

Registered Senior Member
I don't believe in miracles or anything else "supernatural" but with all these testimonies of their occuring from other people, it has got me wondering. Have any of you witnessed anything supernatural?
On the same note, what is magic(k)? Psycological manipulation of electromagnetic fields? Or just rituals to help one concentrate?

Are Fae creatures demons that try to lead people away from the true religion? Are they aliens? (taller than humans, with almond-shaped eyes, mythological elves had "magical powers" and were known to abduct humans)
i have seen a dude that can conjuer fireballs on tv
Taller than humans?

Originally posted by LostInThought7
On the same note, what is magic(k)? Psycological manipulation of electromagnetic fields? Or just rituals to help one concentrate?

Are Fae creatures demons that try to lead people away from the true religion? Are they aliens? (taller than humans, with almond-shaped eyes, mythological elves had "magical powers" and were known to abduct humans)
(Dear Lost, Welcome to sciforums. Interesting subject, manipulation of electromagnetic fields. I'd like to learn more about this. Certainly rituals help us to concentrate. Fairy tales like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, tell a story of little men finding a beautiful girl and taking care of her. This story is based on Pygmalion and Beauty and the Beast. So many fairy tales refer to the beautiful girl and the Prince and the evil woman which represents the RCC. Okay, I digress.

I've never read where aliens are taller than humans. Of course, they may be taller than me at 5'3".)
Lost in Thought.

Well I have seen an angel before and it was kindof scary at first because it is like an unknown person was in the apartment with me. I didn't see a face as it may because it was kindof going away from me into another room in the apartment. Very weird. My friend has seen demons all growing up which took different forms. I know some people believe it is a mental illusion, but if you see them, you wont think it is an illusion.
Angels & other spirits

Originally posted by Quigly
Well I have seen an angel before and it was kindof scary at first because it is like an unknown person was in the apartment with me.
(Was it an "angel" or other "spirit?")
I didn't see a face as it may because it was kindof going away from me into another room in the apartment. Very weird.
(I've had visions like this, too, but they are usually whom I think are recently departed relatives. I didn't get a full look, but from my peripheral vision, I saw something moving. I wasn't scared, though.)
My friend has seen demons all growing up which took different forms. I know some people believe it is a mental illusion, but if you see them, you wont think it is an illusion.
(I was living in Europe the night my father died in the USA. I had no forewarning or conversation with my family. I was sitting in my living room when all of a sudden a very cold breeze came through the house. I saw my Dad in spirit form (like a blue flame light) come through my living room door and went directly to the back bedrooms where my children were sleeping. One by one, when they all got up, they told me they dreamed about Grandpa. I got the phone call late that afternoon saying he had died in his sleep. With the time difference between the US and Europe, he appeared to us just about the time he died. I'll never forget that as long as I live.)
Medicine Woman

I've heard theories about how magick is the manipulation of these fields. The theory talks about auras (humans have iron in their body) and why paganism started in Britain (long. and lat. intersection: world's field is the strongest there). I don't know much about it though...

More about "Miracles" though

Why would God (the Judao-Christian God) need to cheat every now and then. I say cheat, because he sets up all these scientific processes throughout nature and to break the rules every now and then seems to not make any sense. Ex: One of the greatest miracles (to me) is the birth of a child. God sets up this big, elaborate scientific process...if he was going to cheat and break the rules, why wouldn't he just sit up there and snap his fingers and say, "HUMAN!" every time he wanted another human in the world?

It makes me think that miracles (and magick) are really just some biotechnology thing that we haven't fully discovered yet
as a rule of thumb i never believe anything that i cant perceive with my own 5 senses. usually when i do witness something extra-ordinary i try to find ways to make myself believe it was nothing more than a coincidence. i would have to say that i agree with you, lost in thought.....i dont believe in miracles
Magick & Magnetism

Originally posted by LostInThought7
Medicine Woman

I've heard theories about how magick is the manipulation of these fields. The theory talks about auras (humans have iron in their body) and why paganism started in Britain (long. and lat. intersection: world's field is the strongest there). I don't know much about it though...
(Very interesting! I do believe in the effects of magnetism. Paganism starting in Britain is an interesting theory, too. Here's a little true story that I can't explain except that it must have something to do with an electromagnetic field. I was walking into a supermarket and I stepped on the electronic eye door opener. The door didn't open. My first thought was that the store was closed. Looked at my watch. Looked in the store. All the while I'm standing there on the mat that opens the door. My second thought was that the door was broken. I stood there sort of stomping on the mat to open the door, but it wouldn't open. My children, watching all this, procede to step on the mat and the door opened. Well, I didn't think much about this incident until it happened to me again! There was no one behind me to step on the mat. Now, mind you, I'm a healthy, robust woman, sort of Rubenesque, so I am puzzled why this has happened to me now 3 times. Also, when I go into a watch shop or electronic store, something interferes with my magnetic field and I feel like things are crawling on me. I can't stay in these places very long. Any ideas?
More about "Miracles" though

Why would God (the Judao-Christian God) need to cheat every now and then. I say cheat, because he sets up all these scientific processes throughout nature and to break the rules every now and then seems to not make any sense. Ex: One of the greatest miracles (to me) is the birth of a child. God sets up this big, elaborate scientific process...if he was going to cheat and break the rules, why wouldn't he just sit up there and snap his fingers and say, "HUMAN!" every time he wanted another human in the world?

It makes me think that miracles (and magick) are really just some biotechnology thing that we haven't fully discovered yet
(I think you're onto something here! Well birthing a baby is not very scientific. My personal opinion is that the birthing process has to take place like it does so there would be instant mother-baby bonding. This is so important at this time because when they turn 13, it usually prevents you from killing them. Human babies, unlike ape babies, are born facing down whereas ape babies are born sunny-side up, so the mother can reach down and pull the baby out. It's as if human babies are born backwards! A human mother cannot easily reach down and pull on the baby without bending its spine backwards. Not a safe and comfortable thing to do to a baby as it's being born.

If birthing babies were uneventful, we'd be popping them out every nine months without a thought. It would be no more dynamic than having a regular cycle. It would be nothing more than an easy biological function. We'd be overrun with more idiots.

I think magick is probably nothing more than creative visualization or wishful thinking. All the paraphanalia that can be used with magick enables those thoughts or desires to come true.)
This thread probably belongs more on one of those paranormal or science sections, but this has a religious slant: paranormal things that have been worked into religions so the religion won't seem lacking.

Do you think that, at one time, magick and/or otherworldly beings existed, but now, for some reason, they don't? Why don't miracles happen anymore? In past stories, magick was a powerful, phyisical force, now it is just some kind of karma boosting, concentrational thing? What happened?(I'd like to get the thoughts of those who believe in miracles/magick, though anyone is welcome to reply).
'Detection' is probably a more accurate term.

Originally posted by Gadget252
as a rule of thumb i never believe anything that i cant perceive with my own 5 senses.

Can you perceive low levels of electromagnetic induction with your five senses?

Can you perceive DNA and RNA sequences with your own five senses?

Can you perceive wave oscillations < 20 Hz with your own senses?

You're probably not able to perceive any of the things I mentioned with your five immediate senses. But they can all be independently and objectively verified.

usually when i do witness something extra-ordinary i try to find ways to make myself believe it was nothing more than a coincidence. i would have to say that i agree with you, lost in thought.....i dont believe in miracles

No, I don't believe in "miracles" either. But there is an enormous difference between being able to perceive/distinguish using our inherent five senses and "detectability". Being deaf, for example, does not imply the non-existence of audible (20 - 20kHz, for humans) wavelengths.

u may be more correct on the wording for my post, mrmufin....but i am willing to bet that the brilliant minds that freaquent this section will be able to understand what im trying to say. i was trying to convey that i base my life on scientific proof, which is included in your examples. lets try to discuss the issues here and not argue over my word usage.
hey lostinthought i am not for miracles you see i believe that every thing is for a purpose every one is set to leive at a certain time now if god was the one who made this plan then why would he have to fics things that he set up to happen for instaince my mom believs with all of her heart that there was a miracle that keep me alive i was born with crib death sindrum wich is where babies quit breething while they sleep so one night before she put me back in to the crib she decided to hold me just a little longer i wasn't 10 minutes and i quit breething so if she would have put me down when she was then i would probably be dead so she thinks that that was a miracle but i just think that i was needed for something when i am older so there are no such thing as a miracle
The Miracle of our Soul

This is about original success instead of original sin as told by a Rabbi.

Before your soul descended to this world, it was known it would succeed. If not in this lifetime, in another, or yet another--eventually it will fulfill its entire mission. And in each lifetime, there will be gains made.

That knowledge itself is the origin of the soul. It is also the origin of all that exists in your world--it is the point of inspiration that brought all things to be. It lies at the essence of all things.

The power is there, and there is nothing that can stand in its way. Your job is no more than to make it real.

A Daily Dose of Wisdom from the Rebbe
-words and condensation by Tzvi Freeman
8 Nissan, 5763 * April 10, 2003
Originally posted by LostInThought7
Why would God (the Judao-Christian God) need to cheat every now and then. I say cheat, because he sets up all these scientific processes throughout nature and to break the rules every now and then seems to not make any sense. Ex: One of the greatest miracles (to me) is the birth of a child. God sets up this big, elaborate scientific process...if he was going to cheat and break the rules, why wouldn't he just sit up there and snap his fingers and say, "HUMAN!" every time he wanted another human in the world?

It makes me think that miracles (and magick) are really just some biotechnology thing that we haven't fully discovered yet
You have half of it right: "miracles" are usually just things that go against our expectations - they are exceptions to the rule. For instance, the ability to fly would have been regarded a miracle in Biblical times, but it's commonplace today. But life itself is the greatest miracle of all, yet we are so used to it that nobody considers it a miracle.

But God is more interested in our ability to see and do miracles; as in the movie Bruce Almighty, to "be the miracle". Since God's work is already a "miracle", with Jesus they were signs of his authority. Even the pharoah's advisors could imitate Moses' miracles, but God's as work establishes his authority, so God's miracles establishes faith. Every time Jesus healed somebody, He said "your faith has healed you", and He still said those after him would do "greater miracles than these".

Faith and love are greater miracles than anybody thinks. The ability to believe in God, to believe in life after death, are also miracles. But to people who don't believe in miracles, they are merely stupidities. Watch the Mel Gibson movie Signs, although it's simplistic, you can easily see the connection between miracles and faith.

You don't need an angel to come down from heaven in order to have faith, and faith doesn't include everything from the start, it is slowly and cautiously built up. Like all miracles, life and faith are born of God, and mature slowly once they are conceived.