Miracles We'll Never See


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
This latest spat of miracles is a nice change and funny as well. However I'm convinced that there are some miracles that will never occur.

My short list:

1. Canada wins the World Cup
2. Amputee grows new leg after faith healing session
3. All Jews, Christians and Muslims say 'fuck it, let's dance'
4. 400 passengers survive Jet plunge from 35000 feet into explosives factory
5. PsychoticEpisode drives by Chinese buffet, defies urge to dine

Just a few, there are more. Please share yours with us.
jmpet stays up way late, full of pot, alcohol and prescription meds and solves all the problems of the world with a song that cures the world.
An evenly applied skepticism.

i used to do that before i got used to sciforums, i called it "being skeptical of your skepticism".. works well with smart people(i.e myself), but you tend to forget it with dealing with people who just don't get it.