have been shown over and over again to have inconclusive (read: no evidence at all in the least) outcomes.

Do not avoid them. Embrace them all you won't. It will not matter. Nothing will come of it. The only way you will not have peace of mind is if you drive yourself crazy with ridiculous beliefs.