

Registered Member
Hi all, I really appreciate participating in your forum and will start my posting with a new information discovered in the United States and would like to have your comments on the declared phenomenon.

The Scientific Miracles

I’m not a religious but astonished to know that Quran contains unbelievable scientific facts discovered just in the last century.

This is really amazing.

· Astronomy!
· Mountains!
· Human Embryology!
· Oceans And Seas!
· The Movement Of Clouds!
· The Cerebrum!
· The Shape Of The Earth!
· The Expansion Of The Universe!
· The Sensory Characteristic Of The Skin!
· Formation Of Iron!
· The Lowest Part On The Face Of The Earth!
· The Sequence Of Day And Night!
· The Snow Age!
· New Diseases!
· Cnn Top Ten Discoveries Of 1998

You can find more info of the Scientists Declaration on the following site:

Scientists Declaration

· Keith L.Moore
· E. Marshall Johnson
· T.V.N. Persaud
· Joe Leigh Simpson
· Gerald C. Goeringer
· Alfred Kroner
· Yushidi Kusan
· Professor Armstrong
· William Hay
· Durja Rao
· Professor Siaveda
· Tejatat Tejasen
· Dr. Maurice Bucaille

Embryology, diseases, the cerebrum and the sensory characteristic of the skin have little to do with physics. Many of the other topics listed could also be better placed under different fora on this website.

Are there any specific verses from the Koran pertaining to either physics or mathematics that you wish to discuss?

It appears that much of what is said supposedly foretelling recent scientific discoveries is rather ambiguous and open to interpretation. The interpretations are being made only in light of what we actually know about nature now.

Has anyone used to Koran to determine something about nature which they have been able to confirm with science?
We have to believe that The Qur’an, the Torah, the Gospel are Scriptures of Allah that He sent down to His Messengers, peace be upon them. The “Qur’an” is Allah’s speech, not a created thing that may perish nor is it an attribute of any created thing. Qur’an is not such as could ever be produced by other than Allah, rather, it is the confirmation of that which was before it, (i.e., the Torah and the Gospel, etc.)

Allah commands the Muslims to refer all their disputes to the Qur’an for final judgment. The Qur’an was compiled in its final form at a time when the first Muslims to commit it to memory were still alive. Allah has promised to preserve it, and it will be preserved until the Day of Resurrection. The Muslims today read and recite the Qur’anic texts exactly as they were read and recited during the lifetime of the Prophet Muhammad

The difference between the miracles of the previous Messengers, which proved their veracity, and that of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, is that theirs took place during the lifetime of each one of them, whereas the miracle of the Qur’an remains effective, everlasting, and challenging until the Day of Resurrection.

Some Aspects of the Miraculous Nature of the Qur’an :

Scholars have mentioned three particular aspects of the miraculous nature of the Qur’an. Al-Baqillani quoted:

One of them is that it contains information about the unseen, and that is something beyond the powers of humans, for they have no way to attain it. The Qur’an foretold the victory of the Romans against the Persians. Allah says:

The Romans have been defeated in the land nearby, and they, after their defeat, will bevictorious.12

The second aspect is that it is well known that the Prophet was an illiterate who could neither write nor read. Likewise it was generally recognized that he had no knowledge whatever of the books of the earlier people, nor of their records, or histories. Yet he produced summaries of past great and important events such as the stories of the previous Prophets and their peoples.

A person who reads the Qur’an objectively will realize that the prophesies in it are far removed from conjecture or speculation. This is due to the fact that the One Who revealed it is the One who preceded all events till the Day of Resurrection.

The Qur’an as Comprehensive Legislation

The Qur’an constitutes the most comprehensive concept of Islam on the practical level as the source of the shari’ah, or the Divine laws and legislation. It is comprehensive because it includes law, as well as the underlying purposes and moral principles, and the creed to which every Muslim must subscribe. Islamic shari’ah is designed and suitable not only for Muslims, but for all mankind at all times. The Islamic law governs all human acts, by delineating every person’s public or private duties toward Allah and toward His Creation, including man.

Science and the Qur’an

Muhammad was unlettered. He could neither read nor write, and he grew up in Makkah where there were no schools. He lived far away from the circles of science and scholars that existed in Syria, Alexandria, Athens, or Rome. Moreover, the scientific facts mentioned in the Qur’an were not known in that time.
The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth

Man’s knowledge of the origin of the universe is very limited. Scientists have proposed hypotheses and theories of evolution centered around one theme: the primordial fireball and the primordial era of matter and antimatter. According to these theories, the universe consisted mainly of strongly interacting particles. The primordial matter and antimatter eventually annihilated each other and those particles that survived formed the present universe.15 This theory is given further credence because it conforms to the basic process of the development of the universe as presented very simply in the Qur’an. Allah commands His Messenger, to ask the unbelievers:

Say (to them): Do you disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days? And yet you set up equals to Him, who is the Rub of the worlds. And He placed therein-firm mountains above its (the earth’s) surface and blessed it, and in four days equitably apportioned the means of subsistence to all who would seek it. Then (Allah) turned to the heaven when it was smoke (yet only gaseous) and said to it and to the earth: Submit willingly or unwillingly! They both said: “We submit in willing obedience.” Then He decreed that they become seven heavens in two days, and imparted to each (of the seven) its function. And we decorated the heaven nearest to earth with lights and made them secure. Such is the decree of the All Mighty, the all knowing.

And Allah says:

Are the unbelievers not aware that the heavens and the earth were once a single entity which we then separated, and that we made every living thing out of water? 17 Will they not then (begin to) believe? 18

The concept of rending one unit into two or more, and the celestial “smoke” referred to in the above, confirms what is considered to be factual scientific data. The English physicist and astronomer, Sir James, wrote:

We have found that, as Newton first conjectured, a chaotic mass of gas of approximately uniform density and of very great extent would be dynamically unstable: nuclei would tend to form in it, around which the whole of matter would ultimately condense.” On the basis of this theory he proposed that all celestial objects originated by a process of fragmentaion.19
The space program helped verify the homogeneity of the substances of which the moon, the earth, and other planets are formed. “Such statements in the Qur’an concerning the creation, which appeared nearly fourteen centuries ago, “Dr. Bucaille concluded, “obviously do not lend themselves to a human explanation,”20

Human Reproduction

The complexities of human reproduction were decoded and understood only after the invention of the microscope, which were invented hundreds of years after the death of Muhammad. But the Qur’an refers to all the stages through which the human embryo passes. As Allah says:

Verily, We created man from the quintessence of mud. Then we placed him as a drop of sperm in a safe depository. Then we fashioned the drop of sperm in a safe depository. Then we fashioned the drop of sperm into a thing that clings, and then we fashioned the thing that clings into a chewed lump (of flesh), and we fashioned the chewed flesh into bones. Then we clothed the bones with (intact) flesh. Then we developed it into a different (form of) creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of creators.21

The observations of modern science indicate the stages of human reproduction are:

1. Fertilization of an ovule, which takes place in the fallopian tubes. The fertilizing agent is the male sperm.
2. The implantation of the fertilized egg, which takes place at a precise spot in the female reproductive system. It descends into the uterus and lodges in the body of the uterus. Once the embryo begins to be observable to the naked eye, it looks like a small mass of flesh. It grows there in progressive stages well known today, which lead to the bone structure, the muscles, the nervous and circulatory system, and the viscera, etc.

In conclusion, Dr. Bucaille ascertains:

More than a thousand years before our time, at a period when whimsical doctrines still prevailed, men had knowledge of the Qur’an. The statements it contains express in simple terms primordial truths that man has taken centuries to discover by him.


Can we please get this ridiculous bit of propaganda removed It has been gone over here and discounted so many times it is tiresome. Salim2 check for other threads about this topic before creating a new duplicate thread.
Since science is the continuous unfolding of truths, driven by skeptical inquiry, why promote a fixed version of truth, which is philosophically opposed to doubt?
Sorry salim2, but this is all mountains out of molehills stuff.

You and many others have made the mistake of presuming your ancestors where ignorant and stupid. Nothing could be further from the truth. Arabia is on the trade routes between Greek, Egypt and India. Whilst Mecca was off the main trade routes, people talk to people who talk to people who talk to the people of Mecca. Stories and ideas do spread fast.
Whilst Muhammad may have been illiterate, the people around him were not. Remember he had scribes to write down the surahs. At least one of his relatives was a Christian and there where Jews living in Mecca. So he had ample opportunity to hear the stories on the Bible in his first forty years of life. Also don’t forget the storytellers who made a living travelling from town to town entertaining everybody with their tales of the past.
As for science, everybody is interested in the world around them and the what and why of it all.

The idea that there is anything in the Quran which was not known is simply not true. Many of the claims are down to reinterpreting a few words to try to get them to agree with the latest scientific ideas. They don’t.

Take the shape of the earth.
79:30And after that he spread the earth.
"However the word in Arabic being translated here to "spread" has another meaning in the Arabic language and that is "Egg shaped" Allah only Knows ! The actual word in Arabic is pronounced as "dahaha".”

So if the world is round the Quran is right . If the world is flat the Quran is right!

Apparently it’s all down to ostrich eggs being buried flat.


Many answers are here.


Say (to them): Do you disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two days? And yet you set up equals to Him, who is the Rub of the worlds. And He placed therein-firm mountains above its (the earth’s) surface and blessed it, and in four days equitably apportioned the means of subsistence to all who would seek it. Then (Allah) turned to the heaven when it was smoke (yet only gaseous) and said to it and to the earth: Submit willingly or unwillingly! They both said: “We submit in willing obedience.” Then He decreed that they become seven heavens in two days, and imparted to each (of the seven) its function. And we decorated the heaven nearest to earth with lights and made them secure. Such is the decree of the All Mighty, the all knowing.
This states that the heavens where created after the earth, not before as science states.
The idea of the universe starting as a gas cloud goes back to the Greeks who believed the universe began as Chaos.

Are the unbelievers not aware that the heavens and the earth were once a single entity which we then separated, and that we made every living thing out of water? 17 Will they not then (begin to) believe? 18
The earth did not exist until over 8 billion years after the Big bang.
We are full of water but not made of it. We are made of carbon and calcium.

Verily, We created man from the quintessence of mud. Then we placed him as a drop of sperm in a safe depository. Then we fashioned the drop of sperm in a safe depository. Then we fashioned the drop of sperm into a thing that clings, and then we fashioned the thing that clings into a chewed lump (of flesh), and we fashioned the chewed flesh into bones. Then we clothed the bones with (intact) flesh. Then we developed it into a different (form of) creation. So blessed be Allah, the best of creators.21
Everybody had made the connection between sex and babies. There is no mention of an egg, only sperm. Again everybody knew that if you plant a seed it will grow. (How come the bones grow before the flesh?).

Dr. Bucaille never converted to Islam but he did make a lot of money.
The literal word of God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. How could anyone have possibly known these stages 1400 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered these stages using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist 1400 years ago.
The literal word of God describes the structure of mountains that modern geology has only recently confirmed.
The literal word of God mentions the origin of the universe. Someone who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not be in a position to find out from his own mind that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.
The literal word of God describes the cerebrum. Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last 60 years.
The literal word of God describes the barrier between the seas and rivers. This information has been discovered only recently, using advanced equipment. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet or the division of water in estuaries.
The literal word of God describes the structure of clouds that meteorologists and scientists have only recently come to know. Their modern ideas on meteorology were dominant 14 centuries ago when the literal word of God was revealed.
I believe salim2 to be the clone of proud muslim
it's the muslim version of WE ARE WES

salim these statement and links have been done to death, give it a rest now.
it's becoming boring give us something new to discuss PLEASE
salim2 said:
Hi all, I really appreciate participating in your forum and will start my posting with a new information discovered in the United States and would like to have your comments on the declared phenomenon.

The Scientific Miracles

I’m not a religious but astonished to know that Quran contains unbelievable scientific facts discovered just in the last century.

Stupid Islamist lies, deceptions and reinterpretations. Those have been refuted here...

Shalom aleikum,
I don't doubt that ancient Arabs knew more about biology and geology than we give them credit, and Mohammad incorporated much of this intuitive knowledge into the Koran, the book of his sayings compiled after his death in AD. 632. "Seek and you shall find", has more than one meaning. One is, with determination, you will find the truth. The other is, in seeking, we are prejudiced, and find not the ultimate truth, but only that particular truth we set out to find. I think with many holy books, you may find in them confirmation of what we believed already. In this case, that the natural science in the Koran was over and above what was possible for people of that time to know, and therefore was dictated by a higher power.
Igor Trip said:
Dr. Bucaille never converted to Islam but he did make a lot of money.

Exactly. The smart bastard. Hmmm a little more cash wouldnt hurt. Maybe I can do the same. :D
salim2 said:
The literal word of God speaks about the stages of man's embryonic development. How could anyone have possibly known these stages 1400 years ago, when scientists have only recently discovered these stages using advanced equipment and powerful microscopes which did not exist 1400 years ago.

Many women have miscarriages. Who ever clears up the mess will see the foetus.
The Qurans description of embryonic development is apparently very similar to that of the physician Galen which all doctors at that time studied.

The literal word of God describes the structure of mountains that modern geology has only recently confirmed.
Anybody who wants to move a boulder knows much of it is buried.

The literal word of God mentions the origin of the universe. Someone who did not know something about nuclear physics 1400 years ago could not be in a position to find out from his own mind that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.

All religions mention the beginning of the universe. The description is wrong (read up on the big bang). There is no mention of nuclear physics.

The literal word of God describes the cerebrum. Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last 60 years.

YUSUFALI: Let him beware! If he desist not, We will drag him by the forelock,-
PICKTHAL: Nay, but if he cease not We will seize him by the forelock -
SHAKIR: Nay! if he desist not, We would certainly smite his forehead,

And compare them with Yusufali’s footnote with regards to another verse that contains the same saying:
· In 11:56, footnote 1551, "I put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord! There is not a moving creature, but He hath grasp of its forelock, Verily, it is my Lord that is on a straight Path." "Grasp of the fore-lock; an Arabic idiom, referring to a horse's forelock. The man who grasps it has complete power over the horse, and for the horse the fore-lock is as it were the crown of his beauty, the sum of his power of self-assertion. So Allah's power over all creatures is unlimited and no one can withstand His decree."
{Thanks Dr No)

The literal word of God describes the barrier between the seas and rivers. This information has been discovered only recently, using advanced equipment. The human eye cannot see the difference between the two seas that meet or the division of water in estuaries.

All sailors are aware of the differences between salt and fresh water, which include different taste, different fish and different buoyancy for their boats. They were well aware of the transition between the two, which is not a barrier as they do eventually mix.

The literal word of God describes the structure of clouds that meteorologists and scientists have only recently come to know. Their modern ideas on meteorology were dominant 14 centuries ago when the literal word of God was revealed.
Common observation.

Please salim2, read a science book as well as the Quran.
pavlosmarcos said:
I believe salim2 to be the clone of proud muslim
it's the muslim version of WE ARE WES

salim these statement and links have been done to death, give it a rest now.
it's becoming boring give us something new to discuss PLEASE
Hey guys we are here to educate.
This rubbish is being fed to millions of people, some off whom convert to Islam because of it.
It needs to be refuted at every opportunity.
So when a new guy turns up spouting the same stuff, we have a duty to correct it not just insult him.
Islam is frequently misunderstood and may even seem exotic in some parts of today's world. Perhaps this is because religion no longer dominates everyday life in Western society; whereas, for Muslims, Islam is life. Muslims make no artificial division between the secular and the sacred.

For quite some time Islam was thought of as some "Eastern" religion, but with the increasing number of Muslims living in the West, Islam is gradually being perceived as a global faith. Muslims are not thought of as strangers with unusual practices, but are being welcomed as part of the mosaic of life in the West. In many cases, Islam is not just viewed as an acceptable religion, but as a desired way of living.

This is not to outbid on Islam. Islam a brilliant religion by itself and doesn't need any preaching or missionary work or me. In the same time I don’t think those Scientists are stupid:

· Keith L.Moore
· E. Marshall Johnson
· T.V.N. Persaud
· Joe Leigh Simpson
· Gerald C. Goeringer
· Alfred Kroner
· Yushidi Kusan
· Professor Armstrong
· William Hay
· Durja Rao
· Professor Siaveda
· Tejatat Tejasen

So Maybe because of these scientific miracles Islam becomes the fastest-growing religion in America and in the world? Although religion is no longer dominates everyday life in Western society.

A NATION CHALLENGED: AMERICAN MUSLIMS; Islam Attracts Converts By the Thousand, Drawn Before and After Attacks
Source: The New York Times: October 22, 2001, Monday
Section: National Desk


"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..." Hillary Rodman Clinton, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3

Famous people are affected too:

Singer "Cat Stevens" Hear his story as told him

It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we follow. It is unreasonable to think that so many American converted to Islam without careful consideration and deep contemplation before concluding that Islam is true. These Americans came from different classes, races and walks of life. They include scientists, professors, philosophers, journalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, artists, lawmakers, chefs, laborers, and every other sort of person imaginable.
salim2 said:
Islam is frequently misunderstood and may even seem exotic in some parts of today's world. Perhaps this is because religion no longer dominates everyday life in Western society; whereas, for Muslims, Islam is life. Muslims make no artificial division between the secular and the sacred.

For most people in the west islam seems more primitive than exotic. The west has gone through a long period where life was dominated by religion and thankfully been able to move beyond that to make religion a private matter. What muslims misunderstand about the western view of religion is that it doesn't have to be worn like a t-shirt to have profound meaning for a person. It is this all encompassing model of religion that leads to corruption and abuse of any divine message, look at the mullahs in Iran, look at osama, look at Omar Bahkri, the 6 imams expelled from europe in the last month for preaching hated and violence. As for artificial divisions between the sacred and the secular islam has had 1400 years to get it right and yet look at the state of the muslim world today where is that sacred islamic regime? I know as usual you will scapegoat the west or any other thing you can to excuse the deficiencies in the muslim world it is a standard muslim ploy "pass the buck" (buck meaning responsibility). I also know like most muslims you will probably wax lyrically about the "golden age" Well the "golden age" isn't all it is cracked up to be by muslims it was a period of ruthless military expansion fueled by the assimilation of the nomadic turks who were at the peak of their power. There was also much conflict within the ummah itself especially between the persians and turks but also others (I can provide sources if needed).

For quite some time Islam was thought of as some "Eastern" religion, but with the increasing number of Muslims living in the West, Islam is gradually being perceived as a global faith. Muslims are not thought of as strangers with unusual practices, but are being welcomed as part of the mosaic of life in the West. In many cases, Islam is not just viewed as an acceptable religion, but as a desired way of living.

There will always be people who seek some religious meaning to life in the west and some of those may choose islam. I was raised as a christian by my mother but she has since converted to buddhism and I am agnostic. The number of muslims in the west is mainly due to immigration not conversion and you may ask yourself why did all those immigrant muslims living in the west decide it waas better to live amongst the kaffir rather than amongst fellow muslims. Personally I and most people in the west don't have a problem with people wanting to become muslims this is the solution we have arrived at in the west you practice what you believe and I practice what I believe as long as the secular arena is neutral this works quite well (remember it took the west almost 1600 hard years to learn this lesson). Therein lies the main problem that the west has with islam as you yourself said above islam doesn't just want your soul it wants EVERYTHING! If you expect the west to just discard all lessons learned then you are in for a world of frustration.

This is not to outbid on Islam. Islam a brilliant religion by itself and doesn't need any preaching or missionary work or me.

This is your opinion, I have done alot of reading on islam books, quran, hadith, and sunnah and am not impressed.

So Maybe because of these scientific miracles Islam becomes the fastest-growing religion in America and in the world? Although religion is no longer dominates everyday life in Western society.

As mentioned earlier these supposed miracles are nothing of the sort maybe to a muslim ready to swallow anything he is told but not to an educated non-muslim.

A NATION CHALLENGED: AMERICAN MUSLIMS; Islam Attracts Converts By the Thousand, Drawn Before and After Attacks
Source: The New York Times: October 22, 2001, Monday
Section: National Desk


"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..." Hillary Rodman Clinton, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3

Famous people are affected too:

Singer "Cat Stevens" Hear his story as told him

It seems to be the sign of a weak argument whenthe same information is regurgitated over and over again. Cat Stevens is a real tragedy here is a man who wrote some of the best music about life and love stuff that could really bring a tear to your eye who only 20 years later is calling for the death of soem kaffir sad really sad.

It may be argued that all religions teach good things so why should it matter which one we follow. It is unreasonable to think that so many American converted to Islam without careful consideration and deep contemplation before concluding that Islam is true. These Americans came from different classes, races and walks of life. They include scientists, professors, philosophers, journalists, doctors, nurses, teachers, artists, lawmakers, chefs, laborers, and every other sort of person imaginable.

No it is not unreasonable most don't really know what islam is all about. Just the other day I watched a program about christians in america who dance around with poisonous snakes during mass they claim it is in the bible and it proves their faith people can convert to anything that fills some need they have. Choice of belief doesn't have to be done with deep consideration we are talking about faith in the unseeable after all.
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